Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The stability of upstream deposited tailings dams is dependent on maintaining a drawn down phreatic surface and unsaturated profile in its outer edge. However, it has been speculated that intense rainfall events could induce unexpected translation of pore air and water pressures into the tailings profile and thus compromise the effective stress in the unsaturated zone or result in a sudden rise in the phreatic surface. This phenomenon, known as the Lisse effect, has been observed and studied in hydrological sciences to explain the rapid delivery of antecedent hillslope groundwater during storm events. However, the phenomenon has not been comprehensively applied to evaluating tailings dam slope stability. In this paper, the outcomes of controlled observations of the phenomenon in column and analytical experiments, are assembled and evaluated in terms of the surface water application volumes and rate, the properties of the porous media and the resultant nature of pore pressure and phreatic surface responses. In addition, application of applied theories to evaluate the rapid transmission of pore pressures through a profile in response to an advancing wetting front, leads to the development of a methodology that could be applied to tailings materials of a range of hydraulic conductivities and water retention characteristics. The theory is applied to a series of profiles of different tailings porous media, using varied water application rates. Resultant perturbations in phreatic surface elevation and changes to pore pressures in the unsaturated zone are used to evaluate changes in effective stress distribution in the unsaturated outer wedge and subsequent stability criteria. A possible evaluation algorithm for assessing stability criteria is suggested.
Recent years have seen a global rise in the failure of tailings dams. Studies investigating the causes of slope failure often recognise high intensity rainfall events to significantly contribute to liquefaction, erosion and overtopping. This study aims to investigate the influence of alternative physical and geohydrological processes that, under tension saturation conditions, contribute to slope instability in tailings dams. It has been suggested that the generation of transient pressure wave mechanisms by high intensity rainfall events, surface ponding and wetting front advancement result in the formation of an induced pressure head that triggers the mobilization of pre-event water. In order to quantify these physical processes, this study included the analysis of rapid transmission conditions in a silica fines mix, with similar physical and hydraulic characteristics as platinum tailings. A tall leak-proof soil column, containing the soil sample compacted to in-situ dry bulk density, was fitted with seven observation ports. Each port consisted of a pore air pressure probe, a mini tensiometer and a time domain reflectometry probe. After set-up and initial stabilisation, three separate artificial high intensity rainfall events were applied to the surface. Monitoring of hydraulic state variables was recorded at thirty second intervals by automatic logging, thereby enabling the analysis of measured outcomes. Observations showed instant spikes in pore air pressure ahead of the wetting front, as well as a number of delayed responses. The interpretation of lab results led to the conclusion that pressure diffusion mechanisms throughout the porous medium, could result in the rapid release and mobilisation of previously stagnant antecedent moisture, thereby enabling phreatic levels to rising rapidly and in excess to the amount of surface infiltration. Also, since an increase in pore water pressure is likely to cause a reduction in shear strength, it is suggested that these physical and geohydrological processes could have an adverse impact on the stability of tailings dams.
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