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© 2025 SURF
Gepubliceerd interview in ICT&health: Zorgaanbieder Omring heeft samen met Hogeschool InHolland een bijzonder lectoraat in het leven geroepen om inzichtelijk te maken welke kansrijke innovaties op het gebied van zorg en behandeling en technologie toepasbaar en uiteindelijk bewezen effectief zijn voor geriatrische revalidatie. Ook heeft Omring samen met onderwijsorganisatie Vonk het practoraat zorgtechnologie ingesteld. Het doel is praktijkgericht onderzoek te koppelen aan toekomstbestendige ouderenzorg, aan innovatie en aan professionalisering in het onderwijs en de beroepspraktijk.
This chapter describes the growing influence of point-of-care diagnostics (POCD) on the daily lives of citizens, their immediate families, and healthcare providers. With a view to the future, the most important contemporary developments in this field are discussed, such as noninvasive sensor technology in the diagnostic process, practical examples of point-of-care diagnostics (POCD), including the quantify-self movement and infrared technology. Cost-effectiveness, adoption of POCD, and the contribution of POCD innovations to self-management and health literacy are also discussed. Developments in which deep learning and artificial intelligence are used to make the diagnostic results more reliable are also conferred, such as the development of point-of-care Internet diagnostics. The discussion of professional advice dilemma’s in POCD, the patient’s appreciation of POCD, and ethical and philosophical considerations conclude this chapter.
Following the Samen met Muziek pilot research project in 2023-2024 in ZINN Zorg Short Stay rehabilitation departments in the locations De Brink and De Dilgt, REVA BEATS is a co-research project between the research group Music in Context and ZINN Zorg Short Stay departments revalidation of the location De Brink. In this mixed methods research, multiple research foci included: 1) aspects of care innovation and impact measurements will be researched by ZINN Zorg, and 2) aspects of musical expression, communication and wellbeing of musicians and participants, the entrepreneurial skills and development of musicians, and the learning and experiencing of collaborating care professionals will be explored by research group Music in Context. Additionally, there is a PhD-fellow from the HKU researching the practice through the lens of care ethics. The REVA BEATS project will run between February 2025-January 2027, and includes in total 12 music projects, while the preparational work of the projects has started in June 2024.