Dienst van SURF
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Deze publicatie gaat over het leiderschap van leraren, internationaal aangeduid als ‘teacher leadership’. Leraren kunnen veel verschillende vormen van leiderschap uitoefenen. Persoonlijk leiderschap heeft bijvoorbeeldbetrekking op de mate waarin leraren regie over hun eigen werk en eigen ontwikkeling voeren. Pedagogisch leiderschap is de wijze waarop leraren in hun klas leiderschap richting hun leerlingen tonen en invloed uitoefenen op de leerprocessen van leerlingen. In voorliggende publicatie bedoelen we met ‘leiderschap van leraren’ of ‘teacher leadership’ de invloed die leraren uitoefenen op zaken die hun eigen klas of hun eigen vak overstijgen. Met dat leiderschap beïnvloeden ze collega’s, leidinggevenden en anderen binnen de school. Die invloed kan betrekking hebben op het curriculum, het handelen van collega’s, het pedagogisch klimaat binnen de school, het beleid en de organisatie vanzaken binnen en buiten de school, etc. Dat kan door ideeën te opperen, te ontwikkelen, te ondersteunen, te adviseren, te inspireren, rolmodel te zijn en nog op tal van andere manieren.In Nederland wordt in toenemende mate verwacht dat leraren de verantwoordelijkheid en leiding krijgen en nemen ten aanzien van cruciale aspecten van het onderwijs binnen scholen. Leraren moeten dan wel de mogelijkheden hebben om deze rol op zich te kunnen nemen (NRO, 2017). Dit was aanleiding voor het Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek om opdracht te geven tot het schrijven van een overzichtsartikel rond de vraag:Op welke manier(en) kan bereikt worden dat leraren een leidende rol kunnen spelen in individuele scholen (in alle onderwijssectoren), in samenwerkingsverbanden tussen scholen en op landelijk niveau?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag zijn we uitgegaan van vier deelvragen:1. Waarom is er in toenemende mate aandacht voor teacher leadership?2. Wat is teacher leadership precies?3. Wat is er uit onderzoek bekend over de effecten van en condities voor teacherleadership?4. Welke vormen van teacher leadership zijn er in de Nederlandse context reedszichtbaar?Op basis hiervan beantwoorden we de hoofdvraag:Hoe kan het leiderschap van leraren in scholen versterkt worden?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vijf vragen hebben we geput uit nationale en internationale praktijk- en beleidspublicaties, gebruik gemaakt van diverse overzichtsstudies en een systematische analyse gedaan van 44 onderzoekspublicaties over teacher leadership die tussen 2014 en 2017 zijn verschenen.
In the Netherlands, and in many other countries, teacher policy and teacher education are strongly focused on ensuring that teachers meet certain minimum standards. As all student teachers need to meet these standards, teacher education programmes might put the main emphasis on the ‘average’ student and pay little attention to students who can perform better, which would lead to a middle-ofthe-road perspective on teachers and teacher education curricula. However, there is a growing awareness within higher education of the diversity of students with respect to their abilities and ambitions. In the Netherlands, there are initiatives to develop excellence programmes and honours programmes that recognize and accept student diversity. Such programmes offer ‘excellent’ students new challenges in the development of their excellence. But as ‘excellence’ is not centrally defined, higher education institutes can define the concept independently. Here, we present two examples of teacher education institutes that have developed honours programmes that emphasize excellent student teachers. While traditionally honours programmes in universities are focused on stimulating outstanding research performance of excellent students, in both examples a different focus is taken. The honours programmes in these universities for applied sciences do not focus on academic performance, but focus more directly on the roles of outstanding teachers in schools. One of these institutes focuses on primary teacher roles, the other on secondary teacher roles. Both use research in the content of the honours programmes and in the evaluation of the programmes. Here, an analysis of the two programmes is related to developments in teacher policy and the teaching profession with respect to teacher excellence, e.g. the recent recommendation from the Netherlands Education Council to nominate the top 5% of teachers as ‘excellent teachers’ – a recommendation that was received with mixed feelings by teachers, teachers’ unions and school leaders
In general, teacher educators are considered to be educational specialists whose main task is to communicate content-based concepts to prospective teachers. However, unfortunately, most studies on teacher professional development overlook this specific language-oriented aspect of content-based teaching. Therefore, we address the aforementioned research gap and argue that teacher educators’ evaluation of their language-oriented performance in educational communication enhances the quality of their content-based teaching. Accordingly, we examine how the language-oriented performance of teacher educators is evaluated by both individual teacher educators (sample size N=3) and their students (N=32) in a small-scale intervention study. The findings of the study reveal that there is a relationship between the order of application of five language focus areas (i.e., language awareness, active listening, formalizing interaction, language support, and language and learning development, as noticed by the students), and teacher educators’ ability to apply these areas in accordance with their objectives related to content-based teaching.
This project addresses the fundamental societal problem that encryption as a technique is available since decades, but has never been widely adopted, mostly because it is too difficult or cumbersome to use for the public at large. PGP illustrates this point well: it is difficult to set-up and use, mainly because of challenges in cryptographic key management. At the same time, the need for encryption has only been growing over the years, and has become an urgent problem with stringent requirements – for instance for electronic communication between doctors and patients – in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with systematic mass surveillance activities of internationally operating intelligence agencies. The interdisciplinary project "Encryption for all" addresses this fundamental problem via a combination of cryptographic design and user experience design. On the cryptographic side it develops identity-based and attribute-based encryption on top of the attribute-based infrastructure provided by the existing IRMA-identity platform. Identity-based encryption (IBE) is a scientifically well-established technique, which addresses the key management problem in an elegant manner, but IBE has found limited application so far. In this project it will be developed to a practically usable level, exploiting the existing IRMA platform for identification and retrieval of private keys. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has not reached the same level of maturity yet as IBE, and will be a topic of further research in this project, since it opens up attractive new applications: like a teacher encrypting for her students only, or a company encrypting for all employees with a certain role in the company. On the user experience design side, efforts will be focused on making these encryption techniques really usable (i.e., easy to use, effective, efficient, error resistant) for everyone (e.g., also for people with disabilities or limited digital skills). To do so, an iterative, human-centred and inclusive design approach will be adopted. On a fundamental level, scientific questions will be addressed, such as how to promote the use of security and privacy-enhancing technologies through design, and whether and how usability and accessibility affect the acceptance and use of encryption tools. Here, theories of nudging and boosting and the unified theory of technology acceptance and use (known as UTAUT) will serve as a theoretical basis. On a more applied level, standards like ISO 9241-11 on usability and ISO 9241-220 on the human-centred design process will serve as a guideline. Amongst others, interface designs will be developed and focus groups, participatory design sessions, expert reviews and usability evaluations with potential users of various ages and backgrounds will be conducted, in a user experience and observation laboratory available at HAN University of Applied Sciences. In addition to meeting usability goals, ensuring that the developed encryption techniques also meet national and international accessibility standards will be a particular point of focus. With respect to usability and accessibility, the project will build on the (limited) usability design experiences with the mobile IRMA application.
Within TIND, Christian Roth studies the training of interactive narrative designers with the goal of developing teaching methods and learning tools for artists and designers to enable the creation of more effective artefacts. Interactive Narrative Design (IND) is a complex and challenging interdisciplinary field introducing new affordances in technique and user-experience. This requires practice-based research for further development of the educational format, demonstrating its potential while identifying and overcoming common learners’ challenges. This project aims to develop a framework for the design and evaluation of meaningful interactive narrative experiences that effectively stimulate a variety of cognitive and emotional responses such as reflection, insight, understanding, and potential behavior change. It provides tools, methods and activities to enable aspiring or practicing narrative designers through an interdisciplinary approach, including game design, immersive theatre, behavioral and cognitive psychology, and the learning sciences. HKU education means to prepare students for success in the creative industries and IND plays an important role for current and future jobs in education, arts and entertainment. IND has the potential to create an emotional impact and spark transformative change by offering agency, defined as the ability to influence narrative progression and outcomes in a meaningful way. This enables interactors to feel the weight of their own choices and their consequences, to explore different perspectives, and to more thoroughly understand complex multi-stakeholder issues, which could have significant impact on the success of emerging artistic, and learning applications. The research project is directly embedded in the curriculum of the HKU school Games & Interaction with annual educational offerings such as the Minor Interactive Narrative Design (MIND) and HKU wide broad seminars. Course evaluation and literature research will be used to create new and adjusted training for different HKU schools and the industry. Outcomes will be shared via an interactive website and events.