Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Trying to understand a player's characteristics with regards to a computer game is a major line of research known as player modeling. The purpose of player modeling is typically the adaptation of the game itself.We present two studies that extend player modeling into player profiling by trying to identify abstract personality traits, such as the need for cognition and self-esteem, through a player's in-game behavior.We present evidence that game mechanics that can be broadly adopted by several game genres, such as hints and a player's self-evaluation at the end of a level, correlate with the aforementioned personality traits. We conclude by presenting future directions for research regarding this topic, discuss the direct applications for the games industry, and explore how games can be developed as profiling tools with applications to other contexts.
Introduction: To reduce continuously increasing costs in drug development, adverse effects of drugs need to be detected as early as possible in the process. In recent years, compound-induced gene expression profiling methodologies have been developed to assess compound toxicity, including Gene Ontology term and pathway over-representation analyses. The objective of this study was to introduce an additional approach, in which literature information is used for compound profiling to evaluate compound toxicity and mode of toxicity. Methods: Gene annotations were built by text mining in Medline abstracts for retrieval of co-publications between genes, pathology terms, biological processes and pathways. This literature information was used to generate compound-specific keyword fingerprints, representing over-represented keywords calculated in a set of regulated genes after compound administration. To see whether keyword fingerprints can be used for assessment of compound toxicity, we analyzed microarray data sets of rat liver treated with 11 hepatotoxicants. Results: Analysis of keyword fingerprints of two genotoxic carcinogens, two nongenotoxic carcinogens, two peroxisome proliferators and two randomly generated gene sets, showed that each compound produced a specific keyword fingerprint that correlated with the experimentally observed histopathological events induced by the individual compounds. By contrast, the random sets produced a flat aspecific keyword profile, indicating that the fingerprints induced by the compounds reflect biological events rather than random noise. A more detailed analysis of the keyword profiles of diethylhexylphthalate, dimethylnitrosamine and methapyrilene (MPy) showed that the differences in the keyword fingerprints of these three compounds are based upon known distinct modes of action. Visualization of MPy-linked keywords and MPy-induced genes in a literature network enabled us to construct a mode of toxicity proposal for MPy, which is in agreement with known effects of MPy in literature. Conclusion: Compound keyword fingerprinting based on information retrieved from literature is a powerful approach for compound profiling, allowing evaluation of compound toxicity and analysis of the mode of action. © 2007 Future Medicine Ltd.
Fingerprints are widely used in forensic science for individualization purposes. However, not every fingermark found at a crime scene is suitable for comparison, for instance due to distortion of ridge detail, or when the reference fingerprint is not in the database. To still retrieve information from these fingermarks, several studies have been initiated into the chemical composition of fingermarks, which is believed to be influenced by several donor traits. Yet, it is still unclear what donor information can be retrieved from the composition of one's fingerprint, mainly because of limited sample sizes and the focus on analytical method development. It this paper, we analyzed the chemical composition of 1852 fingerprints, donated by 463 donors during the Dutch music festival Lowlands in 2016. In a targeted approach we compared amino acid and lipid profiles obtained from different types of fingerprints. We found a large inter-variability in both amino acid and lipid content, and significant differences in L-(iso)leucine, L-phenylalanine and palmitoleic acid levels between male and female donors. In an untargeted approach we used full-scan MS data to generate classification models to predict gender (77.9% accuracy) and smoking habit (90.4% accuracy) of fingerprint donors. In the latter, putatively, nicotine and cotinine are used as predictors.
The seaweed aquaculture sector, aimed at cultivation of macroalgal biomass to be converted into commercial applications, can be placed within a sustainable and circular economy framework. This bio-based sector has the potential to aid the European Union meet multiple EU Bioeconomy Strategy, EU Green Deal and Blue Growth Strategy objectives. Seaweeds play a crucial ecological role within the marine environment and provide several ecosystem services, from the take up of excess nutrients from surrounding seawater to oxygen production and potentially carbon sequestration. Sea lettuce, Ulva spp., is a green seaweed, growing wild in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. Sea lettuce has a high nutritional value and is a promising source for food, animal feed, cosmetics and more. Sea lettuce, when produced in controlled conditions like aquaculture, can supplement our diet with healthy and safe proteins, fibres and vitamins. However, at this moment, Sea lettuce is hardly exploited as resource because of its unfamiliarity but also lack of knowledge about its growth cycle, its interaction with microbiota and eventually, possible applications. Even, it is unknown which Ulva species are available for aquaculture (algaculture) and how these species can contribute to a sustainable aquaculture biomass production. The AQULVA project aims to investigate which Ulva species are available in the North Sea and Wadden Sea which can be utilised in onshore aquaculture production. Modern genomic, microbiomic and metabolomic profiling techniques alongside ecophysiological production research must reveal suitable Ulva selections with high nutritional value for sustainable onshore biomass production. Selected Ulva spp lines will be used for production of healthy and safe foods, anti-aging cosmetics and added value animal feed supplements for dairy farming. This applied research is in cooperation with a network of SME’s, Research Institutes and Universities of Applied Science and is liaised with EU initiatives like the EU-COST action “SeaWheat”.
In de ontwikkeling van voedingsmiddelen draait alles om smaak. Eten moeten vooral lekker zijn, toch? Om smaak en andere producteigenschappen in kaart te brengen wordt sensorisch onderzoek (SO) uitgevoerd. In de praktijk gebeurt dit vaak onder suboptimale omstandigheden vanwege bijvoorbeeld onvoldoende beschikbaarheid van panelleden en een gebrek aan tijd. Belangrijke beslissingen worden vervolgens gebaseerd op onbetrouwbare, invalide resultaten. Er is daarom een behoefte naar snelle, betrouwbare en valide methodieken. Daarbij geldt dat voedselkeuze een complex proces dat verder gaat dat het analytisch beoordelen van producteigenschappen. Zo kan de context van consumptie van invloed zijn op de perceptie van smaak. In het sensorisch onderzoeksveld is hier steeds meer aandacht voor. Hiermee beweegt SO zich richting consumentenonderzoek (CO). De overlap en wederzijdse beïnvloeding van elementen uit SO en CO zijn relevant tijdens verschillende fases van het productontwikkelingsproces. In dit postdoconderzoek zal Vera van Stokkom een snelle en flexibele onderzoeksmethode ontwikkelen en valideren. Elementen van SO en CO zullen geïntegreerd worden in een methodiek onder de werktitel Rapid Sensory & Consumer Modules Tool (RSCM-tool). De methodiek zal worden gericht op de productcategorie groenten. Groenten passen bij uitstek in een gezond en duurzaam voedingspatroon. Ook zal worden onderzocht of de RSCM-tool kan worden ingezet bij ouderen, omdat bij ouderen achteruitgang in sensorische perceptie plaatsvindt. Met dit postdoconderzoek wordt kennis en ervaring opgedaan over de toepassing van een nieuwe sensorische onderzoeksmethodiek (RSCM) die uiterst relevant is voor onderzoek met, en onderwijs op het gebied van voeding. Dit postdoconderzoek valt onder het Research and Innovation Centre Agri, Food & Life Sciences van Hogeschool Inholland. Naast een verbreding en verdieping op de onderzoekslijn Gezondheid in de Metropool en het domeinoverstijgende onderzoeksprogramma Food for Happy Ageing, zal dit onderzoek bijdragen aan duurzame curriculuminnovatie binnen de opleiding Food Commerce and Technology en de profilering van Hogeschool Inholland als kennispartner.
De impact van voedselproductie en -consumptie op het milieu is enorm. Door over te stappen van dierlijke naar plantaardige eiwitten kunnen we niet alleen onze CO2-voetafdruk verkleinen, maar ook onze gezondheid bevorderen en natuurlijke hulpbronnen eerlijker gebruiken. Ondanks deze voordelen blijft het merendeel van de Nederlanders vasthouden aan een dieet met veel dierlijke producten. In de voedingsindustrie worstelen partijen met het ontwikkelen van effectieve communicatiestrategieën om consumenten aan te moedigen meer plantaardig te eten. Vaak worden generieke benaderingen gekozen die weinig impact hebben. Een gerichte aanpak is essentieel: door te begrijpen wat consumenten willen en belangrijk vinden, kunnen boodschappen beter worden afgestemd en wordt de communicatie effectiever. Om deze verandering te bewerkstelligen, bundelen changemakers ProVeg en Snakeware hun krachten met onderzoekers en studenten van NHL Stenden Hogeschool, Universiteit van Groningen en de Hanze Hogeschool om evidence-based persona's te ontwikkelen. Deze persona's, gebaseerd op gedragsmodellen, demografische gegevens, en mediagebruik in Nederland, zullen worden ingezet om consumenten aan te moedigen tot meer plantaardige consumptie. Dit Plant Power Profiling (PPP) instrument is niet alleen waardevol voor beleidsmakers en overheden die de overgang naar plantaardig voedsel willen bevorderen, maar ook voor producenten van plantaardige producten en supermarkten. Het biedt een stevige basis voor effectieve communicatiestrategieën en gerichte campagnes, waardoor de acceptatie en implementatie van plantaardige voedingskeuzes worden bevorderd, ten gunste van het milieu, de volksgezondheid en een eerlijkere verdeling van onze kostbare natuurlijke hulpbronnen.