Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The aging process is often accompanied by increase in body weight. Older adults with overweight or obesity might have an overconsumption in energy that is accompanied by inadequate intake of protein, vitamin D, and calcium. It is unclear if intake of protein and vitamin D and calcium is sufficient in older adults with overweight/obesity, and whether it differs from older adults with normal weight, since a recent overview of the literature review is lacking. Therefore, we systematically analyzed the current evidence on differences in nutrient intake/status of protein, vitamin D and calcium between older adults with different body mass index (BMI) categories. Randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies were identified from PubMed and EMBASE. Studies reporting nutrient intake/status in older adults aged ≥50 years with overweight/obesity and studies comparing between overweight/obesity and normal weight were included. Nutrient intake/status baseline values were reviewed and when possible calculated for one BMI category (single-group meta-analysis), or compared between BMI categories (meta-analysis). Nutrient intake/status was compared with international recommendations. Mean protein (N = 8) and calcium intake (N = 5) was 0.98 gram/kilogram body weight/day (g/kg/d) [95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.89–1.08] and 965 mg [95% CI: 704–1225] in overweight/obese. Vitamin D intake was insufficient in all BMI categories (N = 5). The pooled mean for vitamin D intake was 6 ug [95% CI 4–9]. For 25(OH)D, the pooled mean was 54 nmol/L [95% CI 45–62], 52 nmol/L [95% CI 46–58], and 48 nmol/l [95% CI 33–62] in normal (N = 7), combined overweight and obese (N = 12), and obese older adults (N = 4), respectively. In conclusion, older adults with overweight and obesity have a borderline sufficient protein and sufficient calcium intake, but insufficient vitamin D intake. The 25(OH)D concentration is deficient for the obese older adults.
Background: A chronic low-grade infammatory profle (CLIP) is associated with sarcopenia in older adults. Protein and Vitamin (Vit)D have immune-modulatory potential, but evidence for efects of nutritional supplementation on CLIP is limited. Aim To investigate whether 13 weeks of nutritional supplementation of VitD and leucine-enriched whey protein afected CLIP in subjects enrolled in the PROVIDE-study, as a secondary analysis. Methods: Sarcopenic adults (low skeletal muscle mass) aged ≥ 65 years with mobility limitations (Short Physical Performance Battery 4–9) and a body mass index of 20–30 kg/m2 were randomly allocated to two daily servings of active (n=137, including 20 g of whey protein, 3 g of leucine and 800 IU VitD) or isocaloric control product (n=151) for a double-blind period of 13 weeks. At baseline and after 13 weeks, circulating interleukin (IL)-8, IL-1 receptor antagonist (RA), soluble tumor-necrosis-factor receptor (sTNFR)1, IL-6, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, pre-albumin and 25-hydroxyvitamin(OH) D were measured. Data-analysis included repeated measures analysis of covariance (corrected for dietary VitD intake) and linear regression. Results: IL-6 and IL-1Ra serum levels showed overall increases after 13 weeks (p=0.006 and p<0.001, respectively). For IL-6 a signifcant time × treatment interaction (p=0.046) was observed, with no signifcant change over time in the active group (p=0.155) compared to control (signifcant increase p=0.012). IL-8 showed an overall signifcant decrease (p=0.03). The change in pre-albumin was a signifcant predictor for changes in IL-6 after 13 weeks. Conclusions: We conclude that 13 weeks of nutritional supplementation with VitD and leucine-enriched whey protein may attenuate the progression of CLIP in older sarcopenic persons with mobility limitations
The purpose of these systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of dairy components on nutritional status and physical fitness in older adults, as evidence for efficacy of the supplementation of these components is inconclusive. Scopus and MEDLINE were searched. Main inclusion criteria for articles were as follows: double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials including participants aged ≥55 years who received dairy components or a placebo. Outcome measures were nutrient status (body weight and body mass index) and physical fitness (body composition, muscle strength, and physical performance). Thirty-six trials with 4947participants were included. Most trials investigated protein and vitamin D supplementation and showed no effect on the outcomes. Meta-analysis on the effect of protein on body weight showed a significant increase in mean difference of 1.13 kg (95% confidence interval, 0.59-1.67). This effect increased by selecting trials with study a duration of 6 months in which less nourished and physically fit participants were included. Trials where the participants were (pre-)frail, inactive older adults or when supplementing ≥20 g of protein per day tended to increase lean body mass. Only small significant effects of vitamin D supplementation on Timed Up and Go (mean difference -0.75 seconds; 95% confidence interval -1.44 to -0.07) were determined. This effect increased when vitamin D doses ranged between 400 and 1000 IU. Additional large randomized controlled trials of ≥6 months are needed regarding the effect of dairy components containing an adequate amount of vitamin D (400-1000 IU) and/or protein (≥20 g) on nutritional status and physical fitness in malnourished or frail older adults.
The seaweed aquaculture sector, aimed at cultivation of macroalgal biomass to be converted into commercial applications, can be placed within a sustainable and circular economy framework. This bio-based sector has the potential to aid the European Union meet multiple EU Bioeconomy Strategy, EU Green Deal and Blue Growth Strategy objectives. Seaweeds play a crucial ecological role within the marine environment and provide several ecosystem services, from the take up of excess nutrients from surrounding seawater to oxygen production and potentially carbon sequestration. Sea lettuce, Ulva spp., is a green seaweed, growing wild in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. Sea lettuce has a high nutritional value and is a promising source for food, animal feed, cosmetics and more. Sea lettuce, when produced in controlled conditions like aquaculture, can supplement our diet with healthy and safe proteins, fibres and vitamins. However, at this moment, Sea lettuce is hardly exploited as resource because of its unfamiliarity but also lack of knowledge about its growth cycle, its interaction with microbiota and eventually, possible applications. Even, it is unknown which Ulva species are available for aquaculture (algaculture) and how these species can contribute to a sustainable aquaculture biomass production. The AQULVA project aims to investigate which Ulva species are available in the North Sea and Wadden Sea which can be utilised in onshore aquaculture production. Modern genomic, microbiomic and metabolomic profiling techniques alongside ecophysiological production research must reveal suitable Ulva selections with high nutritional value for sustainable onshore biomass production. Selected Ulva spp lines will be used for production of healthy and safe foods, anti-aging cosmetics and added value animal feed supplements for dairy farming. This applied research is in cooperation with a network of SME’s, Research Institutes and Universities of Applied Science and is liaised with EU initiatives like the EU-COST action “SeaWheat”.
Cupplement; Koffie voor sporters. Een dagelijks kopje verrijkt in vitamines kan sporters helpen om te voorzien in de extra behoefte van deze vitamines. Uit HU onderzoek blijkt dat koffie uit cups in principe kunnen worden verrijkt met vitamines. In dit project voorstel zullen de volgende vervolg activiteiten worden verricht, namelijk: • Analyse van de beschikbaarheid van vitamines in koffie namelijk; o wateroplosbare vitamines, (andere vitBs). o vetoplosbare vitamines (vitD). • Kwaliteit en shelf life testen. • Smaakoptimalisatie na verrijking. Het uiteindelijk resultaat zal zijn, een koffie blend in cups verrijkt met vit B en D waarvan de smaak is geoptimaliseerd.
Een voedingspatroon gebaseerd op meer plantaardige in plaats van dierlijke bronnen wordt steeds belangrijker. Het heeft niet alleen positieve gezondheidseffecten die belangrijk zijn bij de preventie van chronische ziekten, maar heeft ook een positieve impact op het klimaat. Met deze kennis is het belangrijk te onderzoeken hoe de consument gestimuleerd kan worden om meer plantaardige voedingsbronnen te consumeren en daarnaast hoe dit op een gezonde manier mogelijk is. Met name de consument die bereid is om over te stappen van een voedingspatroon rijk aan dierlijke eiwitbronnen naar een voedingspatroon rijk aan plantaardige eiwitbronnen is vaak nog onvoldoende geïnformeerd over hoe met name plantaardige eiwitbronnen kunnen worden toegepast in een gezond en evenwichtig voedingspatroon. Het doel van dit project is om deze consument te helpen met een gezond voedingspatroon gebaseerd op meer plantaardige eiwitbronnen door het ontwikkelen van bruikbare tools die aansluiten bij de wensen en behoeften van de consument. Daartoe wordt onderzoek gedaan naar: 1) de kennis van de consument over plantaardige eiwitbronnen (o.a. op het gebied van soorten plantaardige bronnen, samenstelling, bereiding, gezondheid en milieu); 2) de behoeften en barrières van de consument om tot een meer plantaardig voedingspatroon te komen; 3) hoe gezond een plantaardig voedingspatroon is wat betreft eiwitinname en -kwaliteit, vitamines, mineralen en zoutgehalte; 4) de ontwikkeling van nieuwe (informatie)tools en voedingsconcepten om een gezond plantaardig voedingspatroon te stimuleren.