This thesis focuses on the relationship between ethnic composition and both schooling outcomes and classroom behaviour, making the crucial distinction between the share of migrant-origin students and ethnic diversity. Ethnic school composition is seen as one of the explanations for the inequality of school performance between native- and migrant-origin students in Western societies. Although the use of the concept migrant origin is contested concept, the relationship between ethnic school composition and school performance is of interest to policymakers and social scientists in both the United States and Europe.
Purpose: A more dynamic school day that includes less sitting and more physical activity throughout the day may support health in primary school children. In this mixed methodologies study, we assessed which physical activity possibilities are incorporated in the school policies of Dutch primary schools and if this translates into more physical activity in pupils.Methods: Seven primary schools were included in the study. The head teachers completed a questionnaire on the incorporation of physical activity in the school policy. Physical activity policy was assessed for physical education, physical activity during breaks, scheduling of physical activity during lessons, after school physical activity and active transport to school. In each school, actual physical activity was objectively measured using accelerometers in pupils in two classes and planning and logging of PA by teachers.Results: We will assess the impact of the school policy on physical activity in pupils using logistic regression. We will assess the impact of the several school policies on total physical activity in pupils, and on the three (light, moderate and high) modalities of physical activity.Conclusion: The results of this study will give us more insight in the current role of physical activity in Dutch primary schools. The potential impact of the school policy on physical activity levels in pupils can be used as a starting point for a more integral dynamic school day approach.Support/Funding Source: This study was partially funded by “Stichting Westelijke Tuinsteden’
Purpose: A more dynamic school day that includes less sitting and more physical activity throughout the day may support health in primary school children. In this mixed methodologies study, we assessed which physical activity possibilities are incorporated in the school policies of Dutch primary schools and if this translates into more physical activity in pupils.Methods: Seven primary schools were included in the study. The head teachers completed a questionnaire on the incorporation of physical activity in the school policy. Physical activity policy was assessed for physical education, physical activity during breaks, scheduling of physical activity during lessons, after school physical activity and active transport to school. In each school, actual physical activity was objectively measured using accelerometers in pupils in two classes and planning and logging of PA by teachers.Results: We will assess the impact of the school policy on physical activity in pupils using logistic regression. We will assess the impact of the several school policies on total physical activity in pupils, and on the three (light, moderate and high) modalities of physical activity.Conclusion: The results of this study will give us more insight in the current role of physical activity in Dutch primary schools. The potential impact of the school policy on physical activity levels in pupils can be used as a starting point for a more integral dynamic school day approach.Support/Funding Source: This study was partially funded by “Stichting Westelijke Tuinsteden’
Grote steden staan de komende decennia voor enorme uitdagingen om ruimtelijke herstructurering en versterking van sociaaleconomische posities van bepaalde wijken, te combineren met leefbaarheids-, duurzaamheids-, en mobiliteitsambities. Dit zijn vraagstukken waar bij uitstek verschillende fysieke, sociale, economische en bestuurlijke professionals moeten samenwerken. Dit onderzoek richt zicht op boundary spanners, professionals die een sleutelrol spelen in het verbinden van domeinoverstijgende vraagstukken. Met de toename en complexiteit van maatschappelijke vragen in het grootstedelijke domein groeit ook de behoefte aan en het belang van boundary spanners in het realiseren van effectieve samenwerking. Kennis over de effectiviteit van hun werkpraktijken blijft echter achter. Gezien de urgentie van grootstedelijke vraagstukken, is het van groot belang deze kennis te ontwikkelen. De (grootstedelijke) professionals die in de rol van boundary spanner vervullen of die rol ambiëren vragen zich dan ook af: Hoe krijg ik zicht op mijn eigen boundary spanner praktijk als individu of binnen een team werken, welke mogelijke verbeteringen zijn er in ons handelen en wat daarvan is overdraagbaar naar andere professionals en andere situaties? Door deze praktijkvraag te combineren met theoretische kennis vanuit bestuurskunde en verandermanagement, geeft dit onderzoek antwoord op de overkoepelende onderzoeksvraag: Wat zijn de kenmerken van de werkpraktijken waarin (grootstedelijke) professionals, die we kunnen typeren als of boundary spanners, de grenzen tussen domeinen bij grootstedelijke vraagstukken weten te overbruggen? Het onderzoek is een co-creatie van stedelijke professionals in teams van vijf praktijkcases: het programma Haven-Stad (Amsterdam); de regiodeal Den Haag Zuidwest; het project Cruciale Mijl (Amsterdam); Combiwel buurtwerk (Amsterdam) en het team gebiedsadviseurs (Amsterdam), met onderzoekers van de Centres of Expertise van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Haagse Hogeschool. Dit onderzoek expliciteert de werkregels die boundary spanners in staat stelt om domeinoverstijgend te werken en levert op die manier een wezenlijke bijdrage aan het realiseren van deze grootstedelijke vraagstukken.
Duurzame ontwikkeling staat hoog op lokale, nationale en internationale politieke agenda’s. Denk alleen al aan klimaatverandering, biodiversiteit, de stikstofcrisis, de gezondheidscrisis, de teloorgang van stilte en stiltegebieden en de ontwikkeling van de circulaire economie.Duurzame ontwikkeling bestaat nadrukkelijk uit aspecten op het gebied van milieu, mens en economie. Daarbij is het perspectief van de stakeholders in de sector, de bedrijven, overheden, omwonenden, klanten en belanghebbenden van groot belang.De gastvrijheidssector speelt hierin een dubbele rol: enerzijds creëren deze sector veel waarde uit natuurlijke hulpbronnen zoals juist de kwaliteit van natuur, biodiversiteit, landschap, stilte, schone lucht. Anderzijds speelt de sector een rol bij het ontstaan van klimaatverandering, stikstofoxiden, verlies van biodiversiteit en stilte.Het project beoogt voor bovenstaande problematiek een onderzoekagenda op te stellen. De onderzoekagenda geeft een systematisch overzicht van de problematiek, een vertaling naar de potentiële onderzoeksvragen en mogelijke resultaten.Partners: Hogeschool Zeeland (HZ), NHL/Stenden.
Social enterprises (SEs) can play an important role in addressing societal problems. SEs are businesses whose primary objective is to generate social impact (e.g. well-being, social wealth and cohesion, and ecology) through a market-based model. SEs achieve this through a hybrid business model, trading-off financial and social value creation objectives. SEs typically face higher costs, for example because of ethical sourcing principles and/or production processes centering around the needs of workers who are vulnerable or hard-to-employ. This results in SEs’ struggling to scale-up due to their relatively costly operating model. Traditional management techniques are not always appropriate, as they do not take into account the tensions between financial and social value creation objectives of SEs. Our project examines how continuous improvement, and in particular the philosophy and tools of Lean can be harnessed to improve SEs competitiveness. Lean organizations share many values with SEs, such as respect for people, suggesting a good fit between the values and principles of Lean and those of SEs. The consortium for this project is a cooperation between the research groups Improving Business and New Marketing of the Center of Expertise Well-Being Economy and New Entrepreneurship and the minor Continuous Improvement of AVANS Hogeschool, and the SME companies Elliz in Company and Ons Label. The project consists of two phases, an exploratory phase during which the question “in what ways can the philosophy and tools of Lean be used by Social Enterprises?” will be addressed. Interviews and focus groups will be conducted with multiple SEs (not only partners). Participant observation will be conducted by the students of the minor Continuous Improvement at the partner SEs. During the second phase, the implementation of the identified principles and tools will be operationalized through a roadmap. Action research will be conducted in cooperation with the partner SEs.