
Algorithmic Affordances in Recommender Interfaces


Recommenders play a significant role in our daily lives, making decisions for users on a regular basis. Their widespread adoption necessitates a thorough examination of how users interact with recommenders and the algorithms that drive them. An important form of interaction in these systems are algorithmic affordances: means that provide users with perceptible control over the algorithm by, for instance, providing context (‘find a movie for this profile’), weighing criteria (‘most important is the main actor’), or evaluating results (‘loved this movie’). The assumption is that these algorithmic affordances impact interaction qualities such as transparency, trust, autonomy, and serendipity, and as a result, they impact the user experience. Currently, the precise nature of the relation between algorithmic affordances, their specific implementations in the interface, interaction qualities, and user experience remains unclear. Subjects that will be discussed during the workshop, therefore, include but are not limited to the impact of algorithmic affordances and their implementations on interaction qualities, balances between cognitive overload and transparency in recommender interfaces containing algorithmic affordances; and reasons why research into these types of interfaces sometimes fails to cross the research-practice gap and are not landing in the design practice. As a potential solution the workshop committee proposes a library of examples of algorithmic affordances design patterns and their implementations in recommender interfaces enriched with academic research concerning their impact. The final part of the workshop will be dedicated to formulating guiding principles for such a library.



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