Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Continuing professional development approaches such as professional learning communities (PLCs) could help schools to sustainably work on school improvement to meet the rapid changes in the world around us. Sustainability is achieved when the core components of the approach become a self-evident and functional part of the school (or: organizational routine), which is flexible and adaptive to ongoing work, and aimed at regular improvement. Achieving sustainability has been found to be a challenge for a lot of schools, however. Leadership is assumed to be crucial for sustainability. We studied leadership through a distributed leadership lens: all activities tied to the core work of the school that are designed by the school’s staff members to influence the motivation, knowledge, or practices of other members of the school organization were considered. As research into sustainability of professional development and leadership was scarce, this dissertation focused on the following question: What is the role of school leadership in schools that work sustainably on school improvement with PLCs? A case study design was used to gain in-depth insight into what leadership and sustainably working on school improvement with PLCs looks like in five Dutch secondary schools. The schools were intensively observed (approximately 160 hours per school), school (policy) documents were collected, social network questionnaires were administered, and the school leadership was interviewed. Based on four studies, that focused on leaders’ practices, knowledge brokerage, and beliefs, the role of school leadership appears to be threefold. They 1) adequately designed the organization for working with the PLC, 2) managed the teaching and learning program while considering the PLC, and 3) helped and supported the staff members’ development for working with the PLC. The way in which leaders carried out the triple role of leadership seemed to be related to different factors. These factors are situated at the personal, interpersonal, and school contextual levels. The dissertation shows what leadership practices were carried out in what way and provides practical implications resulting from that. The insights could inspire schools and school leadership to work sustainably on school improvement with PLCs too.
At a time when much attention is being paid to teachers’ effectiveness, there is little regard for the effectiveness of their professional support. Although professional development facilitators are frequently involved in school improvement projects, little is known about the interventions they should carry out and the effectiveness of these interventions. In this study, five facilitators’ interventions are operationalised. Multilevel regression analyses show, that the intervention “guiding the process” explains a significant part of variance in teachers’ knowledge, attitude and concerns with respect to an innovation and the degree of implementation. The interventions “team training and coaching”, “creating conditions for innovation at school level” and “individual coaching” explain a significant part of variance in teachers’ knowledge with respect to an innovation. In general, it appears that professional development facilitators have considerable influence on teachers’ knowledge and concerns and reasonable influence on teachers’ attitude and the degree of implementation.
Introduction: The health-promoting school (HPS) approach was developed by the World Health Organization to create health promotion changes in the whole school system. Implementing the approach can be challenging for schools because schools are dynamic organizations with each a unique context. Many countries worldwide have a health promotion system in place in which healthy school (HS) advisors support schools in the process of implementing the HPS approach. Even though these HS advisors can take on various roles to provide support in an adaptive and context-oriented manner, these roles have not yet been described. The current study aims to identify and describe the key roles of the HS advisor when supporting schools during the dynamic process of implementing the HPS approach. Methods: The study was part of a project in which a capacity-building module was developed for and with HS advisors in the Netherlands. In the current study, a co-creation process enabled by participatory research was used in which researchers, HS advisors, national representatives, and coordinators of the Dutch HS program participated. Co-creation processes took place between October 2020 and November 2021 and consisted of four phases: (1) a narrative review of the literature, (2) interviews, (3) focus groups, and (4) a final check. Results: Five roles were identified. The role of “navigator” as a more central one and four other roles: “linking pin,” “expert in the field,” “critical friend,” and “ambassador of the HPS approach.” The (final) description of the five roles was recognizable for the HS advisors that participated in the study, and they indicated that it provided a comprehensive overview of the work of an HS advisor in the Netherlands. Discussion: The roles can provide guidance to all Dutch HS advisors and the regional public health organizations that employ them on what is needed to provide sufficient and context-oriented support to schools. These roles can inspire and guide people from other countries to adapt the roles to their own national context.
The Dutch hospitality industry, reflecting the wider Dutch society, is increasingly facing social sustainability challenges for a greying population, such as increasing burnout, lifelong learning, and inclusion for those distanced from the job market. Yet, while the past decades have seen notable progress regarding environmental sustainability and good governance, more attention should be paid to social sustainability. This concern is reflected by the top-sector healthcare struggles caused by mounting social welfare pressure, leading to calls by the Dutch government for organizational improvement in social earning capacity. Furthermore, the upcoming EU legislation on CSRD requires greater transparency regarding financial and non-financial reporting this year. Yet, while the existing sustainability accreditation frameworks offer guidance on environmental sustainability and good governance reporting, there must be more guidance on auditing social sustainability. The hospitality industry, as a prominent employer in the Netherlands, thus has a societal and legislative urgency to transition its social earning capacity. Dormben Hotel The Hague OpCo BV (Dormben) has thus sought support in transitioning its social sustainability standards to meet this call. Hotelschool, the Hague leads the consortium, including Green Key Nederland and Dormben, by employing participatory design to present a social sustainability accreditation framework. Initially, Dr. David Brannon and Dr. Melinda Ratkai from Hotelschool The Hague will draft a social sustainability accreditation framework informed by EFRAG. Subsequently, Erik van Wijk, from Green Key Nederland, the hospitality benchmark for sustainability accreditation, and Sander de Jong, from Dormben, will pilot the framework through four participatory workshops involving hospitality operators. Later, during a cross-industry conference, Dr. David Brannon and Dr. Melinda Ratkai will disseminate a social sustainability toolkit across their academic and industry networks. Finally, conference and workshop participants will be invited to form a social sustainability learning community, discussing their social earning capacity based on the revised sustainability accreditation.
Het project FIXAR richt zich op het beantwoorden van de vraag: Hoe kan de luchtvaart- en windenergiesector composietenreparaties middels geautomatiseerde technologieën economisch verantwoord maken? Deze vraag komt voort uit eerdere ervaringen in RAAK-mkb projecten op het gebied van composietfabricage, oriëntatie op de nationale en internationale markt en uit de feedback van het betrokken mkb. Het mkb staat voor de uitdaging kennis en ervaring met automatiseringsoplossingen op te doen en nieuwe inspectietechnologieën in te voeren, wil het de groeiende behoefte aan composietenreparaties het hoofd bieden. De doelstelling van het project is dan ook, het door praktijkgericht onderzoek ontwikkelen van geautomatiseerde methoden voor duurzame geautomatiseerde composietenreparaties die technisch- en economisch haalbaar zijn. Om dit doel te bereiken wordt door Hogeschool Inholland samengewerkt met een aantal kennisinstituten en mkb-partners. Het project is opgebouwd rondom vier deelonderzoeken. Hiermee zijn alle aspecten van composietenreparaties gedekt; hulpmiddelen voor geautomatiseerde reparaties, inspectie en validatie, materiaalonderzoek en opleiding van medewerkers. Gelet op de state of the art-kennis, ligt de focus op luchtvaart en windenergie. Het zijn namelijk juist deze twee sectoren die het meest van elkaar kunnen profiteren. Binnen de deelonderzoeken komen state of the art-zaken aan bod als drones en Augement Reality. Aangezien het onderzoek zich richt op actuele problemen bij de bedrijven, zal een deel van het onderzoek bij de bedrijven zelf plaatsvinden en kunnen deze bedrijven direct profiteren van de resultaten van het onderzoek. In het onderwijs komen stage- en afstudeerplekken beschikbaar voor de studenten van de deelnemende hogescholen. Daarnaast vindt er een duurzame vertaalslag plaats van de projectresultaten en bevindingen middels het realiseren van onderwijsmateriaal t.b.v. de curricula van de opleidingen aviation, luchtvaarttechnologie, werktuigbouwkunde, en technische informatica. Het project heeft een blijvende impact op de beroepspraktijk omdat het deelnemende mkb met de resultaten uit dit project hun kennis van reparatieprocessen op hoger niveau brengt.
Societal changes force hospitals to improve their patient journeys. And although hospitals and hotels do differ on quite some aspects, there are also a lot of similarities. Moreover, hotels are known for doing their utmost to please their guests and to focus on their guest experiences. Therefore, hospitals are looking at what they can learn form the hotel industry. The Antoniushove is anxious to retain its high quality and where possible to improve it. That is why, together with the Hotelschool, they want to investigate where the patient journey can be improved. Medical students are ‘critical thinkers’ as they are educated in an academic and evidence based environment. Hotelschool students are generally seen as having excellent ‘soft skills’ like creativity and problem solving skills. Critical thinking and soft skills are both seen as important 21st century skills. This research is a first exploration of where there are possibilities for improvement on patient journeys. Couples existing of one medical student and one hotelschool student will form a team and follow breast and colorectal patients during their hospital visit. This combination of students has never occurred before in such a research. It will allow students from both backgrounds to look at the patient journey though the eyes of the other and to learn form each other’s competences. Main research methods to be applied will be shadowing, guided tours and interviews, all of course with informed consent. Medical staff from the Antoniushove and research experts form the hotelschool will supervise the research. This research is a preliminary research for a bigger research and should result in grant proposal for the follow-up research.