Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Intelligent environments can offer support to people with early-stage dementia, who often experience problems with maintaining their circadian rhythm. The focus of this work is developing a prototype of an Intelligent Environment for assisting these people with their daily rhythm while living independently at home. Following the four phases of the Empathic Design Framework (Explore, Translate, Process, and Validate), the needs of people with dementia and their caregivers were incorporated into the design. In the exploration phase, a need assessment took place using focus groups (N=12), observations (N=10), and expert interviews (N=27). Then, to determine the requirements for a prototype of an intelligent environment, the second phase, Translate, used three co-creation sessions with different stakeholder groups. In these sessions, Mind Maps (N=55) and Idea Generation Cards (N=35) were used. These resulted in a set of 10 requirements on the following topics: context-awareness, pattern recognition, adaptation, support, personalization, autonomy, modularity, dementia proof interaction, costs, data, and privacy. Finally, in the third phase, the requirements were applied to a real-life prototype by a multidisciplinary design team of researchers, (E-Health) tech companies, designers, software engineers with representatives of eight organizations. The prototype serves as a basis for further development of Intelligent Environments to enable people with dementia to live longer independently at home.
Een Duits verzorgingstehuis nodigde recent aangekomen vluchtelingen uit die geïnteresseerd waren in werken in de ouderenzorg. Het doel van deze studie was om inzicht te krijgen in hoe gevestigde zorgverleners en eerstegeneratie immigranten nieuwkomers sleutelden aan waarden om de zorg voor mensen met dementie vorm te geven. Deze etnografische studie omvatte 200 uur observatie, 24 diepte-interviews en twee focusgroepinterviews met zes immigranten van de eerste generatie en zes gevestigde personeelsleden. De gevestigde zorgverleners en immigranten van de eerste generatie toonden zich bereid en in staat om te sleutelen aan situaties waarin verschillende waarden een rol speelden. Wanneer de werklast echter te zwaar wordt, kunnen medewerkers uit beide groepen gevoelens van machteloosheid, onverschilligheid en demotivatie ervaren. Institutionele beperkingen hebben een negatieve invloed op de interactie tussen gevestigde zorgverleners en immigranten van de eerste generatie die nieuwkomers zijn en beïnvloeden hun uitvoering van de zorg voor geriatrische bewoners met dementie. In dergelijke situaties wordt het cruciaal voor het personeel om een ondersteunende supervisor te hebben die hen kan helpen om te gaan met de dagelijkse stressfactoren van hun praktijk.
Within the study ‘Musicians as Lifelong Learners: Discovery through Biography’, biographical research was used to examine key developments in the professional lives of musicians, focusing on the relationship between their life, educational and career span ant their learning styles. This resulted in a collection of 32 narrative learning biographies of musicians from different countries and with various careers. Musicians with a performing career, music pedagogues, and musicians with a portfolio career, who combine different roles within various areas of engagement, are portrayed. The main thread throughout the biographies is the question of how these musicians learn as ‘lifelong learners’.