Dienst van SURF
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Compared to macroeconomic factors, the financial situation of the individual may provide better insight into the relationship between debt and crime. However, the relationship between debt and crime is still unclear and little is known about the causality of this relationship and the factors that influence it. To obtain more insight into this relationship, a systematic and scoping literature review was conducted. Five articles were analyzed in the systematic review, and 24 articles in the scoping review. The results of the systematic review show a strong association between debt and crime whereby debt is a risk factor for crime, especially for recidivism and regardless of the type of crime, and crime is a risk factor for debt. The scoping review provided additional and in-depth insight, and placed the results of the systematic review in a broader perspective. Moreover, it emphasized the prevalence of debt among offenders, regardless of age, and identified the factors that influence the relationship between debt and crime.
Het begrip high impact crime is niet echt meegegroeid met de veranderingen in de samenleving. Hoogste tijd dus om opnieuw na te denken over wat de high impact crimes van deze tijd eigenlijk zijn. Online slutshaming hoort daar zeker bij. Die erkenning is belangrijk zodat de jonge vrouwen die het treft weten dat ze niet alleen staan.
Highlights•Crime scene investigations are accompanied by cognitive challenges.•Introducing technologies at crime scenes requires research into the human factor.•Mobile technologies can impede the investigation without studying the impact.