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© 2025 SURF
Empathy is an important competence for communication professionals. This article investigates two aspects of empathy in an educational setting: the validity of self versus other assessments and the manifestation of empathy in communicative behaviors. Communication students were given a mediating role in discussions with two clients and their empathy was measured using self-ratings and client assessments. Videos of highest- and lowest-rated students were analyzed to identify empathy-related behaviors. No correlation was found between self-rated empathy and clients’ assessments. Several verbal and nonverbal behaviors corresponded to empathy: body language, an other-orientation in asking questions, paraphrasing, and a solution orientation.
This essay is based on research promoted by INDIRE, Italian NationalInstitute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Researchin Education, and is developed under the research on ‘Professionalnetworks, Educational models and School principal’s profile in Italy’. Onthe basis of observation and analysis of research data, a new theoryis assumed and new characteristics are defined, belonging to bothprofessional networks and educational models applied to all typesof professional networks. The characteristics so far identified are:plastic nature of networks, network punctuated equilibrium, networkconnectivity, emergent behavior and sociality of network members.It is also shown how the knowledge shared in a network materializes inEvents that produce Event Capital. The theory will be complemented byan experimentation phase.
Electronic book. Book of Abstracts of the 26th International Public Relations Research Symposium BledCom on the theme Trust and Reputation. Trust is a foundation of social (and organizational) order and also serves as the underpinning of healthy relationships, exchanges and transactions. There is a growing concern globally that social and organizational trust is eroding, and that it has become harder for organizations to build and protect relationships with stakeholders many of whom themselves seem to be in conflict. Digitalization and globalization have contributed significantly to changing the world order, leaving many people confused, disoriented and perhaps even scared.