Knowledge of spatial and temporal trends in the environmental exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is a key prerequisite for RF-EMF risk assessment studies attempting to establish a link between RF-EMF and potential effects on human health as well as on fauna and flora. In this paper, we determined the validity of RF exposure modelling based on inner-area kriging interpolation of measurements on the surrounding streets. The results vary depending on area size and shape and structural factors; a Spearman coefficient of 0.8 and a relative error of less than 3.5 dB are achieved on a data set featuring a closed measurement ring around a decently sized area (1 km2, with an average minimum distance of the encircled area to the ring of less than 100 m), containing mainly low, detached buildings. In larger areas, additional inner-area sampling is advised, lowering the average minimum distance between sampled and interpolated locations to 100 m, to achieve the same level of accuracy. LinkedIn:
Knowledge of spatial and temporal trends in the environmental exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is a key prerequisite for RF-EMF risk assessment studies attempting to establish a link between RF-EMF and potential effects on human health as well as on fauna and flora. In this paper, we determined the validity of RF exposure modelling based on inner-area kriging interpolation of measurements on the surrounding streets. The results vary depending on area size and shape and structural factors; a Spearman coefficient of 0.8 and a relative error of less than 3.5 dB are achieved on a data set featuring a closed measurement ring around a decently sized area (1 km2, with an average minimum distance of the encircled area to the ring of less than 100 m), containing mainly low, detached buildings. In larger areas, additional inner-area sampling is advised, lowering the average minimum distance between sampled and interpolated locations to 100 m, to achieve the same level of accuracy. LinkedIn:
Onze leef- en werkomgeving heeft invloed op onze gezondheid, maar het nauwkeurig bepalen van persoonlijke blootstelling aan verschillende milieufactoren blijft een uitdaging. Toch is dit wel van belang, omdat bijvoorbeeld de blootstelling aan fijnstof, stikstofdioxide en ozon jaarlijks al leidt tot 12.000 vroegtijdige sterfgevallen in Nederland (Gezondheidsraad, 2018). In werkomgevingen zijn er behalve voor de genoemde stoffen ook nog andere vluchtig organische stoffen en chemicalen waarvan de blootstelling op de korte of lange termijn tot negatieve gezondheidseffecten kan leiden. Ook fysische blootstellingen kunnen negatieve gezondheidseffecten hebben, zoals geluid, UV-straling, elektromagnetische velden en trillingen.