Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Although in 2019 the local government of Tegal city Indonesia had constructed a retention basin at drainage system of Siwatu, Tegal Barat, Tegal city with a catchment area of 226 ha, the areas around the system still experienced flood and inundation. This study belonged to a descriptive qualitative research aimed to evaluate the performances of Siwatu drainage system and Tegalsari retention basin. Data of the study included field data and technical data from institutions. Based on the 15-year rainfall data (2014 – 2018) from Pemali - Comal PSDA Office, Central Java Province, Indonesia, the statistical parameters of Cs: 0.0027, Ck: 1.904, Sd: 15.91, Cv: 0.144 were obtained and so Gumbel method distribution was applied in the study, the return period rainfall of 10 years was 138 mm, the flood discharge for Qr.10 years was 9.63 m3/sec., the addition of long storage was 8×2,50×500 m, and the combination of pump addition was of 1 m3/sec. with the long storage of 8×2.00×500 m. By implementing one of the alternative choices, either flood or inundation could be resolved.
In this paper the Feltscaping-method is described, its characteristics and requirements, and some examples of how it was used and further developed. In doing so this paper aims at embedding feltscaping into the existing discourse of arts-based research. Furthermore, it will reflect on possibilities for further development of the Feltscaping method.The development of the method started seven years ago, as Cora Jongsma as a way of delving into the different layers of the landscape connected with the landscape. The product of this process is a feltscape, a representation of the landscape made up of several layers of wool that tells a story about a specific area. The layering in the feltscape, in the beginning, was purely the result of interaction between the creative process, conversations with land users, landscape research and visual experience, drawing a parallel to the formation process of the landscape. Starting as a personal search of the artist on how to connect the feltscapes to the landscape, after a few years, developed into an instrument to stimulate good conversation with people that in one way or another are connected to the landscape. In this way, feltscapes enable the researcher to test and exchange own sensory perceptions and to extent existing knowledge or questions about the landscape by eliciting social interactions.
Managed realignment is the landward relocation of flood infrastructure to re-establish tidal exchange on formerly reclaimed land. Managed realignment can be seen as a nature-based flood defence system that combines flood protection by the realigned dike (artificial) and restored saltmarshes (nature-based). So far, research on coastal managed realignment is primarily directed to saltmarsh restoration on formerly reclaimed land. This study focuses on the realigned dikes. The aim of this research is to characterize realigned dikes and to indicate the characteristics that offer opportunities for nature-based flood protection. We categorized 90 European coastal managed realignment projects into two realigned dike groups: (1) Newly built landward dikes and (2) Existing landward dikes of former multiple dike systems. The second group has two subcategories: (2a) Former hinterland dikes and (2b) Realignments within summer polders. For each group we present the realigned dike characteristics of a representative case study. We consider that the use of existing landward dikes or local construction material make realignment more sustainable. From a nature-based flood protection perspective, the presence of an artificial dike is ambiguous. Our results show that targeted and expected saltmarsh restoration at managed realignment does not necessarily result in a greener realigned dike design that suits for combined flood protection with restored saltmarshes. We recommend coastal managers to explicitly take combined flood protection into account in the realigned dike design and steer the topography of the realignment site to facilitate nature-based flood protection and promote surface elevation increase seaward of the realigned dike in response to sea level rise. This makes managed realignment a nature-based flood defence zone for now and for the future.
Nederland heeft in het Natura 2000 Beheerplan Deltawateren richtlijnen vastgelegd voor natuurbehoud en biodiversiteit. De Nederlandse wateren en de deltagebieden maken tweederde uit van de Natura 2000 gebieden en vormen een belangrijk leefgebied voor kustbroedvogels en zijn voor trekvogels onmisbaar als rustgebied en plek om te foerageren. Om natuurbeheer effectiever te kunnen laten verlopen, is monitoring van de dynamiek van estuariene natuur in de deltabeheercyclus van groot belang. Het biedt publieke professionals mogelijkheden om systeemontwerpen en/of systeemingrepen (tijdig) aan te passen. Voor projectmonitoring wordt gebruik gemaakt van conventionele meettechnieken die veelal arbeidsintensief en dus kostbaar zijn. Doel van dit project is te onderzoeken of het monitoren van natuurherstelprojecten efficiënter kan. Kernvraag is of door de inzet van nieuwe meettechnieken meer of andersoortige data tegen lagere kosten, over grotere arealen en met betere temporele resoluties kan worden vergaard. Oftewel meer systeembegrip. Op drie locaties in de Westerschelde (Baalhoek, Knuitershoek en Perkpolder) wordt geëxperimenteerd met innovatieve meettechnieken om beter inzicht te krijgen op factoren die van invloed zijn op het functioneren van getijdenecosystemen. Data van negen kernparameters wordt ingewonnen: (1) vogelaantallen, (2) benthos als vogelvoedsel, (3) benthos als bioturbator, (4) middelgrootte schaal morfologie, (5) grootschalige morfologie, (6) korte termijn (dagelijkse) veranderingen in sedimenthoogte, (7) bodemdichtheid, (8) hydrodynamiek: stroming /golven en (9) sedimentconcentraties in water. Het activiteitenplan bestaat uit zes werkpakketten: (1)het fysiek inrichten van de meetlocaties, (2) data-acquisitie op zowel conventionele- als innovatieve wijze, (3) data-analyse door vergelijkend onderzoek, (4) het ontwikkelen van een afwegingskader voor publieke professionals, (5) een plan van doorwerking en (6) projectmanagement. Na afronding van elke meetcampagne worden data geanalyseerd en vergeleken met modellen en kennis die tot dan toe bekend is. Kennis en expertise wordt op de DeltaExpertise-site (HZ Body of Knowledge) gestructureerd en ontsloten met behulp van de Expertise Management Methodologie en de Soft Systems Methodologie.