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Background: A protein intake of 30‐40 g per meal is suggested to maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and could therefore contribute to the prevention of sarcopenia. Protein intake at breakfast and lunch is often low and offers a great opportunity to improve daily protein intake. Protein, however, is known for its satiating effects. Therefore, we explored the association between the amount of protein intake at breakfast and lunch and total daily protein intake in older adults.Methods: Protein intake was assessed by a 3‐day food record in 498 community dwelling older adults (≥55 years) participating different lifestyle interventions. Linear mixed model analysis was used to examine the association between protein intake at breakfast or lunch and total daily protein intake, adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, smoking status, study and total energy intake.Results: After adjustment for potential confounders, a 10 g higher protein intake at breakfast was associated with a 3.2 g higher total daily protein intake (P = 0.008) for males and a 4.9 g (P < 0.001) higher total daily protein intake for females. A 10 g higher protein intake at lunch was associated with a 3.7 g higher total daily protein intake (P < 0.001) for males, and a 5.8 g higher total daily protein intake (P < 0.001) for females.Conclusions: A higher protein intake at breakfast and lunch is associated with a higher total daily protein intake in community dwelling older adults. Stimulating a higher protein intake at breakfast and lunch might represent a promising nutritional strategy to optimise the amount of protein per meal without compromising total daily protein intake.
Eating rate is a basic determinant of appetite regulation, as people who eat more slowly feel sated earlier and eat less. Without assistance, eating rate is difficult to modify due to its automatic nature. In the current study, participants used an augmented fork that aimed to decelerate their rate of eating. A total of 114 participants were randomly assigned to the Feedback Condition (FC), in which they received vibrotactile feedback from their fork when eating too fast (i.e., taking more than one bite per 10 s), or a Non-Feedback Condition (NFC). Participants in the FC took fewer bites per minute than did those in the NFC. Participants in the FC also had a higher success ratio, indicating that they had significantly more bites outside the designated time interval of 10 s than did participants in the NFC. A slower eating rate, however, did not lead to a significant reduction in the amount of food consumed or level of satiation.These findings indicate that real-time vibrotactile feedback delivered through an augmented fork is capable of reducing eating rate, but there is no evidence from this study that this reduction in eating rate is translated into an increase in satiation or reduction in food consumption. Overall, this study shows that real-time vibrotactile feedback may be a viable tool in interventions that aim to reduce eating rate. The long-term effectiveness of this form of feedback on satiation and food consumption, however, awaits further investigation.
Introductie: De behandeling van Anorexia Nervosa is multidisciplinair. Ondanks de uitvoerige behandeling blijkt dat herstelpercentages laag zijn en terugvalpercentages hoog. Er wordt vaak gezien dat (ex)eetstoornispatiënten een paar jaar na de behandeling nog restrictief eetgedrag vertonen. ‘Intuitief Eten’ is een wetenschappelijk onderbouwde methode die kan helpen met het herstellen van de relatie met eten en leren om weer te vertrouwen op het lichaam. Deze studie is opgezet om uit te zoeken hoe Intuïtief Eten het best geïmplementeerd kan worden in de behandeling van Anorexia Nervosa in de diëtistische praktijk. Methode: Om het (eet)gedrag tijdens en na de eetstoornis en de effecten van Intuïtief Eten bij Anorexia Nervosa in kaart te brengen is literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd. De literatuur is gezocht in de volgende databases: CataloguePlus, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect en Pubmed. Vervolgens is kwalitatief onderzoek gedaan bij 17 vrouwen, in de leeftijd van 15-35 jaar die in behandeling waren voor Anorexia Nervosa of deze behandeling korter dan 5 jaar geleden hadden afgerond. Ze zijn naar hun meningen en voorkeuren bij de behandeling van Anorexia Nervosa gevraagd, door middel van semigestructureerde diepte-interviews. Resultaten: Uit de resultaten van het literatuuronderzoek is gebleken, dat Intuïtief Eten wordt geassocieerd met positieve behandeluitkomsten bij het herstel van Anorexia Nervosa, maar dat toepassing pas mogelijk is, nadat er een periode van hervoeden door middel van een gestructureerd eetschema heeft plaatsgevonden. Uit de diepte-interviews kwam naar voren dat de volgorde van de principes van belang lijkt voor een succesvolle toepassing van Intuïtief Eten. Het lijkt erop, dat er aan het begin van de behandeling mogelijk een grotere kans is dat er misbruik gemaakt wordt van bepaalde principes van Intuïtief Eten, doordat sommige principes als excuus gebruikt kunnen worden om minder te eten of extra te sporten en daarmee het eetstoornis gedrag voortzetten. Principes gericht op het herkennen van de eetstoornis, het lichaamsbeeld en omgaan met emoties, kunnen mogelijk al in een eerder stadium van de behandeling worden toegepast. De principes gericht op het luisteren naar honger- en verzadigingssignalen, bewegen en gezonde voeding worden door respondenten gezien als valkuilen en kunnen daardoor wellicht pas later toegepast worden. Conclusie: Om de toepassing van Intuïtief Eten bij Anorexia Nervosa succesvol te laten verlopen lijkt het van belang om rekening te houden met de volgorde waarin de principes worden geïntroduceerd. Rekening houden met de fase waarin bepaalde principes toegepast kunnen worden, kan mogelijk het verschil maken voor een succesvolle behandeling en zou de kans kunnen verkleinen dat de patiënt misbruik maakt van de principes. Het stroomschema: “Implementatie van Intuïtief Eten bij het herstel van Anorexia Nervosa” kan worden ingezet als hulpmiddel bij het toepassen van Intuïtief Eten bij patiënten met Anorexia Nervosa. Introduction: Anorexia Nervosa treatment is multidisciplinary. Despite comprehensive treatment, recovery rates are found to be low and relapse rates high. It is often seen that (former) eating disorder patients still exhibit restrictive eating behaviour a few years after treatment. 'Intuitive Eating' Wetenschap | Origineel artikel26 Voeding & Visie jaargang 36, nummer 1 2023 is a science-based method that can help restore the relationship with food and learn to trust the body again. This study was designed to find out how Intuitive Eating can best be implemented in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in dietetic practice. Method: To identify the (eating) behavior during and after the eating disorder and the effects of Intuitive Eating in Anorexia Nervosa, a literature search was conducted. The literature was searched in the following databases: CataloguePlus, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Pubmed. Next, qualitative research was conducted among 17 women, aged 15-35 years who were being treated for Anorexia Nervosa or who have completed this treatment less than 5 years ago. They were asked about their opinions and preferences in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, through semi-structured in-depth interviews. Results: The results of the literature review revealed that Intuitive Eating is associated with positive treatment outcomes in the recovery from Anorexia Nervosa, but that application is only possible after a period of refeeding through a structured eating schedule has taken place. The in-depth interviews revealed that the order of the principles appears to be important for the successful application of Intuitive Eating. There seems to be a greater chance of misusing certain principles of Intuitive Eating at the beginning of treatment, as some principles might be used as an excuse to eat less or exercise extra, thus continuing the eating disorder behavior. Principles focused on recognizing the eating disorder, body image and dealing with emotions can possibly be applied early in treatment. Principles focused on listening to hunger and satiety signals, exercise and healthy eating are seen as pitfalls and can possibly only be applied later. Conclusion: In order for the application of Intuitive Eating in Anorexia Nervosa to be successful, it seems important to take into account the order in which the principles are introduced. Considering the phase in which certain principles can be applied might make the difference to successful treatment and possibly reduces the likelihood of the patient misusing the principles. The flowchart: "Implementing Intuitive Eating in Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa" can be used as an aid in applying Intuitive Eating to patients with Anorexia Nervosa.