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© 2025 SURF
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Abstract: Clinicians find it challenging to engage with patients who engage in self-harm. Improving the self-efficacy of professionals who treat self-harm patients may be an important step toward accomplishing better treatment of self-harm. However, there is no instrument available that assesses the self-efficacy of clinicians dealing with self-harm. The aim of this study is to describe the development and validation of the Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire (SEDSHQ). This study tests the questionnaire’s feasibility, test-retest reliability, internal consistency, content validity, construct validity (factor analysis and convergent validity) and sensitivity to change. The Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire is a 27-item instrument which has a 3-factor structure, as found in confirmatory factor analysis. Testing revealed high content validity, significant correlation with a subscale of the Attitude Towards Deliberate Self-Harm Questionnaire (ADSHQ), satisfactory test-retest correlation and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.95. Additionally, the questionnaire was able to measure significant changes after an intervention took place, indicating sensitivity to change. We conclude that the present study indicates that the Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing the level of self-efficacy in response to self-harm.
Background Differing perspectives of self-harm may result in a struggle between patients and treatment staff. As a consequence, both sides have difficulty communicating effectively about the underlying problems and feelings surrounding self-harm. Between 2009 and 2011, a programme was developed and implemented to train mental health care staff (nurses, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and occupational therapists) in how to communicate effectively with and care for patients who self-harm. An art exhibition focusing on self-harm supported the programme. Lay experts in self-harm, i.e. people who currently harm themselves, or who have harmed themselves in the past and have the skills to disseminate their knowledge and experience, played an important role throughout the programme. Methods Paired sample t-tests were conducted to measure the effects of the training programme using the Attitude Towards Deliberate Self-Harm Questionnaire, the Self-Perceived Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire, and the Patient Contact Questionnaire. Effect sizes were calculated using r. Participants evaluated the training programme with the help of a survey. The questionnaires used in the survey were analysed descriptively. Results Of the 281 persons who followed the training programme, 178 completed the questionnaires. The results show a significant increase in the total scores of the three questionnaires, with large to moderate effect sizes. Respondents were positive about the training, especially about the role of the lay expert. Conclusion A specialised training programme in how to care for patients who self-harm can result in a more positive attitude towards self-harm patients, an improved self-efficacy in caring for patients who self-harm, and a greater closeness with the patients. The deployment of lay experts is essential here