Dienst van SURF
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In de loop van het leven wordt muziek voor de meeste mensen een drager van herinneringen en emoties. In de jeugd en vroege volwassenheid ontwikkelen we onze persoonlijke muzieksmaak. De muziek uit die tijd blijft ons het beste bij. Voor mensen met dementie, meestal 80 plussers, is dat ruim zestig jaar geleden. Daarom maakten de lectoraten Psychogeriatrie en Informatie, Technologie en Samenleving, in samenwerking met muziektherapeut Machgiel Bakker, een online muziekstation dat muziek uit die periode draait: Radio Remember. Een station om naar te luisteren, maar ook om in te zetten als psychosociale interventie om de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie te verbeteren. In dit artikel wordt verslag gedaan van de eerste ervaringen en worden de volgende stappen van het project beschreven.
The European Union (EU) Horizon Europe project NextGEM provides a framework for generating health-relevant scientific knowledge and data on new exposure scenarios to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMFs) and developing and validating tools for evidence-based risk assessment. Practical guidelines for different societal stakeholders for RF-EMF exposure awareness and preventive actions will be created. This abstract outlines the goals of these guidelines, the definitions used to keep the guidelines specific and practical and the procedure that will ultimately generate the guidelines.
The evolution of emerging technologies that use Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) has increased the interest of the scientific community and society regarding the possible adverse effects on human health and the environment. This article provides NextGEM’s vision to assure safety for EU citizens when employing existing and future EMF-based telecommunication technologies. This is accomplished by generating relevant knowledge that ascertains appropriate prevention and control/actuation actions regarding RF-EMF exposure in residential, public, and occupational settings. Fulfilling this vision, NextGEM commits to the need for a healthy living and working environment under safe RF-EMF exposure conditions that can be trusted by people and be in line with the regulations and laws developed by public authorities. NextGEM provides a framework for generating health-relevant scientific knowledge and data on new scenarios of exposure to RF-EMF in multiple frequency bands and developing and validating tools for evidence-based risk assessment. Finally, NextGEM’s Innovation and Knowledge Hub (NIKH) will offer a standardized way for European regulatory authorities and the scientific community to store and assess project outcomes and provide access to findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data.
Internet of Things (IoT) is tagging low power devices, miniaturized, with machine-readable identification tags, which are integrated with sensors to collect information and wireless technology to connect them with the Internet. These devices have a very low energy usage. Powering these devices with battery is very labor intensive, costly and tedious especially as number of nodes increases, which is in many applications, is the case. Hence the main objective of this proposal is to introduce new product called RF Colletor, in the market such that IoT devices function independent of battery. Using the suggested approach the wille be energized using Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. RF Collector wirelessly capture the RF energy that is wasted in space, and re-use it again as the power source for IoT devices and hence making them autonomous of battery. The ability to harvest RF energy enables wireless charging of low-power devices in real time. This has resulting benefits to sustainability, cost reduction, product design, usability, and reliability.