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© 2025 SURF
BackgroundSpecialist palliative care teams are consulted during hospital admission for advice on complex palliative care. These consultations need to be timely to prevent symptom burden and maintain quality of life. Insight into specialist palliative care teams may help improve the outcomes of palliative care.MethodsIn this retrospective observational study, we analyzed qualitative and quantitative data of palliative care consultations in a six-month period (2017 or 2018) in four general hospitals in the northwestern part of the Netherlands. Data were obtained from electronic medical records.ResultsWe extracted data from 336 consultations. The most common diagnoses were cancer (54.8%) and organ failure (26.8%). The estimated life expectancy was less than three months for 52.3% of all patients. Within two weeks after consultation, 53.2% of the patients died, and the median time until death was 11 days (range 191) after consultation. Most patients died in hospital (49.4%) but only 7.5% preferred to die in hospital. Consultations were mostly requested for advance care planning (31.6%). End-of-life preferences focused on last wishes and maintaining quality of life.ConclusionThis study provides detailed insight into consultations of palliative care teams and shows that even though most palliative care consultations were requested for advance care planning, consultations focus on end-of-life care and are more crisis-oriented than prevention-oriented. Death often occurs too quickly after consultation for end-of-life preferences to be met and these preferences tend to focus on dying. Educating healthcare professionals on when to initiate advance care planning would promote a more prevention-oriented approach. Defining factors that indicate the need for timely palliative care team consultation and advance care planning could help timely identification and consultation.
Balancing processes of external contingency and internal P-O fit is amongst the challenges facing innovative HE institutions today. This multi-level case study presents findings from a research & development program targeted to investigate and improve organisational-, leadership- and employees’ capacities to design, select and develop the human capital necessary to meet the strategic demands. The R&D project is framed as a collective organisational learning strategy with continuous alternation of research, design, pilots and implementation activities. Work in progress till 2020. At present 25 strategic personnel plans are developed for degree programs and other organizational units, each of which is tailored to the strategic horizon and market of that specific organisational entity. Furthermore, instrumentation to run a strategic personnel planning process for knowledge institutions is developed transferable to other institutions. Finally, input is provided for the development of strategic HRM for career development & mobility, professionalisation, team development and resourcing strategy. https://www.hec2019.nl/108493/wiki/449361/programme-abstracts
This paper examines how a serious game approach could support a participatory planning process by bringing stakeholders together to discuss interventions that assist the development of sustainable urban tourism. A serious policy game was designed and played in six European cities by a total of 73 participants, reflecting a diverse array of tourism stakeholders. By observing in-game experiences, a pre- and post -game survey and short interviews six months after playing the game, the process and impact of the game was investigated. While it proved difficult to evaluate the value of a serious game approach, results demonstrate that enacting real-life policymaking in a serious game setting can enable stakeholders to come together, and become more aware of the issues and complexities involved with urban tourism planning. This suggests a serious game can be used to stimulate the uptake of academic insights in a playful manner. However, it should be remembered that a game is a tool and does not, in itself, lead to inclusive participatory policymaking and more sustainable urban tourism planning. Consequently, care needs to be taken to ensure inclusiveness and prevent marginalization or disempowerment both within game-design and the political formation of a wider participatory planning approach.
Due to their diverse funding sources, theatres are under increasing pressure to demonstrate impact on society. The Raad voor Cultuur (2023) for example advised the secretary of state to include societal impact as an additional evaluation measure next to artistic value. Many theaters, such as the Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters, have reformulated their missions to focus on impact of performances on visitors. This is a profound transformation from merely selling tickets and filling seats, and requires new measurement instruments to monitor, manage, and improve impact. Currently available instruments are insufficient, and effective monitoring is crucial to larger future projects that theaters are currently planning to systematically broaden impacts of performances on their communities. The specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data from student projects conducted at the Chassé Theater about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. We will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. These will be measured in questionnaires developed with project partners Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters and administered before and after performances across a wide range of genres. The resulting data will enable comparison of new questionnaire items with benchmarked measures of valued societal outcomes. The final product of the project will be a brief impact questionnaire, which within several brief self-report instruments and just a few minutes can effectively be used to quantify the impact of a performing arts experience. A workshop and practice-oriented article will make this questionnaire implementable, thereby mobilizing the key enabling methodology of monitoring and impact measurement in the performing arts sector.
Due to their diverse funding sources, theatres are under increasing pressure to demonstrate impact on society. The Raad voor Cultuur (2023) for example advised the secretary of state to include societal impact as an additional evaluation measure next to artistic value. Many theaters, such as the Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters, have reformulated their missions to focus on impact of performances on visitors. This is a profound transformation from merely selling tickets and filling seats, and requires new measurement instruments to monitor, manage, and improve impact. Currently available instruments are insufficient, and effective monitoring is crucial to larger future projects that theaters are currently planning to systematically broaden impacts of performances on their communities.The specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data from student projects conducted at the Chassé Theater about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. We will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. These will be measured in questionnaires developed with project partners Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters and administered before and after performances across a wide range of genres. The resulting data will enable comparison of new questionnaire items with benchmarked measures of valued societal outcomes. The final product of the project will be a brief impact questionnaire, which within several brief self-report instruments and just a few minutes can effectively be used to quantify the impact of a performing arts experience. A workshop and practice-oriented article will make this questionnaire implementable, thereby mobilizing the key enabling methodology of monitoring and impact measurement in the performing arts sector.Societal issueThe specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. Benefit to societyWe will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. Collaborative partnersChassé Theater N.V., Parkstad Limburg Theaters N.V.
Goede voeding speelt een belangrijke rol bij het ouder worden: behoud van vitaliteit, voorkomen van complicaties. Bovendien draagt goede voeding bij aan een betere kwaliteit van leven. Juist voor de meest kwetsbare groep ouderen, verpleeghuisbewoners, is goede voedingszorg daarom belangrijk. Diëtisten, management en facilitaire dienstverlening vragen zich af hoe zij optimale voedingszorg kunnen leveren. Vragen die zij hebben betreffen enerzijds ondervoedingszorg: hoe ziet optimale ondervoedingszorg eruit, wie zijn daarbij betrokken en wie heeft daarin welke verantwoordelijkheid? Anderzijds zijn er vragen over goede voedingszorg voor alle bewoners: hoe kunnen we de voedingszorg voor onze bewoners optimaal inrichten, wie en wat hebben we daarvoor nodig, welke barrières moeten we nemen om voedingszorg te optimaliseren, en bij wie (en hoe) moeten we die voedingszorg dan beleggen? Sinds september 2020 wordt in het RAAK-publiek project “Goede voeding, goede zorg” door de HAN, diëtistennetwerk Geriatrie en Ouderen, diverse verzorgings- en verpleeghuizen, Universiteit Maastricht, AmsterdamUMC en Stuurgroep Ondervoeding zowel het aspect van ondervoeding(szorg) als goede voedingszorg in verpleeghuizen belicht. Door middel van kwantitatief onderzoek brengen wij de grootte van het probleem van ondervoeding en determinanten die bijdragen aan de incidentie van ondervoeding in beeld. Door middel van kwalitatief onderzoek onderzoeken we wie betrokken zou moeten zijn bij optimale voedingszorg, wie daarin welke verantwoordelijkheden heeft en waar optimale voedingszorg belegd zou moeten zijn. Uiteindelijk hopen we door het in kaart brengen van barrières en “good practices” concrete aanbevelingen te kunnen doen voor het optimaliseren van goede voedingszorg in verpleeghuizen; dit betreft zowel ondervoedingszorg als goede voedingszorg in het algemeen. Door Corona blijkt extra inspanning nodig om de onderzoekskwaliteit te kunnen waarborgen. We kunnen het onderzoek niet volgens de oorspronkelijke planning uitvoeren en zijn steeds genoodzaakt aanpassingen te doen. Dit leidt ertoe dat extra uren moeten worden gemaakt door het onderzoeksteam om goede kwaliteit onderzoek te blijven leveren.