Dienst van SURF
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The importance of teaching engineering students innovation development is commonly clearly understood. It is essential to achieve products which are attractive and profitable in the market. To achieve this, an institute of engineering education has to provide students with needed knowledge, skills and attitudes including both technical and business orientation. This is important especially for SME’s. Traditionally, education of engineering provides students with basic understanding how to solve common technical problems. However companies need wider view to achieve new products. Universities of applied Sciences in Oulu and Eindhoven want to research what is the today’s educational situation for this aim, to find criteria to improve the content of the educational system, and to improve the educational system. Important stakeholders are teachers and students within the institute but also key-persons in companies. The research is realized by questionnaires and interviews from which a current situation can be found. The research will also include the opinion of management who give possibilities to change the curriculum. By this research more insight will be presented about how to re-design a current curriculum. The research will act as basis for this discussion in SEFI-conference about formulating a curriculum that includes elements for wide-ranging knowledge and skills to achieve innovations especially in SME’s.
The importance of teaching engineering students innovation development is commonly clearly understood. It is essential to achieve products which are attractive and profitable in the market. To achieve this, an institute of engineering education has to provide students with needed knowledge, skills and attitudes including both technical and business orientation. This is important especially for SME’s. Traditionally, education of engineering provides students with basic understanding how to solve common technical problems. However companies need wider view to achieve new products. Universities of applied Sciences in Oulu and Eindhoven want to research what is the today’s educational situation for this aim, to find criteria to improve the content of the educational system, and to improve the educational system. Important stakeholders are teachers and students within the institute but also key-persons in companies. The research is realized by questionnaires and interviews from which a current situation can be found. The research will also include the opinion of management who give possibilities to change the curriculum. By this research more insight will be presented about how to re-design a current curriculum. The research will act as basis for this discussion in SEFI-conference about formulating a curriculum that includes elements for wide-ranging knowledge and skills to achieve innovations especially in SME’s.
As the COVID-19 pandemic prevented planned international travel opportunities for students and faculty, faculty at three universities from three professions created a four-day innovative, online learning experience. Each session included presentations from each country, small-group discussions, and evaluation. The topics appealed to students regardless of profession or nationality. Daily evaluations showed attendees valued the experience. The benefits of international and interprofessional learning were evident; students gained better understanding of other professions and health care systems through sessions that expanded their thinking. International appreciation and learning can be prioritized without physical travel.
The results will be consensus between departments of physiotherapy universities of allied health care about learning outcomes CommunicationThere is no consensus between Dutch Physiotherapy departments on learning outcome of bachelors
The seaweed aquaculture sector, aimed at cultivation of macroalgal biomass to be converted into commercial applications, can be placed within a sustainable and circular economy framework. This bio-based sector has the potential to aid the European Union meet multiple EU Bioeconomy Strategy, EU Green Deal and Blue Growth Strategy objectives. Seaweeds play a crucial ecological role within the marine environment and provide several ecosystem services, from the take up of excess nutrients from surrounding seawater to oxygen production and potentially carbon sequestration. Sea lettuce, Ulva spp., is a green seaweed, growing wild in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. Sea lettuce has a high nutritional value and is a promising source for food, animal feed, cosmetics and more. Sea lettuce, when produced in controlled conditions like aquaculture, can supplement our diet with healthy and safe proteins, fibres and vitamins. However, at this moment, Sea lettuce is hardly exploited as resource because of its unfamiliarity but also lack of knowledge about its growth cycle, its interaction with microbiota and eventually, possible applications. Even, it is unknown which Ulva species are available for aquaculture (algaculture) and how these species can contribute to a sustainable aquaculture biomass production. The AQULVA project aims to investigate which Ulva species are available in the North Sea and Wadden Sea which can be utilised in onshore aquaculture production. Modern genomic, microbiomic and metabolomic profiling techniques alongside ecophysiological production research must reveal suitable Ulva selections with high nutritional value for sustainable onshore biomass production. Selected Ulva spp lines will be used for production of healthy and safe foods, anti-aging cosmetics and added value animal feed supplements for dairy farming. This applied research is in cooperation with a network of SME’s, Research Institutes and Universities of Applied Science and is liaised with EU initiatives like the EU-COST action “SeaWheat”.
De innovatiewerkplaats Campus Design (CD) richt zich op de duurzame ontwikkeling (SDG) van de campus door middel van praktijkgerichte oplossingen en onderzoek. Vanuit het lectoraat Facility Management van de Hanze, werkt CD samen met kennis- en onderwijsinstellingen, overheden en het bedrijfsleven, bijvoorbeeld om de kwaliteit, gastvrijheid en inclusiviteit te verbeteren zodat iedereen zich welkom voelt op de campus. CD streeft naar een betere aansluiting tussen de ruimte en organisatie op de campus; ook de vergroening en biodiversiteit rekenen we daartoe. Dit doen we door praktijkvragen van onderwijsinstellingen en het bedrijfsleven te koppelen aan praktijkgericht onderzoek van onze senior-onderzoekers, onderzoekers, docenten en studenten, onder meer in architectuur, facility management, gastvrijheid, kunsten en vastgoed. Onze multidisciplinaire aanpak is zeer actiegericht; we willen de campuspraktijk écht veranderen en laten zien dat het betaalbaar is én werkt. We zorgen er dus voor dat oplossingen niet alleen theoretisch en empirisch uitstekend onderbouwd zijn, maar vooral ook praktisch toepasbaar en bewijsbaar beter. Door de goede samenwerking met onze partners, genereert CD oplossingen die onderwijsinstellingen inspireren en hen helpen de SDG te implementeren.