Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This book is the newest addition to the Routledge series ‘Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis’, which is dedicated to publishing the latest work on the study of human conduct and aptitudes, the (re)production of social orderliness and the methods and aspirations of the social sciences. Keel’s contribution fits perfectly with this aim, analysing interactions between parents and (young) children in the light of socialization theory.
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the influence of Facility management (FM) on detainee behaviour and responsiveness. The expected outcome of this research is that FM can contribute to the re-socialization by actively using facility design and detainee activities to positively influence their social behaviour.Design / methodology / approach – This current explorative study has been qualitative in nature, including desk research, literature study in relation to healing environment, walk through, observations and interviews with prison managers and facility staff. For this study, a comparison has been made between two correctional institutions. One correctional institution is situated in a rural setting with a building design dating from the early 20th century. The second building is located in an urban area and dates back to the 1990s.Findings - This study shows that there is little to no sources found which describes how FM can actually contribute and add value to rehabilitation of detainees. From the literature study, the observations and exploratory interviews, the conclusion is that FM influences the behaviour of people. Further research could contribute to this emerging area in FM.Practical implications – At this moment the Custodial Institution - Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen (DJI) - is developing a master plan which will lead to a reassessment of the housing policy within DJI. Initially, DJI will have to formulate a new definition of the minimum level of humane detention in relation to FM.Originality / value – This study may support DJI in the upcoming organizational change. It will provide DJI with the opportunity to perform additional research in order to deliver to society evidence on the influence and impact of FM on detainees.
Waarom gaan mensen naar festivals? Hoe beleven ze een festival? Waarom komen ze wel of niet terug? Hoe kunnen festivalorganisatoren de motivatie en beleving van bezoekers effectief beïnvloeden? Wat betekenen sociale media voor de festivalbeleving? Antwoorden op deze vragen helpen festivalorganisatoren een uniek festival aan te bieden en effectiever resultaten te behalen en overtuigender te rapporteren naar subsidieverstrekkers en sponsors. Het Crossmedialab, onderdeel van het Kenniscentrum Communicatie & Journalistiek van de Hogeschool Utrecht, heeft onderzoek uitgevoerd naar festivalbeleving. Dit cahier geeft een overzicht van onder zochte theorieën en bevat een integraal overzicht van factoren die van invloed zijn op de festivalbeleving. Nieuwe inzichten en het uniek ontwikkelde model van festivalbeleving biedt onderzoekers, eventprofessionals en vakdocenten kansen voor verder onderzoek en praktische toepassing.