Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: The increasing numbers of surgeries involving high risk, multi-morbid patients, coupled with inconsistencies in the practice of perioperative surgical wound care, increases patients’ risk of surgical site infection and other wound complications. Objectives: To synthesise and evaluate the recommendations for nursing practice and research from published systematic reviews in the Cochrane Library on nurse-led pre-operative prophylaxis and post-operative surgical wound care interventions used or initiated by nurses. Design: Meta-review, guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Data sources: The Cochrane Library database. Review methods: All Cochrane Systematic Reviews were eligible. Two reviewers independently selected the reviews and extracted data. One reviewer appraised the methodological quality of the included reviews using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR 2) checklist. A second reviewer independently verified these appraisals. The review protocol was registered with the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. Results: Twenty-two Cochrane reviews met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 11 reviews focused on pre-operative interventions to prevent infection, while 12 focused on post-operative interventions (one review assessed both pre-and post-operative interventions). Across all reviews, 14 (63.6%) made at least one recommendation to undertake a specific practice, while two reviews (9.1%) made at least one specific recommendation not to undertake a practice. In relation to recommendations for further research, insufficient sample size was the most predominant methodological issue (12/22) identified across reviews. Conclusions: The limited number of recommendations for pre- and post-operative interventions reflects the paucity of high-quality evidence, suggesting a need for rigorous trials to address these evidence gaps in fundamentals of nursing care.
Background: The increasing numbers of surgeries involving high risk, multi-morbid patients, coupled with inconsistencies in the practice of perioperative surgical wound care, increases patients’ risk of surgical site infection and other wound complications. Objectives: To synthesise and evaluate the recommendations for nursing practice and research from published systematic reviews in the Cochrane Library on nurse-led preoperative prophylaxis and postoperative surgical wound care interventions used or initiated by nurses. Design: Meta-review, guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Data sources: The Cochrane Library database. Review methods: All Cochrane Systematic Reviews were eligible. Two reviewers independently selected the reviews and extracted data. One reviewer appraised the methodological quality of the included reviews using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews 2 checklist. A second reviewer independently verified these appraisals. The review protocol was registered with the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. Results: Twenty-two Cochrane reviews met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 11 reviews focused on preoperative interventions to prevent infection, while 12 focused on postoperative interventions (one review assessed both pre-postoperative interventions). Across all reviews, 14 (63.6%) made at least one recommendation to undertake a specific practice, while two reviews (9.1%) made at least one specific recommendation not to undertake a practice. In relation to recommendations for further research, insufficient sample size was the most predominant methodological issue (12/22) identified across reviews. Conclusions: The limited number of recommendations for pre-and-postoperative interventions reflects the paucity of high-quality evidence, suggesting a need for rigorous trials to address these evidence gaps in fundamentals of nursing care.
Adaptieve expertise en flexibiliteit zijn belangrijke competenties. Professionals zullen moeten meebewegen met veranderende werkomstandigheden en in staat zijn om die veranderingen vorm te geven. Dit (ontwerp)onderzoek vindt plaats in innovatieve leerwerkomgevingen in bachelor- en masteropleidingen en beschrijft en verklaart de werking van deze innovaties m.b.t. de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise.Doel Adaptatwork wil inzicht geven in werkzame mechanismes in en praktische tools ontwerpen voor de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise tijdens werkplekleren. Resultaten Wetenschappelijke kennis over de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise in hoger onderwijs Praktijkkennis en expertise voor het hoger onderwijs Toepasbare producten voor docenten en stakeholders Looptijd 01 juli 2020 - 31 december 2023 Aanpak Reviews naar adaptieve expertise en mechanismes die dat bevorderen, casestudies, meta-analyse en valorisatie. Wonen 3.0 Het project Wonen 3.0 dient als casus voor dit onderzoek. In deze leerwerkomgeving wordt praktisch onderzoek uitgevoerd op de vraagstukken van de maatschappij rondom het thema wonen in de setting van een modern leerwerkbedrijf. Bedrijven en instellingen, onderzoekers en studenten (als young professionals) ontwikkelen hierin samen nieuwe inzichten en werkende oplossingen. Het onderwijs is gebaseerd op challenge-based learning.
Adaptieve expertise en flexibiliteit zijn belangrijke competenties. Professionals zullen moeten meebewegen met veranderende werkomstandigheden en in staat zijn om die veranderingen vorm te geven. Dit (ontwerp)onderzoek vindt plaats in innovatieve leerwerkomgevingen in bachelor- en masteropleidingen en beschrijft en verklaart de werking van deze innovaties m.b.t. de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise.Doel Adaptatwork wil inzicht geven in werkzame mechanismes in en praktische tools ontwerpen voor de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise tijdens werkplekleren. Resultaten Wetenschappelijke kennis over de ontwikkeling van adaptieve expertise in hoger onderwijs Praktijkkennis en expertise voor het hoger onderwijs Toepasbare producten voor docenten en stakeholders Looptijd 01 juli 2020 - 31 december 2023 Aanpak Reviews naar adaptieve expertise en mechanismes die dat bevorderen, casestudies, meta-analyse en valorisatie. Wonen 3.0 Het project Wonen 3.0 dient als casus voor dit onderzoek. In deze leerwerkomgeving wordt praktisch onderzoek uitgevoerd op de vraagstukken van de maatschappij rondom het thema wonen in de setting van een modern leerwerkbedrijf. Bedrijven en instellingen, onderzoekers en studenten (als young professionals) ontwikkelen hierin samen nieuwe inzichten en werkende oplossingen. Het onderwijs is gebaseerd op challenge-based learning.
Physical rehabilitation programs revolve around the repetitive execution of exercises since it has been proven to lead to better rehabilitation results. Although beginning the motor (re)learning process early is paramount to obtain good recovery outcomes, patients do not normally see/experience any short-term improvement, which has a toll on their motivation. Therefore, patients find it difficult to stay engaged in seemingly mundane exercises, not only in terms of adhering to the rehabilitation program, but also in terms of proper execution of the movements. One way in which this motivation problem has been tackled is to employ games in the rehabilitation process. These games are designed to reward patients for performing the exercises correctly or regularly. The rewards can take many forms, for instance providing an experience that is engaging (fun), one that is aesthetically pleasing (appealing visual and aural feedback), or one that employs gamification elements such as points, badges, or achievements. However, even though some of these serious game systems are designed together with physiotherapists and with the patients’ needs in mind, many of them end up not being used consistently during physical rehabilitation past the first few sessions (i.e. novelty effect). Thus, in this project, we aim to 1) Identify, by means of literature reviews, focus groups, and interviews with the involved stakeholders, why this is happening, 2) Develop a set of guidelines for the successful deployment of serious games for rehabilitation, and 3) Develop an initial implementation process and ideas for potential serious games. In a follow-up application, we intend to build on this knowledge and apply it in the design of a (set of) serious game for rehabilitation to be deployed at one of the partners centers and conduct a longitudinal evaluation to measure the success of the application of the deployment guidelines.