Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Poster presentation at Hanze Research Day 26 januari 2016.
Purpose - This paper aims to establish the profile of an excellent facility manager in The Netherlands.Design/methodology/approach − As part of a large-scale study on profiles of excellent professionals, a study was carried out to find the key characteristics of an excellent facility manager. Three panel sessions were held in different regions of The Netherlands. Sixteen facility management (FM) professionals with various work experiences participated in the conversations, led by a non-FM moderator. All material was recorded, transcribed, and labelled independently by three assessors. The concept profile that was derived from these analyses was administered in a survey twice to FM experts following a Delphi method.Findings – Outcomes suggest a combination of the following five characteristics defines an excellent facility manager: he or she (1) possesses communication skills; (2) acts results-oriented; (3) is entrepreneurial; (4) is sensitive to the needs of the organisation; (5) demonstrates personal leadership.Paper_Profile Excellent Facility ManagerAll characteristics were consistent with the nine FM Bachelor competencies of the Dutch standard (LOOFD). However, regarding the fifth domain (personal leadership), the observed profile of an excellent FM professional seems more challenging than the Dutch Bachelor standard.Practical implications − The observed profile can be used to further strengthen the Dutch (Honours) Bachelor Programmes in FM. Exploring international (dis)similarities, possibly leading to an international profile of an excellent facility manager, is a future ambition.Originality/Value − This study describes the systematic design of a research-based profile of an excellent FM professional from a practice point of view.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to clarify which knowledge, skills and behaviors are used to describe excellent performance in professional communication. As the demand for talented communication professionals increases, organizations and educators need an empirically defined set of performance criteria to guide the development of (potentially) excellent communication professionals (ECPs). This research aimed to render a competence profile which could assist in the development of recruitment, training and development to develop relevant programs for high-potential communication practitioners. Design/methodology/approach This mixed-method research was approached in two phases: first, a series of focus groups (n=16) were held to explore work field perspectives resulting in a concept profile, and second, a series of expert panels (n=30) following the Delphi method were conducted to determine the extent of agreement with the findings. Findings Participants clarified that excellent performance is characterized by competences which transcend normative technical skills or practical communication knowledge. The five domains, 16 item ?SEEDS? competence profile describes that ECPs are distinguished by their compounded ability to be strategic, empathic, expressive, and decisive and to see patterns and interrelationships. Research limitations/implications Although a broad range of relevant professionals were involved in both phases, the study could be considered limited in size and scope. Research was conducted in one national setting therefore further research would be necessary to confirm generalizability of the results to other cultural contexts. Originality/value Although many competence frameworks exist which describe normative performance in this profession, specific criteria which illustrate excellent performance have not yet been identified. This competence profile clarifies characteristics which typify excellent performance in professional communication and can be helpful to educators and employers who wish to identify and create suitable training programs for ECPs.
Overheid en werkgeversorganisaties VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland roepen bedrijven op om medeverantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor het oplossen van maatschappelijke problemen. Ook in de KIA MV 2024-2027 worden bedrijven uitgedaagd om bij te dragen aan brede welvaart, door te ‘ondernemen in breder perspectief’. Negenennegentig procent van de bedrijven in Nederland valt onder het mkb, waarvan zeventig procent te typeren is als familiebedrijf. Het zijn bij uitstek familiebedrijven die van nature genegen zijn om een bijdrage te leveren aan brede welvaart: ze zijn gericht op de lange termijn, sterk regionaal verbonden en ze kunnen hun eigen keuzes maken omdat de familie bepaalt wat er gebeurt. De aandacht voor familiebedrijven is in onderzoek naar ondernemen voor brede welvaart relatief beperkt gebleven. Windesheim, Avans en Hogeschool Rotterdam bundelen daarom hun krachten binnen onderhavig SPRONG-traject om samen met het werkveld te komen tot een excellente onderzoeksgroep die hierin verandering gaat brengen. Deze drie hogescholen hebben op strategisch niveau een speerpunt gemaakt van ondernemerschap voor brede welvaart. Bovendien hebben ze, vanuit verschillende expertisegebieden, hun sporen verdiend met onderzoek naar ondernemen voor brede welvaart: - specifieke kenmerken van mkb-familiebedrijven die leiden tot een versnelling dan wel vertraging bij bredewelvaartcreatie (Windesheim); - de rol van leiderschap en strategie in het mkb, waarmee sturing en effectiviteit van brede welvaartcreatie wordt bevorderd (Hogeschool Rotterdam); en - de vraag wat voor ondernemerschap en marketing nodig zijn in een economie waarin brede welvaart centraal staat (Avans). De voorgestelde SPRONG-onderzoeksgroep werkt gezamenlijk aan de volgende doelen: (1) het opzetten en doorontwikkelen van een geïntegreerd kennisplatform op het gebied van mkb-familiebedrijven in relatie tot de creatie van brede welvaart; (2) het bouwen aan de kwaliteit en professionaliteit van de onderzoeksgroep; en (3) het samen optrekken in profilering, netwerkversterking en het genereren van impact richting werkveld, onderwijs en wetenschap.
The Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy is a teaching and research position awarded by the European Commission to Dr Beata Kviatek and is hosted by the International Business School at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands. It is the first time that the Jean Monnet Chair is hosted by a university of applied sciences.Project descriptionThe Jean Monnet Chair is awarded to professors with an excellent profile and expertise in European Union studies, following a positive evaluation of the candidate and the proposed actions by independent experts as excellent with regard to the relevance, quality, and impact. The implementation of the proposed actions is supported by a three-year grant, co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union and the hosting organisation.GoalsThe Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy, led by Dr Beata Kviatek, aims to:develop knowledge on EU efforts to develop a low carbon, more resource efficient, strong and resilient economy that supports the development of a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe;enhance, innovate and promote excellence in teaching and research on European integration and sustainable EU economy at universities of applied sciences and, in particular, business schools;foster dialogue and exchanges of ideas between the academic world, policy makers, businesses, and society at large by providing a meeting place for debate, sharing of knowledge and people-to-people dialogue on European integration and sustainable EU economy.ValorisationThe Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) in Sustainable EU Economy is important because it addresses the challenges society faces by linking local and regional actions with national and European goals for sustainability.The JMC generates knowledge and insights for policy-makers, promotes excellence in teaching and research, fosters a dialogue between the academic world and society, and reaches out to the wider public. In that way the Jean Monnet Chair creates value for the hosting organization as well as the region.The Chair brings the knowledge on EU leadership in sustainability worldwide and the EU priorities and policies for sustainable economy to the classroom and provides guidelines for its broader integration into the business curriculum of higher education. This allows to innovate and update the business curriculum in order to meet the growing need for well-educated, competent professionals who are familiar with a European perspective.The Jean Monnet Chair provides a platform for meeting, debate, and knowledge sharing. In that way the Chair strengthens the social engagement of Hanze UAS locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, and contributes to the implementation of the Hanze UAS mission and the Strategic Plan.The Hanze motto “share your talent. move the world.” is leading in the work programme of the Jean Monnet Chair that includes promotion of excellence in teaching and research of sustainable EU economy and sharing the gained experience and knowledge with other international business schools and universities.