Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: A positive association between obesity based on body mass index (BMI) and periodontitis has been reported. Fat tissue-related systemic inflammation acts as the link to periodontal comorbidities of obesity. However, the BMI is unable to distinguish fat and fat-free tissues. More precise measures are required to evaluate body composition, including fat and fat-free tissues. This study aimed to determine the sex differences in the association between dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-measured body composition (i.e., fat mass and muscle mass) and phenotypes with periodontitis. Methods: Cross-sectional data of 3892 participants from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study 2011‒2014 were analyzed. Adiposity indices (fat mass index [FMI] and percentage body fat [%BF]) and muscle mass index (MMI) were calculated. The participants were categorized by the quintiles of FMI, MMI, and %BF. Body composition phenotypes were categorized as: low adiposity-low muscle (LA-LM), low adiposity-high muscle (LA-HM), high adiposity-low muscle (HA-LM), or high adiposity-high muscle (HA-HM), respectively. Periodontitis was defined by the CDC/AAP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/American Academy of Periodontology) criteria. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted, stratified by sex. We further adjusted for white blood cell (WBC) counts in the sensitivity analysis. Results: Restricted cubic splines revealed non-linear associations between body composition indices and periodontitis risk. Women with a higher FMI (odds ratio for Q5 vs. Q1 [ORQ5vs1] = 1.787, 95% confidence interval: 1.209–2.640) or %BF (ORQ5vs1 = 2.221, 1.509–3.268) had increased odds of periodontitis. In addition, women with HA-LM phenotype were more likely to develop periodontitis (OR = 1.528, 1.037–2.252). Interestingly, the WBC count, a systemic inflammatory biomarker, attenuated these associations. No statistically significant associations were found in men. Conclusions: The association between DXA-measured body composition and phenotypes with periodontitis differs per sex. Only in women higher adiposity indices and HA-LM phenotype were associated with an increased risk of periodontitis.
OBJECTIVE: Periodontitis, mostly associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis, has frequently been related to adverse pregnancy outcomes. We therefore investigated whether lipopolysaccharides of P. gingivalis (Pg-LPS) induced pregnancy complications in the rat.METHODS: Experiment 1: pregnant rats (day 14) received increasing Pg-LPS doses (0.0-50.0 μg kg-1 bw; n = 2/3 p per dose). Maternal intra-aortic blood pressure, urinary albumin excretion, placental and foetal weight and foetal resorptions were documented. Experiment 2: 10.0 μg kg-1 bw (which induced the highest blood pressure together with decreased foetal weight in experiment 1) or saline was infused in pregnant and non-pregnant rats (n = 7/9 p per group). Parameters of experiment 1 and numbers of peripheral leucocytes as well as signs of inflammation in the kidney and placenta were evaluated.RESULTS: Pg-LPS infusion in pregnant rats increased maternal systolic blood pressure, reduced placental weight (dose dependently) and decreased foetal weight and induced foetal resorptions. It, however, did not induce proteinuria or a generalised inflammatory response. No effects of Pg-LPS were seen in non-pregnant rats.CONCLUSION: Pg-LPS increased maternal blood pressure, induced placental and foetal growth restriction, and increased foetal resorptions, without inducing proteinuria and inflammation. Pg-LPS may therefore play a role in pregnancy complications induced by periodontitis.
Het gebruik van genotsmiddelen, een onjuist samengestelde voeding, bewegingsarmoede, metabole en mentale stress evenals overgewicht verhogen het risico op parodontitis. De genoemde leefstijlkeuzes zijn (in)direct van invloed op het immuunsysteem en kunnen ontstekingsreacties ter hoogte van het parodontium initiëren. Dit verhoogt uiteindelijk de vatbaarheid voor gingivitis en parodontitis. Een volwaardige voeding in termen va macro- (eiwitten, omega 3-vetzuren) en micronutriënten (vitamines) evenals fysieke activiteit en voldoende ontspanning blijken essentieel voor een gezond parodontium. Een gezond gewicht maar vooral een buikomvang binnen de normale range, dragen eveneens bij aan risicoreductie op parodontitis. Direct door het vrijmaken van pro-inflammatoire cytokines via de adipocyten en indirect door met overgewicht samenhangende aandoeningen. Een ongezonde leefstijl leidt dus tot een grotere vatbaarheid voor parodontale aandoeningen. Adviezen ten aanzien van leefstijl vorman derhalve een onderdeel van de parodontale zorg.