Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Assembly (D2RP&A) process developed at Delft University of Technology (DUT) has been scaled up to building size by prototyping of-site a 3.30 m high fragment of a larger spaceframe structure The fragment consists of wooden linear elements connected to a polymer node printed at 3D Robot Printing and panels robotically milled at Amsterdam University of Applied Science (AUAS). It has been evaluated for suitability for assembly on-site without temporary support while relying on human-robot collaboration. The constructed architectural hybrid structure is proof of concept for an on- and off-site D2RP&A approach that is envisioned to be implemented using a range of robots able to possibly address all phases of construction in the future.
Growing volumes of wood are being used in construction, interior architecture, and product design, resulting in increasing amounts of wood waste. Using this waste is challenging, because it is too labor-intensive to process large volumes of uneven wood pieces that vary in geometry, quality, and origin. The project “Circular Wood for the Neighborhood” researches how advanced computational design and robotic production approaches can be used to create meaningful applications from waste wood. shifting the perception of circular wood as a simply harvested stream, towards a material with unique aesthetics of its own right. The complexity of the material is suggested to be tackled by switching from the object-oriented design towards designing soft systems. The system developed uses a bottom-up approach where each piece of wood aggregates according to certain parameters and the designed medium is mainly rule-sets and connections. The system is able to produce many options and bring the end-user for a meaningful co-design instead of choosing from the pre-designed options. Material-driven design algorithms were developed, which can be used by designers and end-users to design bespoke products from waste wood. In the first of three case studies, a small furniture item (“coffee table”) was designed from an old door, harvested from a renovation project. For its production, two principle approaches were developed: with or without preprocessing the wood. The principles were tested with an industrial robotic arm and available waste wood. A first prototype was made using the generated aggregation from the system, parametric production processes and robotic fabrication.
Greenhouses are in need of new monitoring tools, as they size grow bigger and bigger but still using old labour intensive methods ways of caring for the crop. HiPerGreen is set out to create a new tool, which can drive onto the pre-existing heating pipes to provide a birds eye perspective for image analysis purposes. However, clear images are necessary for consistent usable data. This presentation resumes the steps taken during the reporting: the optimisation of a rail based system towards clear images. This is done through analysis of resulting images, understanding vibrations and oscillations, and finally presents results based on prototyping. Moreover, a re-design of the electronics and hardware was also introduce to facilitate prototyping. The results are promising, laying within the requirements.
In ons praktijkgerichte onderzoek zien wij uitdagingen op het gebied van digitalisering (smart industry) en het verduurzamen (sustainability) ervan. Deze gecombineerde uitdaging vormt de gemeenschappelijke interesse van het lectoren platform Sustainable Smart Industries met een focus op Disassembly: het uit elkaar halen van producten. In onze regio’s (Zuid, Noord, Oost, West Nederland) zijn er diverse bedrijven die ons vragen antwoorden te geven op hun vragen rondom dit thema. Wij zien hier mogelijkheden om Smart Industry methoden en technieken te gebruiken. Wij zien echter ook dat het inzicht in de diverse methoden en technieken (focus op digital twins, robotica en leverketens) in het algemeen, maar zeker op het gebied van Disassembly verbetering behoeft. Met het platform verbeteren we dit inzicht en versterken we het praktijkgerichte onderzoek en helpen het beter toepasbaar te maken. Ons platform maakt het mogelijk om de ervaringen en kennis op het gebied van Sustainable Smart Industry (SSI) (kennis die we in projecten opdoen) te delen en erover te communiceren. We richten ons hierbij op docent onderzoekers en bedrijven. Parallel daaraan versterken we de samenwerking tussen de lectoraten en onderwijs door onze hybride leeromgevingen te gebruiken voor Disassembly. Hierbij richten we onze aandacht op het opzetten van studententeams, en proberen we WO en MBO bij het thema aan te laten sluiten. Hiervoor richten we een interactief platform voor dat als vraagbaak dient, het is m.n. gericht op onze collega docent onderzoekers bij de verschillende hogescholen. Parallel aan voorgaande activiteiten in het kennisnetwerk wordt een kennisagenda voor Disassembly ontwikkeld die aansluit op bestaande roadmaps.Ook organiseren we het kennisnetwerk door regelmatig overleg met bedrijven en bestuur om tot gecoördineerde actie en regie op het thema te komen.