Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Modigliani's Life Cycle Model has no explanatory value in regard to late nineteenth and early twentieth century saving behavior in the Netherlands because many people had to survive on extremely low incomes. However, this does not mean that Dutch working-class people at the turn of the century never made any savings. From an international perspective they made considerable short-term savings, through funeral assurance companies, industrial life companies and saving banks.
The hospitality industry contributes significantly to global climate change through its high resource consumption and emissions due to travel. As public pressure for hotels to develop sustainability initiatives to mitigate their footprint grows, a lack of understanding of green behavior and consumption of hotel guests hinders the adoption of effective programs. Most tourism research thus far has focused on the ecotourism segment, rather than the general population of travelers, and while research in consumer behavior shows that locus of control (LOC) and guilt can influence guests’ environmental behavior, those factors have not been tested with consideration of the subjective norm to measure their interaction and effect on recycling behavior. This study first examines the importance of internal and external LOC on factors for selecting hotel accommodation and the extent of agreement about hotel practices and, second, examines the differences in recycling behavior among guests with internal versus external LOC under levels of positive versus negative subjective norms and feelings of low versus high guilt.
Even though mango productivity in Ethiopia is low due to moisture stress, there is no report on how such constraint could alleviate using Cocoon water-saving technology. Cocoon is small water reservoir technology which uses for plant growth in dry season. The objectives of this study were to introduce and evaluate effectiveness of water-saving techniques on mango seedlings survival and growth in Mihitsab-Azmati watershed, northern Ethiopia. In this experiment, five treatments of water-saving techniques with mango seedlings were evaluated. These were: Cocoon sprayed by tricel (T1), Cocoon painted by used engine oil (T2), Cocoon without tricel and oil (T3), manually irrigated seedlings (T4) and mango seedlings planted during rainy season (T5). The survival and growth performance of mango seedlings were recorded at six months and one-year after transplanting. Data on plant survival, height, number of leaves per plant, shoot length, stem diameter and crown width were subjected to analysis of variance and t-test. There were significant differences in the treatment effects on mango seedlings transplanted survival, plant height, number of leaves per plant, shoot length, stem diameter and crown width measured at six months and one-year after transplanting. The lowest survival rate (20 %) was found during both data collection time in T5. Six months after transplanting, the highest growth parameters were measured from T1 whereas the lowest was from T5. However, one-year after transplanting, the highest growth parameters were measured from T3. Plant heights increments between the two measurement periods for T3, T2, T1, T4 and T5 were 45.1, 38.5, 24.8, 9.8 and 7.0 cm, respectively; indicating that T3 performed better than the other treatments. The t-test on mean differences between the same growth parameter measured at 12 and six months after transplanting also showed significant differences. The Cocoon water-saving technology was superior in improving mango seedlings survival and growth in the study area. This study generalized that Cocoon seems promising, sustainable and highly scalable with mango seedlings at large-scale in the study area conditions. However, this technology should not be assumed to perform uniformly well in all environmental conditions and with all tree species before demonstrated on a pilot study.