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Social media has become a prolific tool for companies to build their brands. An effective way to interact with stakeholders on social media has been the relatively new discipline of ‘influencer marketing’. Here, companies engage social media stars to use their large fan-base to promote products and services on their brand’s behalf. While related to the promotional tactic of word-of-mouth marketing, influencer marketing lacks a theoretical foundation in the academic discourse. This paper aims to fill this gap by offering a conceptualisation to operationalize the new discipline in practice. The conceptualisation proposes brand owners a methodology to choose the right influencers for their brands and guides influencers to perform optimally with their fan base. Lastly, a consumer perspective is taken to the discussion to emphasize the relevance of influencer marketing in the consumer purchase decision-making process.
The article from Managementboek reviews "Marketing in de nieuwe economie" and highlights it as a practical guide for navigating modern marketing challenges. The book emphasizes understanding digital transformations and adapting marketing strategies to meet new consumer behaviors and technological advancements. It provides actionable insights, real-world examples, and a clear roadmap for marketers to innovate and succeed in the evolving market landscape. The review praises the book for its relevance and applicability to today's economic environment.
In dit rapport is verslag gedaan van explorerend onderzoek naar de geldigheid van de opleidingscompetenties van Commercieel Management, bij een overgang van lineair naar circulair economisch model. Daarbij is vooral gezocht naar de eventuele gevolgen op het gebied van de marketingfunctie (marketing, marketingonderzoek en marketingcommunicatie) binnen bedrijven in een circulair economisch systeem.