Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Dit artikel beschrijft de opkomst van Value Based Health Care.
Background and Objective: To develop a health care value framework for physical therapy primary health care organizations including a definition. Method: A scoping review was performed. First, relevant studies were identified in 4 databases (n = 74). Independent reviewers selected eligible studies. Numerical and thematic analyses were performed to draft a preliminary framework including a definition. Next, the feasibility of the framework and definition was explored by physical therapy primary health care organization experts. Results: Numerical and thematic data on health care quality and context-specific performance resulted in a health care value framework for physical therapy primary health care organizations—including a definition of health care value, namely “to continuously attain physical therapy primary health care organization-centered outcomes in coherence with patient- and stakeholder-centered outcomes, leveraged by an organization’s capacity for change.” Conclusion: Prior literature mainly discussed health care quality and context-specific performance for primary health care organizations separately. The current study met the need for a value-based framework, feasible for physical therapy primary health care organizations, which are for a large part micro or small. It also solves the omissions of incoherent literature and existing frameworks on continuous health care quality and context-specific performance. Future research is recommended on longitudinal exploration of the HV (health care value) framework.
Perceptions and values of care professionals are critical in successfully implementing technology in health care. The aim of this study was threefold: (1) to explore the main values of health care professionals, (2) to investigate the perceived influence of the technologies regarding these values, and (3) the accumulated views of care professionals with respect to the use of technology in the future. In total, 51 professionals were interviewed. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was applied. All care professionals highly valued being able to satisfy the needs of their care recipients. Mutual inter-collegial respect and appreciation of supervisors was also highly cherished. The opportunity to work in a careful manner was another important value. Conditions for the successful implementation of technology involved reliability of the technology at hand, training with team members in the practical use of new technology, and the availability of a help desk. Views regarding the future of health care were mainly related to financial cut backs and with a lower availability of staff. Interestingly, no spontaneous thoughts about the role of new technology were part of these views. It can be concluded that professionals need support in relating technological solutions to care recipients' needs. The role of health care organisations, including technological expertise, can be crucial here.
Value-based healthcare (VBHC) kent een aandoening-specifieke aanpak, gericht op een zorgpad na diagnose en start van behandeling. De aanpak is nog sterk ziekenhuiszorg- georiënteerd en zou zich meer op de volledige zorgcyclus moeten richten. In dit project gaan we onderzoeken hoe preventie geïntegreerd kan worden in de VBHC-benadering. Hiervoor gaan we voor hartrevalidatie in kaart brengen hoe uitkomstinformatie, inclusief patiënt-gerapporteerde uitkomsten, ingezet kan worden bij het samen beslissen over gepersonaliseerde zorg en preventie. Het consortium bestaat uit MKB-partner PRO-F (e-health hartrevalidatie), praktijkpartners Medisch Spectrum Twente (Santeon-Ziekenhuis, thoraxcentrum) en Santeon (samenwerkingsverband zeven topklinische ziekenhuizen), Saxion lectoraten Verpleegkunde en Waarde van Reclasseren (maatschappelijke impact) en Hanzehogeschool lector Waardegedreven Zorg. Door middel van literatuuronderzoek en kwalitatief onderzoek wordt verkend waar de kansen liggen voor het integreren van secundaire preventie in de VBHC-benadering in de hartrevalidatie. Aan de hand van drie focusgroepen met patiënten, verpleegkundigen/artsen en experts worden de voor de patiënt relevante zorguitkomsten verhelderd. Op basis hiervan wordt de vertaalslag gemaakt naar gepersonaliseerde zorguitkomsten en hoe e-health oplossingen dit proces kunnen ondersteunen. Hiermee bieden we (1) inzicht in de mogelijkheden voor preventie binnen de VBHC-werkwijze, (2) kennis over hoe gepersonaliseerde zorg en samen beslissen gefaciliteerd kunnen worden, (3) inzicht in de rol die e-health oplossingen kunnen spelen, (4) kennis over de rol van de verpleegkundige in dit vraagstuk, en (5) een kwalitatief beeld van de impact hiervan.