Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Objectives: Current study explores the potential of the safety rating scale in order to determine the surplus value for evidence based practise. This study wants to contribute to this knowledge gape by exploring the safety scale by analysing the change between two safety ratings. First, the absolute change in safety is investigated. Secondly the study explores to what extent family background characteristics and case management characteristics determine the extent of change in perceived safety. Materials and Methods: The study analysed 105 Dutch child protection cases who had registration files with filled out LIRIK checklist, Action Plan and additional baseline safety and end safety measure as perceived by case managers. Results: On average perceived safety increased from an insufficient level to sufficient level. Significant regression coefficients with larger changes for primary school children (6 - 12 years) and lower changes for children within the ‘socio economic problems cluster’. The results reveal significant vulnerability for preschool children and families attending the socio-economic cluster due to limited improvement. Conclusion: According to this study the safety measure can be of value to outcome monitoring. The safety measure is a practical measure that reflects on the current state of safety within a family according to professionals and can be used on several occasions during case management. In addition, on aggregated level pre and post measures can be analysed for quality management purpose. Further exploration of this measure is needed. Publishers article: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecpe/ECPE-10-00873.php
In the 1980s there was a lot of discussion about whether monitoring special conditions should be a probation task, and whether this can be combined with offering help and assistance. The authors show that this discussion has been settled by introducing a specific knowledge base for probation work. They outline a number of important developments in recent decades: the focus on risk and the enforced framework, and the great influence of new technology. Nevertheless, an important basis for probation remains unchanged: the quality of the contact between probation officer and client.
Het expliciteren van duurzaamheidsbeleid is van groot belang voor woningcorporaties. Corporaties horen maatschappelijk verantwoord te ondernemen, maar het is van belang te bedenken dat dit directe invloed kan hebben op de betaalbaarheid en de kwaliteit van het wonen. Duurzaamheid is daarmee in feite een kernwaarde van woningcorporaties en daarmee ook een belangrijk onderwerp voor commissarissen van woningcorporaties. In deze handreiking worden aanknopingspunten gegeven waarmee Raden van Commissarissen1 (verder: RvC), in samenspraak met het bestuur, een toezichtskader op duurzaamheid kunnen formuleren. De handreiking vormt daarmee een thematische verbijzondering van de algemene handreiking voor het toezicht- en toetsingskader van woningcorporaties.