Dienst van SURF
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As an active member of the Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, The Hague has been monitoring the progress over the years. In 2022, a second cross-sectional survey based on the Age Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ) was conducted among 396 community-dwelling older citizens in the municipality. During times of the pandemic, scores for Social Participation went notably down, and scores for Respect and Social Inclusion increased. For the first time, based on survey data, four personas were found through cluster analysis. These personas ranged from the precariat and people with personal health issues with lower scores, to the silent majority without the limitations of health problems, and the upper echelon who score positively in all domains. Age-friendly policies in The Hague should focus particularly on the first two clusters through dedicated action plans, which would help steer efforts towards those most in need for support. This would help The Hague to become an age-friendly city for all, and not only for those living in good health and with sufficient financial means.
How to create personas to improve designs for behaviour change strategies in the public domain? Three recent cases illustrate lessons learnt and challenges encountered during persona development in the public domain. Personas were helpful to gain insight into diversity within a target group, to create empathy for its members, and to have a shared understanding when communicating about them. The main challenges encountered were 1) capturing complex behaviour with personas, as the behaviours involved were variable over time, the (legislative) environment in motion, and the target groups diverse; 2) finding the right balance between intuitive vs. evidence-based decision-making, a process we coined “taking a responsible leap of faith”; and 3) transferring personas to third parties, as free sharing of insights and tools is common in the public domain. Validation plays an important role in personas’ transferability. We call for all involved researchers to share experiences with using the persona methodology in the public domain, in order to tackle the challenges, and to create a more standardised way of developing personas.
Poster. We studied Karen meme as a crowdsourced phenomenon, presenting a missed-behaved consumer, involved in multiple sociopolitical concerns over time. Through these memes, the crowd expresses different emotions, visual expressions, and use intertextual references for presenting Karen and the episode of Karen.
Physical rehabilitation programs revolve around the repetitive execution of exercises since it has been proven to lead to better rehabilitation results. Although beginning the motor (re)learning process early is paramount to obtain good recovery outcomes, patients do not normally see/experience any short-term improvement, which has a toll on their motivation. Therefore, patients find it difficult to stay engaged in seemingly mundane exercises, not only in terms of adhering to the rehabilitation program, but also in terms of proper execution of the movements. One way in which this motivation problem has been tackled is to employ games in the rehabilitation process. These games are designed to reward patients for performing the exercises correctly or regularly. The rewards can take many forms, for instance providing an experience that is engaging (fun), one that is aesthetically pleasing (appealing visual and aural feedback), or one that employs gamification elements such as points, badges, or achievements. However, even though some of these serious game systems are designed together with physiotherapists and with the patients’ needs in mind, many of them end up not being used consistently during physical rehabilitation past the first few sessions (i.e. novelty effect). Thus, in this project, we aim to 1) Identify, by means of literature reviews, focus groups, and interviews with the involved stakeholders, why this is happening, 2) Develop a set of guidelines for the successful deployment of serious games for rehabilitation, and 3) Develop an initial implementation process and ideas for potential serious games. In a follow-up application, we intend to build on this knowledge and apply it in the design of a (set of) serious game for rehabilitation to be deployed at one of the partners centers and conduct a longitudinal evaluation to measure the success of the application of the deployment guidelines.
In dit project wordt onderzocht welke opkomende data-gedreven ontwerptechnieken interessant zijn voor de beroepspraktijk. Doel In dit project proberen we samen met de beroepspraktijk grip te krijgen op nieuwe data-gedreven technieken in de UX-beroepspraktijk, zoals data-gedreven personas en usability mining en we proberen in te schatten hoe kansrijk deze technieken zijn. Resultaten We werken toe naar een routekaart waarin we voor elke techniek in kaart brengen op welke termijn we een rol weggelegd zien in de beroepspraktijk en welke barrières er zijn voor adoptie. Looptijd 01 januari 2021 - 01 augustus 2021 Aanpak We vergelijken eerst twee technieken die nu veel gebruikt worden: A/B Testen en biometrics. Daarna gebruiken we de lessen die we hier uit trekken om beter in te kunnen schatten wat nieuwe technieken kunnen brengen. Relevantie van het onderzoek We stellen vaak dat data-gedreven ontwerp meer is dan A/B testen. In dit project maken we concreet wat het nog meer is.
In dit project wordt onderzocht welke opkomende data-gedreven ontwerptechnieken interessant zijn voor de beroepspraktijk. Doel In dit project proberen we samen met de beroepspraktijk grip te krijgen op nieuwe data-gedreven technieken in de UX-beroepspraktijk, zoals data-gedreven personas en usability mining en we proberen in te schatten hoe kansrijk deze technieken zijn. Resultaten We werken toe naar een routekaart waarin we voor elke techniek in kaart brengen op welke termijn we een rol weggelegd zien in de beroepspraktijk en welke barrières er zijn voor adoptie. Looptijd 01 januari 2021 - 01 augustus 2021 Aanpak We vergelijken eerst twee technieken die nu veel gebruikt worden: A/B Testen en biometrics. Daarna gebruiken we de lessen die we hier uit trekken om beter in te kunnen schatten wat nieuwe technieken kunnen brengen. Relevantie van het onderzoek We stellen vaak dat data-gedreven ontwerp meer is dan A/B testen. In dit project maken we concreet wat het nog meer is.