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Why a position statement on Assessment in Physical Education? The purpose of this AIESEP Position Statement on Assessment in Physical Education (PE) is fourfold: • To advocate internationally for the importance of assessment practices as central to providing meaningful, relevant and worthwhile physical education; • To advise the field of PE about assessment-related concepts informed by research and contemporary practice; • To identify pressing research questions and avenues for new research in the area of PE assessment; • To provide a supporting rationale for colleagues who wish to apply for research funds to address questions about PE assessment or who have opportunities to work with or influence policy makers. The main target groups for this position statement are PE teachers, PE pre-service teachers, PE curriculum officers, PE teacher educators, PE researchers, PE administrators and PE policy makers. How was this position statement created? The AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ was held from October 18-20 2018, at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The seminar aimed to bring together leading scholars in the field to present and discuss ‘evidence-informed’ views on various topics around PE assessment. It brought together 71 experts from 20 countries (see appendix 2) to share research on PE assessment via keynote lectures and research presentations and to discuss assessment-related issues in interactive sessions. Input from this meeting informed a first draft version of the statement. This first draft was sent to all participants of the specialist seminar for feedback, from which a second draft was created. This draft was presented at the AIESEP International Conference 2019 in Garden City, New York, after which further feedback was collected from participants both on site and through an online survey. The main contributors to the writing of the position statement are mentioned in appendix 1. Approval was granted by the AIESEP Board on May 7th, 2020. Largely in keeping with the main themes of the AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’, this Position Statement is divided into the following sections: Assessment Literacy; Accountability & Policy; Instructional Alignment; Assessment for Learning; Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Continuing Professional Development; Digital Technology in PE Assessment. These sections are preceded by a brief overview of research data on PE. The statement concludes with directions for future research.
(Inter)nationaal is er discussie over de vraag of auditieve verwerkingsproblemen (AVP) gezien moeten worden als een unieke klinische diagnose en over de meest geschikte diagnostisering en verwijzing van kinderen in deze doelgroep. Binnen de Nederlandse Audiologische Centra (AC) wordt mede hierdoor verschillend omgegaan met kinderen met zogenaamde onverklaarde luisterproblemen.Het doel van het huidige document is om professionals handvatten te bieden bij het identificeren, diagnosticeren en behandelen van kinderen met luisterproblemen. Het ‘Dutch Position Statement Kinderen met Luisterproblemen’ is ontwikkeld op basis van het huidige wetenschappelijke bewijs omtrent luisterproblemen en op basis van bijeenkomsten gehouden met professionals. Over de volgende 9 statements is consensus bereikt onder professionals van de Nederlandse Audiologische Centra:Definitie:(1) De doelgroep ‘kinderen met luisterproblemen’ is geen unieke en aantoonbare klinische entiteit.(2) De problemen van kinderen met luisterproblemen zijn multimodaal.(3) De symptomen die kinderen met luisterproblemen vertonen kunnen ook voorkomen bij kinderen met andere ontwikkelingsstoornissen, zoals AD(H)D, TOS, dyslexie en leerstoornissen.Signalering en verwijzing:(4) Na signalering van luisterproblemen kan worden doorverwezen naar een multidisciplinair centrum.Diagnostiek:(5) Bij het diagnosticeren van een kind met luisterproblemen zijn minimaal een klinisch- fysicus audioloog, logopedist en gedragswetenschapper betrokken.(6) Luisterproblemen worden in eerste instantie in kaart gebracht met behulp van een anamnese (hulpvraag centraal) en indien beschikbaar een gevalideerde vragenlijst.(7) Bij kinderen met luisterproblemen wordt naast het toon- en spraakaudiogram altijd een spraak-in-ruis test afgenomen.(8) De diagnostische procedure bij luisterproblemen start vanuit een breed ontwikkelingsperspectief.Behandeling:(9) Bij kinderen met luisterproblemen is de interventie gericht op de hulpvraag en staat het handelingsgericht werken centraal.Dit document informeert professionals in Nederland, die te maken hebben met kinderen die worden aangemeld met klachten met betrekking tot het luisteren bij een goed perifeer gehoor over het huidige beschikbare bewijs en over het gezamenlijke standpunt hierover in Nederland.
Inter)nationally there is discussion about whether auditory processing disorders (APD) should be seen as a unique clinical diagnosis and what is the most appropriate diagnosis and referral of children in this target group. In this context, the Dutch Audiological Centres (AC) have different care pathways for children with so-called unexplained listening difficulties. The purpose of the current document is to provide professionals with tools to identify, diagnose and treat children with listening difficulties. The Dutch Position Statement Children with Listening Difficulties has been developed based on current scientific evidence of listening difficulties, and based on meetings held with professionals. Professionals in the Dutch Audiological Centres have reached a consensus with the following 9 statements: Definition: (1) The target group 'Children with listening difficulties' is not a unique and demonstrable clinical entity. (2) The problems of children with listening difficulties are multimodal. (3) The symptoms of children with listening difficulties may also occur in children with other developmental disorders such as AD(H)D, DLD, dyslexia and learning disorders. Detection and referral: (4) After detection of listening difficulties, children can be referred to a multidisciplinary centre. Diagnostics: (5) When diagnosing a child with listening difficulties, an audiologist, a speech language therapist and a behavioral scientist must be involved. (6) Listening difficulties are initially mapped using patient history (with client-centred focus) and, if available, a validated questionnaire. (7) In the case of children with listening difficulties, a speech-in-noise test is always carried out in addition to the pure tone and speech audiometry (8) The diagnostic procedure for listening difficulties starts from a broad perspective on development. Therapy: (9) For children with listening difficulties, intervention is focused on the client’s needs and focuses on action-oriented practice. This document informs professionals in the Netherlands, who are working with children who are referred because of listening difficulties in the absence of hearing loss, about the current evidence available and about the consensus in the Netherlands.
A transition to a circular economy is needed to revolutionize the construction sector and make it more sustainable for present and future generations. While the construction industry and the production of construction materials contribute to environmental pollution, they also offer great potential for addressing many environmental problems. Sheet materials are engineered wood boards that are produced from recycled or solid wood where an adhesive is used to bind the particles together, predominantly used in: Furniture manufacturing, Flooring application, Roofing, Wall sheathing. The most common binder for boards is urea-formaldehyde. Other binders may be used depending on the grade of board and its intended end-use. For example, melamine urea-formaldehyde, phenolic resins and polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (PMDI) are generally used in boards that require improved moisture resistance. Formaldehyde is classified in the in the European Union as a carcinogen and it carries the hazard statement 'suspected of causing cancer'. In this project mycelium composites are developed as a formaldehyde-free, fully natural and biodegradable material with high potential to substitute these hazardous materials. The heat-press process, the feasibility of which was evaluated in a previous Kiem HBO project, is to be further developed towards a process where mycelium sheets with different thicknesses will be obtained. This is considered as a fundamental step to increase the material approachability to the market. Different Material manufacturing techniques are also considered to enable the increase of sample thicknesses and volume. Moreover, a business study will be incorporated to allow further understanding of the material market potential. The consortium composition of V8 Architects, QbiQ, Fairm, Verbruggen Paddestoelen BV, and CoEBBE merges different expertise and guarantees the consideration of the whole material production chain. The research will contribute to bring mycelium composites a step closer to the market, giving them visibility and increasing the possibility to a commercial breakthrough.
Met de start van het Nationaal Lectoren Platform Urban Energy (NL UE), ontstond een unieke nationale onderzoeksgroep voor toegepast onderzoek op het domein Urban Energy. Onze stip op de horizon, de realisatie van Netto energie neutrale steden in 2050, past bij het belang van hogescholen in de regio, de Regionale Energie Strategie (RES) en de wijkgerichte aanpak. De afgelopen jaren werkten we aan een gezamenlijke onderzoeksagenda, organiseerden, een studentenwedstrijd (Zero Energy Award) en deelden we kennis in 16 bijeenkomsten. Een website is ontwikkeld en online gezet (www.nlurbanenergy.nl). De komende jaren zetten we ons in voor: 1. De gezamenlijke onderzoeksagenda (afstemming binnen het platform en met anderen); 2. Uitwisseling van kennis en (nationale) actuele informatie tussen de lectoraten onderling; 3. Fieldlabs Urban Energy ontwikkelen in elke stad waar het platform vertegenwoordigd is; 4. Jaarlijks een conferentie, met demonstratie van onze projecten; 5. Profilering en positionering van toegepast onderzoek in de Nederlandse kennisinfrastructuur; 6. De samenwerking met LEVE, door profilering op de conferentie met impact van het hbo. We verwachten dat we met onze activiteiten op het domein van Urban Energy het praktijkgericht onderzoek van de Universities of Applied Sciences beter toegankelijk en de impact beter zichtbaar kunnen maken. De jaarlijkse conferentie is de plek waar we resultaten presenteren en delen met onze (inter)nationale omgeving. In de fieldlabs doen we dat voor onze regio en vergroten we de toegankelijkheid voor onze directe omgeving. De website ondersteunt dit heel laagdrempelig. Met het lectorenplatform Urban Energy versterken we met onze expertise de energietransitie in Nederland, dragen we bij aan de RES en wijkgerichte aanpak en versterken we de kennispositie van de hogescholen met directe impact in het praktijkgericht onderwijs en de beroepspraktijk.