Dienst van SURF
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In de geestelijke gezondheidszorg wordt in toenemende mate wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan, vooral in het kader van opleidingen. Er is onbekendheid met de regelgeving en ethiek bij beginnend onderzoekers. Zorgvuldige overwegingen - conform de richtlijnen voor good clinical practice (gcp) en medisch-ethische toetsing, worden daardoor lang niet altijd gemaakt. DOEL Beschrijven van praktische handvatten en stimuleren van het medisch-ethische denken bij patiëntgebonden onderzoek in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. METHODE In dit artikel wordt een op de praktijkbehoefte gebaseerd overzicht van praktische handvatten en ethische overwegingen gegeven. RESULTATEN Dit artikel benadrukt dat onderzoekers reeds vóór de start van het onderzoek belangrijke afwegingen dienen te maken. Instructies daarvoor en richtlijnen voor medisch-ethische toetsing zijn te vinden in: het richtsnoer voor good clinical practice, het stroomschema van de Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (ccmo) met de bijbehorende e-learningmodule en in de basiscursus ‘Regelgeving en organisatie voor klinisch onderzoekers’(brok). Praktische tips, geïllustreerd met voorbeelden, schetsen een kader om het medisch-ethisch denken te stimuleren. Tot slot is het van belang om de organisatorische inbedding van onderzoek in het kader van opleidingen te verbeteren. CONCLUSIE Basisinformatie over gcp en medisch-ethische toetsing bij patiëntgebonden onderzoek is via diverse kanalen beschikbaar. De uitdaging zit vooral in de inbedding van gcp in patiëntgebonden onderzoek door beginnend onderzoekers in de ggz.
Debates about social theory and social policy are highly fragmented and unclear in subject and direction. A recognised paradigm is failing. Maybe we have to accept that social reality is not to reconstruct in social theory. But we certainly need social theorists and social theories to support citizens, policy makers and social workers in improving social reality. Social reality in post modern societies is to be characterized by problematic relationships among citizens and between citizens and the public sector and by a sharp rise in problematic behaviour. The affluent society has failed to create a more sensitive world where people behave more socially. The dominant social problem is no longer seen from a social economic perspective but from a social cultural one. Social competences and social capital are considerer to be essential assets to cope with life in post modern society. For people weak ties and thin trust are essential to integrate into society. Thick trust and strong ties can bind people to much and cause inflexibility. The current social problem is a matter of designing a social world where relationships and behaviour are fair and reasonable. It asks for an interesting and creative social policy and social work, not too much stressing the problematic issues but encouraging people to trust each other. Current social policy is too much focused on the needs and problems. It has to change into a more expressive social policy, a policy that people challenges to express them and to create new relationships. Social behaviour asks for flexibility and creativity, for being authentic and playing roles. Scientists, policymakers, social workers and citizens are in the same field and have access to the same knowledge.
Demand Driven Care plays a key role in the modernization of the Dutch health care system. This modernization is needed because a) clients needs for care increases quantitatively as well as in diversity, b) the financial means for collective services are inadequate, c) the accessibility of health care will depend on clients own responsibility, and d) shortage of professional care givers is foreseen. In the Netherlands, the need for professional care givers increases with an average of 2% every year. Demand Driven Care is an instrument for liberalization of public activities. The Faculty Chair Demand Driven Care focuses on those activities that will contribute to sufficient care supply. Within the program of the chair, activities are executed under the theme of Integrated Care, Substitution, Patient Centred Care, and Home Care Technology with an emphasis on gerontechnology. The Faculty Chair wants to contribute to a better integration and coherence in care. So that clients live and function independently as long as possible and are able to enhance their self management. In addition, health care professionals should be aware of demand driven processes and should have a demand driven attitude towards clients.