This study addresses the complex phenomenon of overtourism in the EU. By focusing on a set of case studies, the study reports on overtourism indicators, discusses management approaches implemented within different destinations and assesses policy responses. It concludes that a common set of indicators cannot be defined because of the complex causes and effects of overtourism. Avoiding overtourism requires custom-made policies in cooperation between destinations' stakeholders and policymakers
This study addresses the complex phenomenon of overtourism in the EU. By focusing on a set of case studies, the study reports on overtourism indicators, discusses management approaches implemented within different destinations and assesses policy responses. It concludes that a common set of indicators cannot be defined because of the complex causes and effects of overtourism. Avoiding overtourism requires custom-made policies in cooperation between destinations' stakeholders and policymakers
Publicatie naar aanleiding van de internationale Master Class van Stadslab European Urban Design Laboratory. Onderwerp was het ontwikkelen van een regionale ruimtelijke strategie voor deze Poolse universiteitsstad. In de publicatie, naast de resultaten van de Master Class, ook essays van Ruud Vreeman, Ewa Kipta en Didier Rebois.