Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Contribution to the 13th edition of the Supporting Health by Technology Conference taking place in Groningen on Thursday, 30th and Friday, 31st of May 2024.Background Technological innovations are often viewed as a remedy for the challenges confronting the healthcare sector, such as demographic shifts and shortages in nursing staff. However, nurses do not consistently adopt these innovations. The primary objective of this study is to design an instrument that can gauge the factors associated with nurses' readiness for technology. While numerous earlier studies concentrated on individual factors, our research uniquely emphasizes the assessment of collaborative factors. Specifically, we have integrated two key concepts: technology readiness and reciprocity behaviour. To achieve this, the Technology Readiness Index 2.0 and the Reciprocity Instrument were jointly administered, and a thorough examination of the psychometric properties of the instrument was conducted.
In this multi-study paper, we integrate Social Exchange Theory and the discretionary workplace behavior literature. Specifically, we posit that by breaching their psychological contract (PC) obligations, organizations may trigger negative reciprocity, which in turn may increase deviant behavior. Moreover, we posit that by fulfilling their legitimately PC obligations, organizations may trigger positive reciprocity, which in turn may increase unethical pro-organizational behavior. Across two studies (3-wave field study with traditional breach measure and 2-wave field study with expanded breach measure and polynomial regression), we found repeated evidence for our hypotheses. Specifically, we found that PC breach (Study 1) and PC under-fulfillment (Study 2) are positively related to the enactment of organizational deviance via negative reciprocity. Furthermore, we found that PC fulfillment (Study 1) and high absolute levels of PC fulfillment (Study 2) are positively related to unethical pro-organizational behavior via positive reciprocity. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
This study examines the motives of employees to engage in workrelated social media use – i.e. the use of personal social mediaaccounts to communicate about work-related issues. The theory ofplanned behavior (TPB) was used to explain this behavior.Because social media can enable users to express theiridentities, social identity expressiveness and self-identityexpressiveness were added to the TPB model. Through an onlinequestionnaire, using purposive sampling technique, 514 Dutchemployees were asked about their social media use and motivationto do so. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to testour hypotheses. Results indicate that these identity constructsenhance the predictive ability of the TPB. As such, workrelationsocial media use is likely to take place spontaneouslyrather than deliberately and consciously planned.