In the GoGreen project an intelligent home that is able to identify inhabitants and events that take place is created. The location of sounds that are being produced is an important feature for the context awareness of this system. A a wireless solution that uses low-cost sensor nodes and microphones is described. Experiments show that solutions that only use the three sensor nodes that are closest to the origin of the sounds provide the best solutions, with an average accuracy of 40 cm or less.Paper published for the ICT Open 2013 proceedings (27-28 November 2013, Eindhoven).
In the GoGreen project an intelligent home that is able to identify inhabitants and events that take place is created. The location of sounds that are being produced is an important feature for the context awareness of this system. A a wireless solution that uses low-cost sensor nodes and microphones is described. Experiments show that solutions that only use the three sensor nodes that are closest to the origin of the sounds provide the best solutions, with an average accuracy of 40 cm or less.Paper published for the ICT Open 2013 proceedings (27-28 November 2013, Eindhoven).
Reading and writing is modelled in CSP using actions containing the symbols ? and !. These reading actions and writing actions are synchronous, and there is a one-to-one relationship between occurrences of pairs of these actions. In the CPA conference 2017, we introduced the extended half-synchronous al- phabetised parallel operator X ⇕ Y , which disconnects the writing to and reading from a channel in time; the reading processes are divided into sets which are set-wise asynchronous, but intra-set-wise synchronous, giving full flexibility to the reads. In this paper, we allow multiple writers to write to the same channel set-wise asynchronously, but intra-set-wise synchronously and we study the impact on our (Extended) Vertex Removing Synchronised Product. The advantages we accomplish are that the extension of X ⇕ Y gives more flexibility by indexing the writing actions and the reading actions, leading to a straightforward majority vote design. Furthermore, the extension of X ⇕ Y preserves the advantages of the X ⇕ Y operator.