Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Research on maternity care often focuses on factors that prevent good communication and collaboration and rarely includes important stakeholders – parents – as co-researchers. To understand how professionals and parents in Dutch maternity care accomplish constructive communication and collaboration, we examined their interactions in the clinic, looking for “good practice”. Methods: We used the video-reflexive ethnographic method in 9 midwifery practices and 2 obstetric units. Findings: We conducted 16 meetings where participants reflected on video recordings of their clinical interactions. We found that informal strategies facilitate communication and collaboration: “talk work” – small talk and humour – and “work beyond words” – familiarity, use of sight, touch, sound, and non-verbal gestures. When using these strategies, participants noted that it is important to be sensitive to context, to the values and feelings of others, and to the timing of care. Our analysis of their ways of being sensitive shows that good communication and collaboration involves “paradoxical care”, e.g., concurrent acts of “regulated spontaneity” and “informal formalities”. Discussion: Acknowledging and reinforcing paradoxical care skills will help caregivers develop the competencies needed to address the changing demands of health care. The video-reflexive ethnographic method offers an innovative approach to studying everyday work, focusing on informal and implicit aspects of practice and providing a bottom up approach, integrating researchers, professionals and parents. Conclusion: Good communication and collaboration in maternity care involves “paradoxical care” requiring social sensitivity and self-reflection, skills that should be included as part of professional training.
This paper describes the development and results of the pedagogical photo-based method PhotoReflexivity. This method is designed to support reflexivity for students in design education, which guides them in better understanding and situating themselves in the outside world. To uncover the value of this method, mixed research methods including iterative prototypes were deployed in real-world learning scenarios with design students. Attitudes, behaviour, and reflexive conversations were analysed, from which design patterns and recommendations were derived. It is argued that PhotoReflexivity fills a gap in design education by aiming for extensive and transformational outcomes associated with reflexivity, which previous research has considered hard to achieve. It does so by providing pragmatic technologies and materials to support 1) sharing and collaboration, and 2) verbalising reflexive thoughts. By facilitating reflexivity, students might become more autonomous and responsible design professionals.