Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
PURPOSE: To investigate whether the adapted version of the Gross Motor Function Measure-88 (GMFM-88) for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) results in higher scores. This is most likely to be a reflection of their gross motor function, however it may be the result of a better comprehension of the instruction of the adapted version.METHOD: The scores of the original and adapted GMFM-88 were compared in the same group of children (n=21 boys and n=16 girls), mean (SD) age 113 (30) months with CP and CVI, within a time span of two weeks. A paediatric physical therapist familiar with the child assessed both tests in random order. The GMFCS level, mental development and age at testing were also collected. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare two different measurements (the original and adapted GMFM-88) on a single sample, (the same child with CP and CVI; p<0.05).RESULTS: The comparison between scores on the original and adapted GMFM-88 in all children with CP and CVI showed a positive difference in percentage score on at least one of the five dimensions and positive percentage scores for the two versions differed on all five dimensions for fourteen children. For six children a difference was seen in four dimensions and in 10 children difference was present in three dimensions (GMFM dimension A, B& C or C, D & E) (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: The adapted GMFM-88 provides a better estimate of gross motor function per se in children with CP and CVI that is not adversely impacted bytheir visual problems. On the basis of these findings, we recommend using the adapted GMFM-88 to measure gross motor functioning in children with CP and CVI.
In this thesis we analyzed clinimetric measurement properties of physical fitness tests in wheelchair-using youth with SB. Furthermore, the amount of physical behavior in wheelchair-using youth with SB was quantified and associations with age, gender, VO2peak and Hoffer classification were evaluated. Finally, we described the factors associated with physical behavior in youth with SB and youth with physical disabilities, after which the evidence of interventions to improve physical behavior in youth with physical disabilities was analyzed. This last chapter presents the theoretical and clinical implications. At the end, methodological considerations and directions for further research will be discussed after which the overall conclusion is presented.
Pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat staat in onze samenleving op de eerste plaats van oorzaken voor ziekteverzuim. Bij aspecifieke chronische lage rugpijn kunnen lichamelijke inspanningen op het werk zoals dynamische en statische functionele capaciteit verlaagd zijn en de aanleiding zijn voor ziekteverzuim. Volgens het promotieonderzoek van Sandra Jorna-Lakke is bij deze groep patiënten aanvullend onderzoek nodig door middel van gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteitstesten.