Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
BACKGROUND: Loneliness is expected to become an even bigger social problem in the upcoming decades, because of the growing number of older adults. It has been argued that the use of social network sites can aid in decreasing loneliness and improving mental health. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how social network sites usage is related to loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults. METHOD: The study population included community-dwelling older adults aged 60 and over residing in the Netherlands (n = 626) collected through the LISS panel (www.lissdata.nl). Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses, adjusted for potentially important confounders, were conducted in order to investigate the relation between social network sites usage and (emotional and social) loneliness and mental health. RESULTS: More than half of the individuals (56.2%) reported to use social network sites at least several times per week. Social network sites usage appeared unrelated to loneliness in general, and to emotional and social loneliness in particular. Social network sites usage also appeared unrelated to mental health. Several significant associations between related factors and the outcomes at hand were detected. CONCLUSION: In this sample, which was representative for the Dutch population, social network sites usage was unrelated to loneliness and/or mental health. The results indicate that a simple association between social network site usage and loneliness and mental health as such, cannot automatically be assumed in community-dwelling older adults.
Considering activity level propositions in the evaluation of forensic biology findings is becoming more common place. There are increasing numbers of publications demonstrating different transfer mechanisms that can occur under a variety of circumstances. Some of these publications have shown the possibility of DNA transfer from site to site on an exhibit, for instance as a result of packaging and transport. If such a possibility exists, and the case circumstances are such that the area on an exhibit where DNA is present or absent is an observation that is an important diagnostic characteristic given the propositions, then site to site transfer should be taken into account during the evaluation of observations. In this work we demonstrate the ways in which site to site transfer can be built into Bayesian networks when carrying out activity level evaluations of forensic biology findings. We explore the effects of considering qualitative vs quantitative categorisation of DNA results. We also show the importance of taking into account multiple individual’s DNA being transferred (such as unknown or wearer DNA), even if the main focus of the evaluation is the activity of one individual.
Social media zijn momenteel het gesprek van de dag. In slechts enkele jaren tijd hebben social media sites als YouTube, Facebook en LinkedIn een miljoenenpubliek aan zich gebonden. En het aantal consumenten en bedrijven dat gebruik maakt van deze online platformen groeit nog steeds sterk. Hoewel er dagelijks nieuwe cijfers verschijnen over het gebruik van social media is er vooralsnog weinig bekend over de adoptie van social media door bedrijven. Middels dit boek willen de onderzoekers van het lectoraat Online Ondernemen van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam een bijdrage leveren aan het opvullen van deze kennisleemte door het social media gebruik binnen de detailhandel in Nederland in kaart te brengen. Het boek bevat de resultaten van een onderzoek naar gebruik van de social media sites Hyves, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, weblogs, Twitter en fora door (web)winkels en consumenten in Nederland. Welke social media sites worden veel en welke weinig gebruikt door (web)winkels en consumenten in Nederland? Wat zijn de kenmerken van de (web)winkels en consumenten die voorop lopen en achterblijven in het gebruik van social media platformen? In hoeverre zijn Nederlanders geïnteresseerd in het volgen van commerciële bedrijven via social media? Hoeveel volgers hebben (web)winkels op Hyves, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube en Twitter? Op deze en andere vragen over het gebruik van social media in de detailhandel in Nederland wordt in dit boek antwoord gegeven.
The HAS professorship Future Food Systems is performing applied research with students and external partners to transform our food system towards a more sustainable state. In this research it is not only a question of what is needed to achieve this, but also how and with whom. The governance of our food system needs rethinking to get the transformative momentum going in a democratic and constructive manner. Building on the professorship’s research agenda and involvement in the transdisciplinary NWA research project, the postdoc will explore collective ownership and inclusive participation as two key governance concepts for food system transformation. This will be done in a participatory manner, by learning from and with innovative bottom-up initiatives and practitioners from the field. By doing so, the postdoc will gain valuable practical insights that can aid to new approaches and (policy) interventions which foster a sustainable and just food system in the Netherlands and beyond. A strong connection between research and education is created via the active research involvement of students from different study programs, supervised by the postdoc (Dr. B. van Helvoirt). The acquired knowledge is embedded in education by the postdoc by incorporating it into HAS study program curricula and courses. In addition, it will contribute to the further professional development of qualitative research skills among HAS students and staff. Through scientific, policy and popular publications, participation in (inter)national conferences and meetings with experts and practitioners, the exposure and network of the postdoc and HAS in the field of food systems and governance will be expanded. This will allow for the setting up of a continuous research effort on this topic within the professorship via follow-up research with knowledge institutes, civic society groups and partners from the professional field.
De creatieve industrie is een spil in innoverend Nederland en design speelt daarbinnen een cruciale rol. Het hbo heeft een belangrijke positie in deze drive voor innovatie. Door ontwerpend onderzoek te enten op de praktijk draagt het hbo actief bij aan kennis over het creatieve ontwerpproces. Het Network Applied Design Research (NADR) wordt een initiatieforgaan met voorbeeldfunctie en best practices van praktijkgericht en ontwerp gerelateerd onderzoek: koers uitzetten, initiatief nemen; visie neerzetten door organisatie van events en output (ondernemend en onderzoekend) die een zuigende werking heeft door te doen/organiseren zodat massa gecreëerd kan worden. Doelen van dit netwerk zijn onder meer: toegepast design onderzoek te emanciperen en de zichtbaarheid ervan te vergroten, kennis te ontwikkelen en de ontwikkelde kennis makkelijker en breder te delen, het stimuleren van de kwaliteit van praktijkgericht onderzoek in de ontwerpende disciplines, netwerkvorming, het opzetten van een body of knowledge & skills en kenniskaart, organisatieverband voor interactie met stakeholders, invloed op beleid en instrumenten. Het netwerk bevestigt de speciale positie die praktijkgericht, ontwerpend onderzoek heeft binnen het totale onderzoekskader. De verkenning in opdracht van SIA naar de positie van praktijkgericht onderzoek in de creatieve industrie onderschrijft dit. NADR vertegenwoordigt hbo-lectoren die vanuit hun lectoraat actief zijn op het gebied van design waarbij wetenschappelijke disciplines als Natural Sciences & Engineering, Humanities, Behavioral & Social Sciences en Arts in meer of mindere mate worden geïntegreerd om een bijdrage te leveren aan het reframen en oplossen van diverse maatschappelijke thema’s als bijvoorbeeld gezondheidszorg of circulaire economie. De verbindende factor is ontwerpen gerelateerd onderzoek en het platform is open voor lectoraten die zich daarmee verwant voelen, van zorg- technische- duurzame- virtuele product ontwerpers tot gameontwerpers, architecten of meer op toegepaste kunst gerichte lectoraten, zolang het ontwerpend onderzoek en integratie van verschillende disciplines bij hen centraal staat.
Ready, Set, Go for Health (ReSetGo) The UN declared health as a fundamental right for all. Due to the exponential rise of healthcare costs and the greying of the European population, the current healthcare system is unsustainable. This has major negative individual and population consequences making health a priority on the EU-agenda. To change this for the better, a sustainable transition from the current healthcare system, primarily focusing on cure and care, towards health as a capability is needed. Health is influenced by many determinants and involves an interaction of psychological, environmental (social/physical) and political factors. This systemic view means that health is not only an individual responsibility. Rather, we need to create communities that strengthen the ability to optimize health. What becomes clear from the reflections of the (health)professionals in the context of Eemsdelta, is that a transition towards health is needed and that support and a critical amount of capacity is a prerequisite. But is a community ready and is there enough capacity to start the health transition towards healthy living? In order to be able to map this health transition readiness and capacity at each stage of the transition process a monitor needs to developed. Based on interaction with the practical field and our experiences, Hanze (NL) feels the need to further facilitate this health transition and developed ReSetGo together with consortium partners IPB (PT), Metropolia (FI) and Thrive (NL). ReSetGo has two goals: 1) develop and test a health transition readiness and capacity monitor in existing communities in FI, PT and NL; 2) extend our international network and prepare a Marie Skłodowska-Curie/Doctoral Network proposal on this health transition theme.