Dienst van SURF
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This is the introduction to a special issue on media and transgression, one of early cultural studies’ key terms. It inquires into the uses of transgression as a critical concept to query contemporary media culture which is discussed in six case studies: on political satire, Mukbang, cult drama, the policing of film piracy, media scandals, and online trolls. Transgression points to the energy that fuels the media ecology – from content and content production to audience practices and the policing of content ownership. It is the (conscious) overstepping of moral and legal boundaries, that challenges written and unwritten rules. The frisson of rule breaking and the reward of rule re-establishment (whether by powerful parties or everyday gossip) are transgression’s bookends. Together they support the cyclical rhythm of media culture that maintains not just our interest as viewers but our interests and connectedness as citizens, whether in celebration, outrage or condemnation.
Full text beschikbaar met HU-account. Sinds de opkomst van sociale media spelen de toepassing en het bereik ervan in toenemende mate een rol, ook bij rampen en crises. De vraag rijst dan hoe daar in de crisiscommunicatie en het crisismanagement effectief mee om te gaan. Uit literatuuronderzoek en een analyse van een viertal Nederlandse casus blijkt dat, hoewel sommige officiële instanties nog steeds verrast kunnen worden door de snelle stroom van berichten en de effecten die dat met zich meebrengt, er al veel is geleerd over het omgaan met en benutten van sociale media in crisissituaties. Professionals dealing with crises are more or less forced to a next level of crisis communication and crisis management. This is because of the influence of social media. Messages on Twitter, Facebook and other social media can have a significant impact on the course of developments during a crisis. Sometimes in a positive way, when help is mobilized quickly and people can be informed almost instantly. On other occasions the impact is more negative, when for instance rumors lead to false accusations or threats. In the past several years, crisis management authorities have built up more experience with the use and application of social media and monitoring tools. There are still cases where officials and professionals are taken by surprise because of the shift stream of messages and their impact on public opinion and crisis control. But also lessons have been learned, e.g. in terms of online and offline reactions, cooperation with the public, and rumor control. This article gives an overview of research results in literature and summarizes the outcomes of a case study research project
Uit internationaal onderzoek is bekend dat mensen die zich niet volgens de regels gedragen hun ongewenste gedrag goedpraten. Mensen weten vaak wel dat ze zich op een bepaalde manier behoren te gedragen, maar gebruiken excuses, ofwel neutralisatietechnieken, om het gewenste gedrag niet te hoeven vertonen. Met andere woorden: ze redeneren het onprettige gevoel dat het overtreden van regels met zich meebrengt weg. Ze denken bijvoorbeeld: ‘het is niet mijn verantwoordelijkheid’, ‘het kan geen kwaad’, ‘ik heb geen andere keuze’ of ‘vergeleken met wat anderen doen, valt dit wel mee’. In dit artikel bespreken we een recent TNO-onderzoek waarbij we de vraag stellen: is het mogelijk om regelopvolging op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging te vergroten door het uitschakelen van neutralisatietechnieken door een gedragsinterventie? Recente andere onderzoeken laten namelijk zien dat training of communicatie kan leiden tot een vermindering van het gebruik van neutralisatietechnieken door medewerkers en tot een sterkere intentie om veilig gedrag te vertonen
The project aim is to improve collusion resistance of real-world content delivery systems. The research will address the following topics: • Dynamic tracing. Improve the Laarhoven et al. dynamic tracing constructions [1,2] [A11,A19]. Modify the tally based decoder [A1,A3] to make use of dynamic side information. • Defense against multi-channel attacks. Colluders can easily spread the usage of their content access keys over multiple channels, thus making tracing more difficult. These attack scenarios have hardly been studied. Our aim is to reach the same level of understanding as in the single-channel case, i.e. to know the location of the saddlepoint and to derive good accusation scores. Preferably we want to tackle multi-channel dynamic tracing. • Watermarking layer. The watermarking layer (how to embed secret information into content) and the coding layer (what symbols to embed) are mostly treated independently. By using soft decoding techniques and exploiting the “nuts and bolts” of the embedding technique as an extra engineering degree of freedom, one should be able to improve collusion resistance. • Machine Learning. Finding a score function against unknown attacks is difficult. For non-binary decisions there exists no optimal procedure like Neyman-Pearson scoring. We want to investigate if machine learning can yield a reliable way to classify users as attacker or innocent. • Attacker cost/benefit analysis. For the various use cases (static versus dynamic, single-channel versus multi-channel) we will devise economic models and use these to determine the range of operational parameters where the attackers have a financial benefit. For the first three topics we have a fairly accurate idea how they can be achieved, based on work done in the CREST project, which was headed by the main applicant. Neural Networks (NNs) have enjoyed great success in recognizing patterns, particularly Convolutional NNs in image recognition. Recurrent NNs ("LSTM networks") are successfully applied in translation tasks. We plan to combine these two approaches, inspired by traditional score functions, to study whether they can lead to improved tracing. An often-overlooked reality is that large-scale piracy runs as a for-profit business. Thus countermeasures need not be perfect, as long as they increase the attack cost enough to make piracy unattractive. In the field of collusion resistance, this cost analysis has never been performed yet; even a simple model will be valuable to understand which countermeasures are effective.