Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
1e alinea column: Ik wil een paar dingen kwijt over singularity en de hele horde van buitengewoon slimme mensen die daar vorm aan geven. Aanleiding hiervoor is de speech van Peter Diamandis, cofounder en chairman of the Singularty University, Nasa Research Park, Silicon Valley, die hij vorige week in Carré gaf. Carré zat vol.
When we think of the energy transition, we think of new technology that will enable us to get rid of fossil fuels. However, we are extremely energy addicted worldwide. Now, with the energy crisis, we seem to be able to turn down our heating and put on a warm sweater from one day to the next. This is therefore behavioral change, and therefore also an essential energy transition. But because of our "singular" thinking, we do not see this as also a major transition, which undoubtedly will disappear immediately as energy becomes cheap again. Never waste a good crisis, Inner development goals must be used here, from insight, we can now come to sustainable behavioral change, and therefore understand that the energy transition is a fallacy (IDG2) and we should therefore speak of energy transitions (plural).
Bijdrage aan de Spui25-bijeenkomst De roman en het geschreven woord in tijden van technologisering, ter gelegenheid van de verschijning van Maxim Februari’s laatste boek De onbetrouwbare verteller. (Meer van dit in mijn nieuwe boek Frictie: Ethiek in tijden van dataïsme, dat in mei 2020 verschijnt bij De Bezige Bij.)--Talk held at the Spui25 event The Novel and the Written Word in Technological Times, celebrating the publication of Maxim Februari’s latest book De onbetrouwbare verteller (The Unreliable Narrator). More on this topic in my upcoming book on Friction: Ethics in Times of Dataism (in Dutch), May 2020, De Bezige Bij.