Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In sexual assault cases, the retrieved DNA quantity and sampling location from the victim’s underwear may provide valuable information for activity level evaluative reporting. DNA can transfer from site to site on an exhibit, or be lost within packaging, complicating interpretation. Experiments are needed to investigate these factors. This preliminary study compared two cleaning methods to prepare undergarments for such experimentation: hand-washing with warm water and washing with bleach before rinsing. Results show a significantly lower quantity of DNA on washed underwear using both methods. Warm-water hand-washing, the more straightforward method, was selected for further experimentation.
This report aims at sharing knowledge relevant for sustainabili- ty-oriented studies and actions in the Dutch apparel sector, with a focus on clothing volumes. The apparel industry is said to be one of the most polluting at a global level; however, we nd that dis- cussions of its environmental challenges or the actions needed to tackle them are often based on super cial or unreliable information. This information is frequently disseminated by word of mouth and non-scienti c texts and nally accepted as valid. Moreover, some actors working on practice-based solutions for the environmen- tal challenges of the apparel industry build solutions and projects based on these ‘facts’. As a result, these actors risk focussing on topics that are not as critical or relevant as was originally thought. Clear, reliable data is needed to pinpoint the true challenges and bottlenecks within the fashion system.