This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baseline characteristics of the participants in the Corona Behavioral Unit cohort. This cohort was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the regional public health services. The aim was to investigate adherence of and support for COVID-19 prevention measures, psychosocial determinants of COVID-19 behaviors, well-being, COVID-19 vaccination, and media use. The cohort also examined specific motivations and beliefs, such as for vaccination, which were collected through either closed-ended items or open text responses. In April 2020, 89,943 participants aged 16 years and older were recruited from existing nation-wide panels. Between May 2020 and September 2022, 99,676 additional participants were recruited through online social media platforms and mailing lists of higher education organizations. Participants who consented were initially invited every three weeks (5 rounds), then every six weeks (13 rounds), and since the summer of 2022 every 12 weeks (3 rounds). To date, 66% of participants were female, 30% were 39 years and younger, and 54% completed two or more questionnaires, with an average of 9.2 (SD = 5.7) questionnaires. The Corona Behavioral Unit COVID-19 cohort has published detailed insights into longitudinal patterns of COVID-19 related behaviors, support of COVID-19 preventive measures, as well as peoples’ mental wellbeing in relation to the stringency of these measures. The results have informed COVID-19 policy making and pandemic communication in the Netherlands throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The cohort data will continuously be used to examine COVID-19 related outcomes for scientific analyses, as well as to inform future pandemic preparedness plans.
This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baseline characteristics of the participants in the Corona Behavioral Unit cohort. This cohort was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the regional public health services. The aim was to investigate adherence of and support for COVID-19 prevention measures, psychosocial determinants of COVID-19 behaviors, well-being, COVID-19 vaccination, and media use. The cohort also examined specific motivations and beliefs, such as for vaccination, which were collected through either closed-ended items or open text responses. In April 2020, 89,943 participants aged 16 years and older were recruited from existing nation-wide panels. Between May 2020 and September 2022, 99,676 additional participants were recruited through online social media platforms and mailing lists of higher education organizations. Participants who consented were initially invited every three weeks (5 rounds), then every six weeks (13 rounds), and since the summer of 2022 every 12 weeks (3 rounds). To date, 66% of participants were female, 30% were 39 years and younger, and 54% completed two or more questionnaires, with an average of 9.2 (SD = 5.7) questionnaires. The Corona Behavioral Unit COVID-19 cohort has published detailed insights into longitudinal patterns of COVID-19 related behaviors, support of COVID-19 preventive measures, as well as peoples’ mental wellbeing in relation to the stringency of these measures. The results have informed COVID-19 policy making and pandemic communication in the Netherlands throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The cohort data will continuously be used to examine COVID-19 related outcomes for scientific analyses, as well as to inform future pandemic preparedness plans.
In the past decades many psychosocial interventions for elderly people with dementia have been developed and implemented. Relatively little research has been done on the extent to which these interventions were implemented in the daily care. The aim of this study was to obtain insight into strategies for successful implementation of psychosocial interventions in the daily residential dementia care. Using a modified RE-AIM framework, the indicators that are considered important for effective and sustainable implementation were defined. Methods: A systematic literature search was undertaken in PubMed, PsycINFO, and Cinahl, followed by a hand search for key papers. The included publications were mapped based on the dimensions of the RE-AIM framework: Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance. Results: Fifty-four papers met the inclusion criteria and described various psychosocial interventions. A distinction was made between studies that used one and studies that used multiple implementation strategies. This review shows that to improve their knowledge, caregivers needed at least multiple implementation strategies, only education is not enough. For increasing a more person-centered attitude, different types of knowledge transfer can be effective. Little consideration is given to the adoption of the method by caregivers and to the long-term sustainability (maintenance). Conclusions: This review shows that in order to successfully implement a psychosocial method the use of multiple implementation strategies is recommended. To ensure sustainability of a psychosocial care method in daily nursing home care, innovators as well as researchers should specifically pay attention to the dimensions Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance of the RE-AIM implementation framework.
In the Netherlands, 125 people suffer a stroke every day, which annually results in 46.000 new stroke patients Stroke patients are confronted with combinations of physical, psychological and social consequences impacting their long term functioning and quality of live. Fortunately many patients recover to their pre-stroke level of functioning, however, almost half of them never will. Consequently, rehabilitation often means that patients need to adapt to a new reality in their lives, requiring not only physical but also psychosocial adjustments. Nurses play a key role during rehabilitation of stroke patients. However, when confronted with psychosocial problems, they often feel insecure about identifying the specific psycho-social needs of the individual patient and providing adequate care. In our project ‘Early Detection of Post-Stroke Depression’, (SIA RAAK; 2010-12-36P), we developed a toolkit focusing on early identification of depression after stroke continued with interventions nurses can use during hospitalisation. During this project it became clear that evidence regarding possible interventions is scarce and inclusive. Moreover feasibility of interventions is often not confirmed. Our project showed that during the period of hospital admission patients and health care providers strongly focus on surviving the stroke and on the physical rehabilitation. Therefore, we concluded that to make one step beyond we first have to go one step back. To strengthen psychosocial care for patients after stroke we have to add, reconsider and shape knowledge in context of health care practices in a systematic way, resulting in evidence based and practice informed stepping stones. With this project we aim to collect these stepping stones and develop a nursing care programme that improves psychosocial well-being of patients after stroke, is tailored to the particular concerns and needs of patients, and is considered feasible for use in the usual care process of nurses in the stroke rehabilitation pathway.
Patiënten zijn vaak zenuwachtig, gespannen en onzeker voor een ziekenhuisbezoek; en soms zijn ze zelfs ronduit angstig. Zorgen over de diagnose en/of de behandeling van hun ziekte kunnen daaraan ten grondslag liggen. Een goed gebouw kan hen daarbij helpen, bijvoorbeeld met een doordachte route, indeling en inrichting.Het doel van dit proefschrift was om een beter inzicht te krijgen in een holistische beleving en het welbevinden van patiënten in ziekenhuizen. Het onderzoek is gericht op specifieke aspecten van het gehele traject dat een patiënt aflegt, vanaf de aankomst tot en met de diagnose en de behandeling in een ziekenhuis. Daaruit bleek bijvoorbeeld dat patiënten soms lastig de weg kunnen vinden naar een polikliniek en dat natuurbeelden tijdens een CT-scan stress konden verminderen. Ook bleek dat sommige patiënten het prettig vonden om ter afleiding (de mogelijkheid tot) contact te hebben met andere patiënten, terwijl anderen dit juist vermoeiend vonden en de behoefte hadden aan afzondering tijdens een behandeling.De resultaten van dit proefschrift laten zien dat de ziekenhuisomgeving een grote impact heeft op het psychosociale en zelfs fysieke welbevinden van patiënten. Bij het ontwerpen van een ziekenhuisgebouw blijkt het van groot belang om te luisteren naar de ervaringen en behoeften van patiënten. Door het (her)ontwerp van de omgeving af te stemmen op de individuele kenmerken, behoeften en voorkeuren van patiënten kan hun welbevinden worden verbeterd. Anders gezegd, diversiteit en flexibiliteit zijn gevraagd!