Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
When using autonomous reconfigurable manufacturing system, that offers generic services, there is the possibility to dynamically manufacture a range of products using the same manufacturing equipment. Opportunities are created to optimally scale the production using reconfiguration means and automatically manufacture small amounts of unique or highly customizable products. Basically the result is a short time to market for new products. This paper discusses the problems that arise when manufacturing systems are reconfigured and the impact of this action on the entire system. The proposed software architecture and tooling makes it possible to quickly reconfigure a system without interference to other system, and shows how the reconfigured hardware can be controlled without the need to reprogram the software. Parameters that are required to control the new hardware can be added using a simple tool. As a result reconfiguration is simplified and can be achieved quickly by mechanics without reprogramming any systems. The impact is that time to market can be reduced and manufacturing systems can quickly be adapted to current real-time needs.
From the article: Manufacturing technology can improve the turnover of a company if it enables fast market introduction for volume production. Reconfigurable equipment is developed to meet the growing demand for more agile production. Modular reconfiguration, defined as changing the structure of the machine, enables larger variation of products on a single manufacturing system; these solutions are called Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS). The quality of RMS, and the required resources to bring it to reliable production, is largely determined by a swift execution of the reconfiguration process. This paper proposes a method to compare alternatives for the ways to implement reconfiguration. Three classes of reconfiguration are defined to distinguish the impact of the proposed alternatives. The procedure uses a recently introduced index method for development of RMS process modules. This index method is based on the Axiomatic Design theory. Weighing factors are used to calculate the resources and lead time needed to implement the reconfiguration process. Application of the method leads to quick comparison of alternatives in the early stage of development. Successful execution of the method was demonstrated for the manufacturing process of a 3D measuring probe.
Dit proefschrift onderzoekt energiereconfiguraties, metname gericht op strategieën voor de transformatievan het energiesysteem en de gebouwde omgeving.Reconfiguraties zijn onderzocht in twee situaties. Deeerste situatie beschrijft de activiteiten en ontwikkelingvan de lokale energiebeweging, een sociale bewegingdie het huidige gecentraliseerde, op fossiele brandstoffen gebaseerde energiesysteem uitdaagt en streeftnaar een lokaal en democratisch geleid systeem, gebaseerd op duurzame energie. In de tweede situatie onderzoek ik hoe historische waarden en duurzaamheidswaarden in de gebouwde omgeving kunnen conflicterenen hoe deze conflicten kunnen worden opgelost, ondermeer door het toepassen van een integraal instrumentvoor waardering. Dit is van belang omdat de sterke drukom bestaande gebouwen energiezuinig te makenpotentieel een bedreiging vormt voor de historischewaarden in onze gebouwde omgeving.