Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Remote coaching might be suited for providing information and support to patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) in the vulnerable phase between hospital discharge and the start of cardiac rehabilitation (CR).Objective: The goal of the research was to explore and summarize information and support needs of patients with CAD and develop an early remote coaching program providing tailored information and support.Methods: We used the intervention mapping approach to develop a remote coaching program. Three steps were completed in this study: (1) identification of information and support needs in patients with CAD, using an exploratory literature study and semistructured interviews, (2) definition of program objectives, and (3) selection of theory-based methods and practical intervention strategies.Results: Our exploratory literature study (n=38) and semistructured interviews (n=17) identified that after hospital discharge, patients with CAD report a need for tailored information and support about CAD itself and the specific treatment procedures, medication and side effects, physical activity, and psychological distress. Based on the preceding steps, we defined the following program objectives: (1) patients gain knowledge on how CAD and revascularization affect their bodies and health, (2) patients gain knowledge about medication and side effects and adhere to their treatment plan, (3) patients know which daily physical activities they can and can’t do safely after hospital discharge and are physically active, and (4) patients know the psychosocial consequences of CAD and know how to discriminate between harmful and harmless body signals. Based on the preceding steps, a remote coaching program was developed with the theory of health behavior change as a theoretical framework with behavioral counseling and video modeling as practical strategies for the program.Conclusions: This study shows that after (acute) cardiac hospitalization, patients are in need of information and support about CAD and revascularization, medication and side effects, physical activity, and psychological distress. In this study, we present the design of an early remote coaching program based on the needs of patients with CAD. The development of this program constitutes a step in the process of bridging the gap from hospital discharge to start of CR.
Within this research a smart textile based light sensor was developed and integrated into a technical demonstrator of a remote identification system. This sensor is based on polymeric optical fibers (POFs) which contain fluorescent dopants and allows a remote detection using an optical laser pulse for identification. A possible use case for this system is remote identification to avoid “friendly fire” incidents.The smart textile sensor can be integrated with a very low footprint in protective textiles or other equipment of the individual. Besides defense applications, the system could also be adopted for applications in which a safe, secure and fast remote identification is needed.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education (HE) to shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT), subsequently influencing academic belonging and social integration, as well as challenging students' engagement with their studies. This study investigated influences on student engagement during ERT, based on student resilience. Serial mediation analyses were used to test the predictive effects between resilience, academic belonging, social integration, and engagement.
Society continues to place an exaggerated emphasis on women's skins, judging the value of lives lived within, by the colour and condition of these surfaces. This artistic research will explore how the skin of a painting might unpack this site of judgement, highlight its objectification, and offer women alternative visualizations of their own sense of embodiment. This speculative renovation of traditional concepts of portrayal will explore how painting, as an aesthetic body whose material skin is both its surface and its inner content (its representations) can help us imagine our portrayal in a different way, focusing, not on what we look like to others, but on how we sense, touch, and experience. How might we visualise skin from its ghostly inner side? This feminist enquiry will unfold alongside archival research on The Ten Largest (1906-07), a painting series by Swedish Modernist Hilma af Klint. Initial findings suggest the artist was mapping traditional clothing designs into a spectral, painterly idea of a body in time. Fundamental methods research, and access to newly available Af Klint archives, will expand upon these roots in maps and women’s craft practices and explore them as political acts, linked to Swedish Life Reform, and knowingly sidestepping a non-inclusive art history. Blending archival study with a contemporary practice informed by eco-feminism is an approach to artistic research that re-vivifies an historical paradigm that seems remote today, but which may offer a new understanding of the past that allows us to also re-think our present. This mutuality, and Af Klint’s rhizomatic approach to image-making, will therefore also inform the pedagogical development of a Methods Research programme, as part of this post-doc. This will extend across MA and PhD study, and be further enriched by pedagogy research at Cal-Arts, Los Angeles, and Konstfack, Stockholm.
Brandweermensen lopen het meeste gevaar als ze onder tijdsdruk een gebouw moeten verkennen, of een brand moeten blussen terwijl de situatie nog niet goed kan worden overzien. Omvallende muren, instortende plafonds of gewoon gestruikeld over door de rook onzichtbare brokstukken leiden tot vermijdbare letsels of zelfs slachtoffers. Met name de inzet bij branden in stedelijke parkeergarages onder woontorens vormen een enorm risico. Het inzetten van onbemande, op afstand bestuurbare voertuigen voor verkenning en bluswerk is een oplossing die binnen de brandweer breed wordt gedragen. De brandweer moet deze innovatieve technologie echter zien te omarmen. Zij werken nu vanuit hun intuïtie en weten direct hoe te acteren op basis van wat zij waarnemen. Praktijkgericht onderzoek heeft echter uitgewezen dat scepsis over de inzet van blusplatforms bij incidenten plaats heeft gemaakt voor zeker vertrouwen. Een blusplatform, voorzien van juiste sensoren kan de Officier van Dienst (OVD) ondersteunen bij het nemen van een beslissing om al dan niet tot een ‘aanval’ over te gaan. Praktijktesten hebben echter laten zien dat de huidige blusplatforms nog niet optimaal functioneren om als volwaardig ‘teamlid’ te kunnen worden ingezet. Dit heeft enerzijds met technologische ontwikkelingen (sensoren en communicatieverbindingen) te maken, maar anderzijds moet de informatievoorziening (human-machine interfacing) naar de brandweer beter worden afgestemd. In dit project gaan Saxion, het instituut fysieke veiligheid, de universiteit Twente, het bedrijfsleven en vijf veiligheidsregio’s onderzoeken hoe en wanneer innovatieve blusplatforms op een intuïtieve manier kunnen worden ingezet door training én (kleine) productaanpassing zodat deze een volwaardig onderdeel kunnen zijn van het brandweerkorps. Een blusplatform kan letselschade en slachtoffers voorkomen, mits goed ingezet en vertrouwd door de mensen die daarvan afhankelijk zijn. Het vak van brandweer, als beroeps of vrijwilliger, is een van de gevaarlijkste die er is. Laten we er samen voor zorgen dat het iets veiliger kan worden.