Purpose – Information verification is an important factor in commercial valuation practice.Valuers use their professional autonomy to decide on the level of verification required, thereby creating an opportunity for client-related judgement bias in valuation. The purpose of this paper is to assess the manifestation of client attachment risks in information verification. Design/methodology/approach – A case-based questionnaire was used to retrieve data from 290 commercial valuation professionals in the Netherlands, providing a 15 per cent response rate of the Dutch commercial valuation population. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to test research hypotheses involving relations between information verification and professional features that may indicate client attachment such as an executive job level and brokerage experience. Findings – The results reveal that valuers acting at partner level within their organisation obtain lower scores on information verification compared to lower-ranked valuers. Also, brokerage experience correlates negatively to information verification of valuation professionals. Both findings have statistical significance. Research limitations/implications – The results reflect valuers’ reasoning behaviour rather than actual behaviour. Replication of findings through experimental design will contribute to research validity. Practical implications – Maintaining close client contact in a competitive environment is important for business continuity yet may foster client attachment.The associated downside risks in valuation practice call for higher awareness of (subconscious) client influence and the development of attitudinal scepticism in valuer training programmes. Originality/value – This paper is one of the few that explore possible sources of valuer judgement bias by relating client-friendly valuer features to a key area of valuation i.e. information verification.
Purpose – Information verification is an important factor in commercial valuation practice.Valuers use their professional autonomy to decide on the level of verification required, thereby creating an opportunity for client-related judgement bias in valuation. The purpose of this paper is to assess the manifestation of client attachment risks in information verification. Design/methodology/approach – A case-based questionnaire was used to retrieve data from 290 commercial valuation professionals in the Netherlands, providing a 15 per cent response rate of the Dutch commercial valuation population. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to test research hypotheses involving relations between information verification and professional features that may indicate client attachment such as an executive job level and brokerage experience. Findings – The results reveal that valuers acting at partner level within their organisation obtain lower scores on information verification compared to lower-ranked valuers. Also, brokerage experience correlates negatively to information verification of valuation professionals. Both findings have statistical significance. Research limitations/implications – The results reflect valuers’ reasoning behaviour rather than actual behaviour. Replication of findings through experimental design will contribute to research validity. Practical implications – Maintaining close client contact in a competitive environment is important for business continuity yet may foster client attachment.The associated downside risks in valuation practice call for higher awareness of (subconscious) client influence and the development of attitudinal scepticism in valuer training programmes. Originality/value – This paper is one of the few that explore possible sources of valuer judgement bias by relating client-friendly valuer features to a key area of valuation i.e. information verification.
Het doel van dit proefschrift betrof het verkennen van attituden en afwegingen rond taakherschikking tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten. Daarnaast werd nagegaan welke sociale kenmerken studenten toeschrijven aan elkaar, zichzelf en beide beroepsgroepen. Vervolgens werd het effect van een psychologische interventie in een onderwijssetting onderzocht op interprofessionele communicatie en percepties ten aanzien van interprofessionele taakverdeling. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende attituden ten opzichte van taakherschikking, vooral wat betreft de vrijgevestigde praktijk van mondhygiënisten. Dit laatste wordt het minst gewenst door tandartsen. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende afwegingen wanneer men een voor- of tegenstander is van dit beleid. De interprofessionele relatie tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten komt tot uiting in de attributie van specifieke sociale kenmerken. Tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde studenten zijn beide de mening toegedaan dat tandartsen meer dominant zijn dan mondhygiënisten. Het faciliteren van interprofessionele groepsvorming kan zowel interprofessionele hiërarchie als tandarts-gecentreerde taakverdeling reduceren. Tijdens het eerste onderzoek (Hoofdstuk 2) werden verschillen tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten ontdekt ten aanzien van de taakuitbreiding van de mondhygiënist. De helft van alle tandartsen en de meeste mondhygiënisten hebben hierover een positieve attitude. Een interprofessionele kloof werd gevonden ten aanzien van de zelfstandige praktijkvoering van mondhygiënisten. Een minderheid van alle tandartsen heeft hierover een positieve attitude vergeleken met een meerderheid van alle mondhygiënisten. Dit suggereert dat de acceptatie van een zelfstandige mondhygiënist een groot obstakel is wanneer men taakherschikking wil implementeren. Tandartsen willen controle over de mondhygiënist behouden, daarom is het waarschijnlijk dat taakdelegatie boven taaksubstitutie wordt verkozen. Dit laatste betreft taakherschikking met professionele autonomie.