Many delta cities worldwide are dealing with the same kind of problems: rising of the sea level, land subsidence, scarcity of land and illegal housing. Multiple land use is one of these solutions that will help to reduce flooding and scarcity of land. An example of multiple land use is a floating community. This research used Semarang as location for the research into the social acceptance of floating houses. The data in this study were obtained through literature study and survey among inhabitants. The social acceptance of the inhabitants is determined with 35 respondents that have been done in the area of Kemijen, Semarang. In order to determine the social acceptance of floating houses, there are elements used, namely: knowledge of floating houses, perception of risk, urgency, implementation, chose for a floating house, requirements, positive and negative elements, self-sufficient system. According to the result of research, the social acceptance of the inhabitants is quite low, but there is potential because they see positive elements in a floating house. Low social acceptance is caused by the fact that the concept of floating houses is not well known in this community. With raising awareness on the challenges and informing the community on the possibilities on floating infrastructure will result in higher social acceptance.
Many delta cities worldwide are dealing with the same kind of problems: rising of the sea level, land subsidence, scarcity of land and illegal housing. Multiple land use is one of these solutions that will help to reduce flooding and scarcity of land. An example of multiple land use is a floating community. This research used Semarang as location for the research into the social acceptance of floating houses. The data in this study were obtained through literature study and survey among inhabitants. The social acceptance of the inhabitants is determined with 35 respondents that have been done in the area of Kemijen, Semarang. In order to determine the social acceptance of floating houses, there are elements used, namely: knowledge of floating houses, perception of risk, urgency, implementation, chose for a floating house, requirements, positive and negative elements, self-sufficient system. According to the result of research, the social acceptance of the inhabitants is quite low, but there is potential because they see positive elements in a floating house. Low social acceptance is caused by the fact that the concept of floating houses is not well known in this community. With raising awareness on the challenges and informing the community on the possibilities on floating infrastructure will result in higher social acceptance.
This research addresses the question on how Delfzijl can take advantage of the dykes referred to recreational activities within the next five years. In order to investigate this problem statement, the elaboration was started with the definition of research questions and secondary research. Here, brochures, websites, books and other researches were used to gather significant information about Delfzijl. Next, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in order to collect data and information about the different stakeholders, the current situation of the municipality and the expectations of the people concerning the future. Thus, a fieldtrip was done to interview stakeholders and to distribute questionnaires to the sample. Additionally, a benchmarking was done with the German city `Nessmersiel` in order to compare and discover development possibilities. The research outcome is that Delfzijl suffers from a decreasing population number, a low level of recreational attractiveness and lack of money. Many people claim that the dyke is a significant resource that should be used for recreational developments. Hereby, developments can be done on a small budget.
Nederland heeft in het Natura 2000 Beheerplan Deltawateren richtlijnen vastgelegd voor natuurbehoud en biodiversiteit. De Nederlandse wateren en de deltagebieden maken tweederde uit van de Natura 2000 gebieden en vormen een belangrijk leefgebied voor kustbroedvogels en zijn voor trekvogels onmisbaar als rustgebied en plek om te foerageren. Om natuurbeheer effectiever te kunnen laten verlopen, is monitoring van de dynamiek van estuariene natuur in de deltabeheercyclus van groot belang. Het biedt publieke professionals mogelijkheden om systeemontwerpen en/of systeemingrepen (tijdig) aan te passen. Voor projectmonitoring wordt gebruik gemaakt van conventionele meettechnieken die veelal arbeidsintensief en dus kostbaar zijn. Doel van dit project is te onderzoeken of het monitoren van natuurherstelprojecten efficiënter kan. Kernvraag is of door de inzet van nieuwe meettechnieken meer of andersoortige data tegen lagere kosten, over grotere arealen en met betere temporele resoluties kan worden vergaard. Oftewel meer systeembegrip. Op drie locaties in de Westerschelde (Baalhoek, Knuitershoek en Perkpolder) wordt geëxperimenteerd met innovatieve meettechnieken om beter inzicht te krijgen op factoren die van invloed zijn op het functioneren van getijdenecosystemen. Data van negen kernparameters wordt ingewonnen: (1) vogelaantallen, (2) benthos als vogelvoedsel, (3) benthos als bioturbator, (4) middelgrootte schaal morfologie, (5) grootschalige morfologie, (6) korte termijn (dagelijkse) veranderingen in sedimenthoogte, (7) bodemdichtheid, (8) hydrodynamiek: stroming /golven en (9) sedimentconcentraties in water. Het activiteitenplan bestaat uit zes werkpakketten: (1)het fysiek inrichten van de meetlocaties, (2) data-acquisitie op zowel conventionele- als innovatieve wijze, (3) data-analyse door vergelijkend onderzoek, (4) het ontwikkelen van een afwegingskader voor publieke professionals, (5) een plan van doorwerking en (6) projectmanagement. Na afronding van elke meetcampagne worden data geanalyseerd en vergeleken met modellen en kennis die tot dan toe bekend is. Kennis en expertise wordt op de DeltaExpertise-site (HZ Body of Knowledge) gestructureerd en ontsloten met behulp van de Expertise Management Methodologie en de Soft Systems Methodologie.