Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The recent shift towards the interdisciplinary study of the human-environment relationship is largely driven by environmental justice debates. This article will distinguish four types of environmental justice and link them to questions of neoliberalism and altruism. First, environmental justice seeks to redress inequitable distribution of environmental burdens to vulnerable groups and economically disadvantaged populations. Second, environmental justice highlights the developed and developing countries’ unequal exposure to environmental risks and benefits. Third, temporal environmental justice refers to the issues associated with intergenerational justice or concern for future generations of humans. In all three cases, environmental justice entails equitable distribution of burdens and benefits to different nations or social groups. By contrast, ecological justice involves biospheric egalitarianism or justice between species. This article will focus on ecological justice since the rights of non-human species lags behind social justice debates and discuss the implications of including biospheric egalitarianism in environmental justice debates. https://doi.org/10.1186/2194-6434-1-8 https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenkopnina/
This article addresses the question of the role of theology and theologians in a secular environment, such as a university. Due to social changes theology is no longer the self-evident ‘Queen of the Sciences’, but is challenged to review its position among sciences, which often look with suspicion at its purposes. Instead of calling to reclaim the throne, and drawing on the historical figure of the Fool, it is argued that theology (or, rather theologians) should redress themselves as ‘Clowns of the Sciences’. By way of a conversation with the propositions of James McClendon and Stanley Hauerwas, a comic framework is set out that makes fun of the Queen, and thereby allows theology to participate by its oddity. Towards the end, and with the assistance of the prophet Jonah, a preliminary outline is made of the Clown’s Speech.
In the Netherlands, client and family participation in care for people with intellectual disabilities has been in vogue for a long time, and increasingly receives attention (KPMG and Vilans 2017). However, the perspective and experiential knowledge of service users and relatives is often still insuBiciently used for the co-creation of care. The professional perspective is often still dominant. In addition, professionals mainly focus on clients and less on relatives, even though relatives often play an important role in the client’s (quality of) life (Wiersma 2017). The project ‘Inclusive Collaboration in Disability Care’[1] (ICDC) focusses on enhancing equal communication between people with intellectual disabilities, their relatives, and professional caregivers, and hence contributes to redressing power imbalances in longterm care. It investigates the question: “How can the triangle of client, relative and professional caregiver together co-create better care and support?”.
"My PD-trajectory aims to contribute to knowledge development in the domains of artacademic institutions, the queer/drag/HIV community, and advocacy as context for queer safety. Emphasis will be placed on how to write, document, design, and archive elements in order to shape language to actively comprehend each other’s affinities, aspirations, and propel visibility for emancipatory realities by creating empathy among differences. Incorporating the theorization of new terms such as “gift dragonomy” and “dragging as grafting” based on drag mothering knowledge will play an active role in preserving subcultural language while avoiding ‘representational fixity.”
R-LINK onderzoekt hoe kleinschalige bottom-up initiatieven in de gebiedsontwikkeling kunnen bijdragen aan het oplossen van maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Deze kennis helpt bij het creëren van vitale en inclusieve stedelijke regio’s. R-LINK is een samenwerkingsverband van kennisinstellingen, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties met een liefde voor ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Wij zijn nieuwsgierig en tonen betrokkenheid vanuit kennis. Dat doen we door met behulp van experimenten vernieuwende concepten te ontwikkelen. De nauwe samenwerking tussen onderzoek en praktijk helpt ons in de zoektocht naar haalbare oplossingen. Hoe kan gebiedsontwikkeling door kleinschalige initiatieven worden bevorderd, terwijl tegelijkertijd grootschalige stedelijke ambities en maatschappelijke opgaven worden gerealiseerd? R-LINK volgt 14 Nederlandse gebiedsontwikkelingsprojecten gedurende een aantal jaren nauwgezet. Zo kunnen we beschrijven wanneer nieuwe initiatieven slagen, en welke condities daaruit zijn af te leiden. Een multidisciplinair team van onderzoekers beschrijft en analyseert de samenwerking tussen overheden, bewoners en marktpartijen. Ook buitenlandse voorbeelden worden in het onderzoek betrokken. R-LINK heeft de ambitie om met plezier, energie en reflectie veranderingen in gebiedsontwikkeling op gang te brengen die door overheid, markt en samenleving gevraagd worden. Wij willen cocreatie en innovatie bevorderen, zijn bereid te luisteren en staan open voor iedereen – van eerste gebruikers tot politici.