Increasing urbanization and the effects of climate change will bring new challenges for cities, such as energy saving and supply of renewable energy, preventing urban heat islands and water retention to deal with more frequent downpours. A major urban surface, the surface of roofs, is nowadays hardly exploited and could be used to make cities more ‘future proof’ or resilient. Many Dutch municipalities have become aware that the use of green roofs as opposed to bituminous roofs positively contributes to these challenges and are stimulating building-owners to retrofit their building with green roofs. This study aims at comparing costs and benefits of roof types, focused on green roofs (intensive and extensive) both on building- and city scale. Core question is the balance between costs and benefits for both scales, given varying local conditions. Which policy measures might be needed in the future in order to apply green roofs strategically in regard to local demands? To answer this question the balance of costs and benefits of green roofs is divided into a public and an individual part. Both balances use a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats framework to determine the chance of success for the application of green roofs, considering that the balance for green roofs on an individual scale influences the balance on a public scale. The outcome of this combined analyses in the conclusion verifies that a responsible policy and a local approach towards green roofs is necessary to prepare the city sufficiently for future climate changes.
Increasing urbanization and the effects of climate change will bring new challenges for cities, such as energy saving and supply of renewable energy, preventing urban heat islands and water retention to deal with more frequent downpours. A major urban surface, the surface of roofs, is nowadays hardly exploited and could be used to make cities more ‘future proof’ or resilient. Many Dutch municipalities have become aware that the use of green roofs as opposed to bituminous roofs positively contributes to these challenges and are stimulating building-owners to retrofit their building with green roofs. This study aims at comparing costs and benefits of roof types, focused on green roofs (intensive and extensive) both on building- and city scale. Core question is the balance between costs and benefits for both scales, given varying local conditions. Which policy measures might be needed in the future in order to apply green roofs strategically in regard to local demands? To answer this question the balance of costs and benefits of green roofs is divided into a public and an individual part. Both balances use a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats framework to determine the chance of success for the application of green roofs, considering that the balance for green roofs on an individual scale influences the balance on a public scale. The outcome of this combined analyses in the conclusion verifies that a responsible policy and a local approach towards green roofs is necessary to prepare the city sufficiently for future climate changes.
The municipality of Apeldoorn had polled the interest among its private home-owners to turn their homes energy neutral. Based on the enthusiastic response, Apeldoorn saw the launch of the Energy Apeldoorn (#ENEXAP) in 2011. Its goal was to convert to it technically and financially possible for privately owned homes to be refurbished and to energy neutral, taking the residential needs and wishes from occupants as the starting point. The project was called an Expedition, because although the goal was clear, the road to get there wasn’t. The Expedition team comprised businesses, civil-society organisations, the local university of applied sciences, the municipality of Apeldoorn, and of course, residents in a central role. The project was supported by Platform31, as part of the Dutch government’s Energy Leap programme. The #ENEXAP involved 38 homes, spread out through Apeldoorn and surrounding villages. Even though the houses were very diverse, the group of residents was quite similar: mostly middle- aged, affluent people who highly value the environment and sustainability. An important aspect of the project was the independent and active role residents played. In collaboration with businesses and professionals, through meetings, excursions, workshops and by filling in a step- by-step plan on the website, the residents gathered information about their personal situation, the energy performance of their home and the possibilities available for them to save and generate energy themselves. Businesses were encouraged to develop an integrated approach for home-owners, and consortia were set up by businesses to develop the strategy, products and services needed to meet this demand. On top of making minimal twenty from the thirty-eight houses in the project energy neutral, the ultimate goal was to boost the local demand for energy- neutral refurbishment and encourage an appropriate supply of services, opening up the (local) market for energy neutral refurbishment. This paper will reflect on the outcomes of this collective in the period 2011-2015.
Vrijwel elk evenement heeft een backstage area waar tijdelijke stroomvoorziening op diesel worden geplaatst. Bij deze test wordt de waterstof Volta op een dergelijke backstage area geplaatst in plaats van of naast een andere tijdelijke stroomvoorziening. Tijdens de test willen de HAN en Volta in aanvulling op het RAAK-mkb project H2-Modus data verzamelen over de werking van het waterstofsysteem en de processen rondom veiligheid en vergunningen. In tegenstelling tot een eenvoudig te plaatsen dieselgenerator dient bij het plaatsen van een waterstof systeem rekening gehouden te worden met een veiligheidszone rondom het systeem. Waterstof is namelijk een zeer licht ontvlambaar en explosief gas. Een van de testdoelen is dan ook bewustwording creëren van deze extra voorzorgmaatregelen. Dit bewustwordingstraject begint al bij de aanvraag van een waterstofsysteem en loopt tot na de afbouw van het evenement. We sluiten hierbij zo veel mogelijk apparaten aan die in andere gevallen door dieselgeneratoren van stroom worden voorzien. Het is een grote uitdaging voor bedrijven om de businesscase van toepassingen op waterstof positief te maken. Het H2-Modus project ontwikkeld daarom modellen en tools die de zogenaamde Total Cost of Ownership minimaliseert en drempels in de ontwikkeling en toepassing in de praktijk minimaliseert en verwerkt dit in een waterstof handbook speciaal voor deze bedrijven. Met de data uit deze test deze modellen en tools extra gevalideerd en verbeterd worden.
Hoe kun je een koper stimuleren om niet perse de -op het eerste gezicht- goedkoopste machine of equipment aan te schaffen, maar ook te kijken naar lange termijn waardebehoud en duurzaamheid? Of andersom, hoe vergelijk je aanbod van leveranciers op een mix van criteria waaronder emissies, maar ook het lange-termijn kostenplaatje? Dit project richt zich op mkb-bedrijven in de metaal- en maakindustrie, waar veel ‘kritieke grondstoffen’ bespaard kunnen worden als er ook naar refurbish, remanufacturing en product-as-a-service gekeken wordt op het moment dat een machine vervangen moet worden. Er zal onderzocht worden in hoeverre goed gepresenteerde en samenhangende informatie over ecologische en economische duurzaamheid kan helpen bij het maken van zulke keuzes. Deze informatie wordt gepresenteerd in een beslissingsondersteunende tool. De tool moet inzicht geven over zg. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), in plaats van enkel de aanschafprijs, en in de eco-impact van verschillende alternatieven. Eco-impact wordt vaak bepaald d.m.v. een zg. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), waarin de levenscyclus van een product of dienst bekeken wordt van ‘wieg tot graf’. De TCO brengt juist de financiële aspecten (investering, beheer, onderhoud, ‘end-of-life’) over de levensduur in kaart. Maar het komen tot vergelijkbare LCA/TCO berekeningen vraagt afspraken over uitgangspunten en presentatiemethoden in een keten. In het project worden bestaande (reken)methoden op een vernieuwende wijze gecombineerd worden en in co-creatie geschikt gemaakt worden voor sales engineers en inkopers uit het werkveld. Het ontwerpgerichte onderzoek naar bruikbare presentatiemethoden en het mogelijke effect op aankoopgedrag zal vooral plaatsvinden met behulp van zg. ‘mockups’ waarmee de functionaliteit en interface van de tool iteratief getest wordt. Het eindresultaat is een advies over hoe te komen tot implementatie van de methode door de betrokken partijen. Het project kan zo bijdragen aan het introduceren van nieuwe circulaire business modellen in deze sector.
The HAS professorship Future Food Systems is performing applied research with students and external partners to transform our food system towards a more sustainable state. In this research it is not only a question of what is needed to achieve this, but also how and with whom. The governance of our food system needs rethinking to get the transformative momentum going in a democratic and constructive manner. Building on the professorship’s research agenda and involvement in the transdisciplinary NWA research project, the postdoc will explore collective ownership and inclusive participation as two key governance concepts for food system transformation. This will be done in a participatory manner, by learning from and with innovative bottom-up initiatives and practitioners from the field. By doing so, the postdoc will gain valuable practical insights that can aid to new approaches and (policy) interventions which foster a sustainable and just food system in the Netherlands and beyond. A strong connection between research and education is created via the active research involvement of students from different study programs, supervised by the postdoc (Dr. B. van Helvoirt). The acquired knowledge is embedded in education by the postdoc by incorporating it into HAS study program curricula and courses. In addition, it will contribute to the further professional development of qualitative research skills among HAS students and staff. Through scientific, policy and popular publications, participation in (inter)national conferences and meetings with experts and practitioners, the exposure and network of the postdoc and HAS in the field of food systems and governance will be expanded. This will allow for the setting up of a continuous research effort on this topic within the professorship via follow-up research with knowledge institutes, civic society groups and partners from the professional field.