Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper describes the approach used to identify elderly people’s needs and attitudes towards applying ambient sensor systems for monitoring daily activities in the home. As elderly are typically unfamiliar with such ambient technology, interactive tools for explicating sensor monitoring –an interactive dollhouse and iPad applications for displaying live monitored sensor activity data– were developed and used for this study. Furthermore, four studies conducted by occupational therapists with more than 60 elderly participants –including questionnaires (n=41), interviews (n=6), user sessions (n=14) and field studies (n=2)– were conducted. The experiences from these studies suggest that this approach helped to democratically engage the elderly as end-user and identify acceptance issues.
Wireless sensor networks are becoming popular in the field of ambient assisted living. In this paper we report our study on the relationship between a functional health metric and features derived from the sensor data. Sensor systems are installed in the houses of nine people who are also quarterly visited by an occupational therapist for functional health assessments. Different features are extracted and these are correlated with a metric of functional health (the AMPS). Though the sample is small, the results indicate that some features are better in describing the functional health in the population, but individual differences should also be taken into account when developing a sensor system for functional health assessment.
OBJECTIVES: to test the effects of an intervention involving sensor monitoring-informed occupational therapy on top of a cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT)-based coaching therapy on daily functioning in older patients after hip fracture.DESIGN, SETTING AND PATIENTS: three-armed randomised stepped wedge trial in six skilled nursing facilities, with assessments at baseline (during admission) and after 1, 4 and 6 months (at home). Eligible participants were hip fracture patients ≥ 65 years old.INTERVENTIONS: patients received care as usual, CBT-based occupational therapy or CBT-based occupational therapy with sensor monitoring. Interventions comprised a weekly session during institutionalisation, followed by four home visits and four telephone consultations over three months.MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: the primary outcome was patient-reported daily functioning at 6 months, assessed with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure.RESULTS: a total of 240 patients (mean[SD] age, 83.8[6.9] years were enrolled. At baseline, the mean Canadian Occupational Performance Measure scores (range 1-10) were 2.92 (SE 0.20) and 3.09 (SE 0.21) for the care as usual and CBT-based occupational therapy with sensor monitoring groups, respectively. At six months, these values were 6.42 (SE 0.47) and 7.59 (SE 0.50). The mean patient-reported daily functioning in the CBT-based occupational therapy with sensor monitoring group was larger than that in the care as usual group (difference 1.17 [95% CI (0.47-1.87) P = 0.001]. We found no significant differences in daily functioning between CBT-based occupational therapy and care as usual.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: among older patients recovering from hip fracture, a rehabilitation programme of sensor monitoring-informed occupational therapy was more effective in improving patient-reported daily functioning at six months than to care as usual.TRIAL REGISTRATION: Dutch National Trial Register, NTR 5716.
De glastuinbouw in Nederland is wereldwijd toonaangevend en loopt voorop in automatisering en data-gedreven bedrijfsvoering. Voor de data-gedreven teelt wordt, naast het monitoren van de kas-parameters ook het monitoren van gewasparameters steeds meer gevraagd. De sector is daarbij vooral geïnteresseerd in niet-destructieve, contactloze en persoonsonafhankelijk monitoring van gewassen. Optische sensortechnologie, zoals spectrale afbeeldingstechnologie, kan veel waardevolle informatie opleveren over de staat van een gewas of vrucht, bijvoorbeeld over het suikergehalte, maar ook de aanwezigheid van plantziektes of insecten. Echter is dit vaak een te kostbare oplossing voor zowel de technologiebedrijven die oplossingen leveren als voor de telers zelf. In dit project onderzoeken wij de mogelijkheid om spectrale beeldvorming tegen lagere kosten te realiseren. Het beoogde resultaat is een prototype van een instrument dat tegen lage kosten met spectrale beeldvorming een of meerdere gewaseigenschappen kan kwantificeren. Realisatie van dit prototype heeft een sterke Fotonica-component (expertise Haagse Hogeschool) maakt gebruik van Machine Learning (expertise perClass) en is bedoeld voor toepassing op scout robots in de glastuinbouw (expertise Mythronics). Een betaalbare oplossing betekent in potentie voor de teler een betere controle over kwaliteit van het gewas en automatisering voor detectie van ziekte-uitbraken. Bij een succesvol prototype kan deze innovatie leiden tot betere voedselkwaliteit en minder verspilling in de glastuinbouw.
The focus of the research is 'Automated Analysis of Human Performance Data'. The three interconnected main components are (i)Human Performance (ii) Monitoring Human Performance and (iii) Automated Data Analysis . Human Performance is both the process and result of the person interacting with context to engage in tasks, whereas the performance range is determined by the interaction between the person and the context. Cheap and reliable wearable sensors allow for gathering large amounts of data, which is very useful for understanding, and possibly predicting, the performance of the user. Given the amount of data generated by such sensors, manual analysis becomes infeasible; tools should be devised for performing automated analysis looking for patterns, features, and anomalies. Such tools can help transform wearable sensors into reliable high resolution devices and help experts analyse wearable sensor data in the context of human performance, and use it for diagnosis and intervention purposes. Shyr and Spisic describe Automated Data Analysis as follows: Automated data analysis provides a systematic process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision making for further analysis. Their philosophy is to do the tedious part of the work automatically, and allow experts to focus on performing their research and applying their domain knowledge. However, automated data analysis means that the system has to teach itself to interpret interim results and do iterations. Knuth stated: Science is knowledge which we understand so well that we can teach it to a computer; and if we don't fully understand something, it is an art to deal with it.[Knuth, 1974]. The knowledge on Human Performance and its Monitoring is to be 'taught' to the system. To be able to construct automated analysis systems, an overview of the essential processes and components of these systems is needed.Knuth Since the notion of an algorithm or a computer program provides us with an extremely useful test for the depth of our knowledge about any given subject, the process of going from an art to a science means that we learn how to automate something.
Agricultural/horticultural products account for 9% of Dutch gross domestic product. Yearly expansion of production involves major challenges concerning labour costs and plant health control. For growers, one of the most urgent problems is pest detection, as pests cause up to 10% harvest loss, while the use of chemicals is increasingly prohibited. For consumers, food safety is increasingly important. A potential solution for both challenges is frequent and automated pest monitoring. Although technological developments such as propeller-based drones and robotic arms are in full swing, these are not suitable for vertical horticulture (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers). A better solution for less labour intensive pest detection in vertical crop horticulture, is a bio-inspired FW-MAV: Flapping Wings Micro Aerial Vehicle. Within this project we will develop tiny FW-MAVs inspired by insect agility, with high manoeuvrability for close plant inspection, even through leaves without damage. This project focusses on technical design, testing and prototyping of FW-MAV and on autonomous flight through vertically growing crops in greenhouses. The three biggest technical challenges for FW-MAV development are: 1) size, lower flight speed and hovering; 2) Flight time; and 3) Energy efficiency. The greenhouse environment and pest detection functionality pose additional challenges such as autonomous flight, high manoeuvrability, vertical take-off/landing, payload of sensors and other equipment. All of this is a multidisciplinary challenge requiring cross-domain collaboration between several partners, such as growers, biologists, entomologists and engineers with expertise in robotics, mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, etc. In this project a co-creation based collaboration is established with all stakeholders involved, integrating technical and biological aspects.