In very old and/or frail older people living in long-term care facilities, physical inactivity negatively affects activities of daily living. The main reason to assess older adults' perceived fitness is to establish the relation with their beliefs about their ability to perform physical activity adjusted to daily tasks. The Self-Assessment of Physical Fitness scale was developed to address these needs. The aim of this study was to estimate the test-retest reliability and construct validity of the scale. 76 elderly people (M age = 86.0 yr., SD = 6.3) completed the test. Cronbach's a was .71. One-week test-retest reliability ICC's ranged from .66 (SAPF aerobic endurance and SAPF balance) to .70 (SAPF sum score). Concurrent validity with the Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly was fair to moderate. Despite the limited number of participants (N = 76), results suggest that the scale may be useful as an assessment of perceived fitness in older adults.
In very old and/or frail older people living in long-term care facilities, physical inactivity negatively affects activities of daily living. The main reason to assess older adults' perceived fitness is to establish the relation with their beliefs about their ability to perform physical activity adjusted to daily tasks. The Self-Assessment of Physical Fitness scale was developed to address these needs. The aim of this study was to estimate the test-retest reliability and construct validity of the scale. 76 elderly people (M age = 86.0 yr., SD = 6.3) completed the test. Cronbach's a was .71. One-week test-retest reliability ICC's ranged from .66 (SAPF aerobic endurance and SAPF balance) to .70 (SAPF sum score). Concurrent validity with the Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly was fair to moderate. Despite the limited number of participants (N = 76), results suggest that the scale may be useful as an assessment of perceived fitness in older adults.
SYNOPSIS: Vascular serious adverse events can occur after examining, manipulating, mobilizing, and prescribing exercise for the cervical spine. Patients presenting with neck pain and headache who develop a vascular serious adverse event during or after treatment may have vascular flow limitations that go unrecognized and are aggravated by treatment. Patients with neck pain and headache-the first nonischemic symptoms of arterial dissection-frequently access physical therapists as first-point providers, not all of whom have specialist training in orthopaedic manual physical therapy. All physical therapists, irrespective of their training, who are helping patients manage neck pain, headache, and/or facial symptoms must feel confident to identify potential vascular flow limitations of the neck prior to providing treatment. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2021;51(9):418-421. Epub 10 May 2021. doi:10.2519/jospt.2021.10408.
De inzet van blended care in de zorg neemt toe. Hierbij wordt fysieke begeleiding (face-to-face) met persoonlijke aandacht door een zorgprofessional afgewisseld met digitale zorg in de vorm van een platform of mobiele applicatie (eHealth). De digitale zorg versterkt de mogelijkheden van cliënten om in hun eigen omgeving te werken aan gezondheidsdoelen en handvatten tijdens de face-to-face momenten. Een specifieke groep die baat kan hebben bij blended care zijn ouderen die na revalidatie in de geriatrische revalidatiezorg (GRZ) thuis verder revalideren. Focus op zowel bewegen (door fysio- en oefentherapeut) en voedingsgedrag (door diëtist) is hierbij essentieel. Echter, na een intensieve zorgperiode tijdens hun opname wordt revalidatie veelal thuis afgeschaald en overgenomen door een ambulant begeleidingstraject of de eerste lijn. Een groot gedeelte van de ouderen ervaart een terugval in fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid bij thuiskomt en heeft baat bij intensieve zorg omtrent voeding en beweging. Een blended interventie die gezond beweeg- en voedingsgedrag combineert biedt kansen. Hierbij is maatwerk voor deze kwetsbare ouderen vereist. Ambulante en eerste lijn diëtisten, fysio- en oefentherapeuten erkennen de meerwaarde van blended care maar missen handvatten en kennis over hoe blended-care ingezet kan worden bij kwetsbare ouderen. Het doel van het huidige project is ouderen én hun behandelaren te ondersteunen bij het optimaliseren van fysiek functioneren in de thuissituatie, door een blended voeding- en beweegprogramma te ontwikkelen en te testen in de praktijk. Ouderen, professionals en ICT-professionals worden betrokken in verschillende co-creatie sessies om gebruikersbehoefte, acceptatie en technische eisen te verkennen als mede inhoudelijke eisen zoals verhouding face-to-face en online. In samenspraak met gebruikers wordt de blended BITE-IT interventie ontwikkeld op basis van een bestaand platform, waarbij ook gekeken wordt naar het gebruik van bestaande en succesvolle applicaties. De BITE-IT interventie wordt uitgebreid getoetst op haalbaarheid en eerste effectiviteit in de praktijk.
With increasing penetration rates of driver assistance systems in road vehicles, powerful sensing and processing solutions enable further automation of on-road as well as off-road vehicles. In this maturing environment, SMEs are stepping in and education needs to align with this trend. By the input of student teams, HAN developed a first prototype robot platform to test automated vehicle technology in dynamic road scenarios that include VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users). These robot platforms can make complex manoeuvres while carrying dummies of typical VRUs, such as pedestrians and bicyclists. This is used to test the ability of automated vehicles to detect VRUs in realistic traffic scenarios and exhibit safe behaviour in environments that include VRUs, on public roads as well as in restricted areas. Commercially available VRU-robot platforms are conforming to standards, making them inflexible with respect to VRU-dummy design, and pricewise they are far out of reach for SMEs, education and research. CORDS-VTS aims to create a first, open version of an integrated solution to physically emulate traffic scenarios including VRUs. While analysing desired applications and scenarios, the consortium partners will define prioritized requirements (e.g. robot platform performance, dummy types and behaviour, desired software functionality, etc.). Multiple robots and dummies will be created and practically integrated and demonstrated in a multi-VRU scenario. The aim is to create a flexible, upgradeable solution, published fully in open source: The hardware (robot platform and dummies) will be published as well-documented DIY (do-it-yourself) projects and the accompanying software will be published as open-source projects. With the CORDS-VTS solution, SME companies, researchers and educators can test vehicle automation technology at a reachable price point and with the necessary flexibility, enabling higher innovation rates.
Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and a significant contributor to work incapacity. Although effective therapeutic options are scarce, exercises supervised by a physiotherapist have shown to be effective. However, the effects found in research studies tend to be small, likely due to the heterogeneous nature of patients' complaints and movement limitations. Personalized treatment is necessary as a 'one-size-fits-all' approach is not sufficient. High-tech solutions consisting of motions sensors supported by artificial intelligence will facilitate physiotherapists to achieve this goal. To date, physiotherapists use questionnaires and physical examinations, which provide subjective results and therefore limited support for treatment decisions. Objective measurement data obtained by motion sensors can help to determine abnormal movement patterns. This information may be crucial in evaluating the prognosis and designing the physiotherapy treatment plan. The proposed study is a small cohort study (n=30) that involves low back pain patients visiting a physiotherapist and performing simple movement tasks such as walking and repeated forward bending. The movements will be recorded using sensors that estimate orientation from accelerations, angular velocities and magnetometer data. Participants complete questionnaires about their pain and functioning before and after treatment. Artificial analysis techniques will be used to link the sensor and questionnaire data to identify clinically relevant subgroups based on movement patterns, and to determine if there are differences in prognosis between these subgroups that serve as a starting point of personalized treatments. This pilot study aims to investigate the potential benefits of using motion sensors to personalize the treatment of low back pain. It serves as a foundation for future research into the use of motion sensors in the treatment of low back pain and other musculoskeletal or neurological movement disorders.