Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Cities are confronted with more frequent heatwaves of increasing intensity discouraging people from using urban open spaces that are part of their daily lives. Climate proofing cities is an incremental process that should begin where it is needed using the most cost-efficient solutions to mitigate heat stress. However, for this to be achieved the factors that influence the thermal comfort of users, such as the layout of local spaces, their function and the way people use them needs to be identified first. There is currently little evidence available on the effectiveness of heat stress interventions in different types of urban space.The Cool Towns Heat Stress Measurement Protocol provides basic guidance to enable a full Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to be conducted at street-level. Those involved in implementing climate adaptation strategies in urban areas, such as in redevelopments will find practical support to identify places where heat stress may be an issue and suggestions for effective mitigation measures. For others, such as project developers, and spatial designers such as landscape architects and urban planners it provides practical instructions on how to evaluate and provide evidence-based justification for the selection of different cooling interventions for example trees, water features, and shade sails, for climate proofing urban areas.
Urban planning will benefit from tools that can assess the vulnerabilityto thermal stress in urban dense cities. Detailed quick-scan heat stressmaps, as made in this study for Johannesburg, have proven valuable inthe decision-making process on this topic. It raised awareness on theurgent need to implement measures to tackle the effects of climatechange and urbanization. Awareness on heat stress has led to theimplementation of measures to mitigate the effects of climate change.As in other countries, nature-based solutions (e.g. green roofs and walls,swales, rain gardens, planting trees etc) are considered in urban areasin South Africa for various reasons. The awareness of the effect ofnature based solutions on heat stress is still low, which can be improvedby the use of heat stress maps. Some of these measures are alreadymapped on the open source web tool, Climate-scan(www.climatescan.nl) for international knowledge exchange aroundthe globe.
Stormwater flooding and thermal stresses of citizens are two important phenomena for most of the dense urban area. Due to the climate change, these two phenomena will occur more frequently and cause serious problems. Therefore, the sectors for public health and disaster management should be able to assess the vulnerability to stormwater flooding and thermal stress. To achieve this goal, two cities in different climate regions and with different urban context have been selected as the pilot areas, i.eY., Tainan, Taiwan and Groningen, Netherlands. Stormwater flooding and thermal stress maps will be produced for both cities for further comparison. The flooding map indicates vulnerable low lying areas, where the thermal stress map indicates high Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) values (thermal comfort) in open areas without shading. The combined map indicates the problem areas of flooding and thermal stress and can be used by urban planners and other stakeholders to improve the living environment.