Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Dark homogenous fungal-based layers called biofinishes and vegetable oils are keyingredients of an innovative wood protecting system. The aim of this study was todetermine which of the vegetable oils that have been used to generate biofinishes onwood will provide carbon and energy for the biofinish-inhabiting fungus Aureobasidiummelanogenum, and to determine the effect of the oil type and the amount of oil on thecell yield. Aureobasidium melanogenum was cultivated in shake flasks with differenttypes and amounts of carbon-based nutrients. Oil-related total cell and colony-formingunit growth were demonstrated in suspensions with initially 1% raw linseed,stand linseed, and olive oil. Oil-related cell growth was also demonstrated with rawlinseed oil, using an initial amount of 0.02% and an oil addition during cultivation. Nilered staining showed the accumulation of fatty acids inside cells grown in the presenceof oil. In conclusion, each tested vegetable oil was used as carbon and energysource by A. melanogenum. The results indicated that stand linseed oil provides lesscarbon and energy than olive and raw linseed oil. This research is a fundamental stepin unraveling the effects of vegetable oils on biofinish formation.
Bitumen is a highly valued and much used roofing material, but as an oilbased, non-renewable product, bitumen is now no longer sustainable. In response to this growing need to produce more sustainable construction materials, Icopal bv, Algaecom and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences collaborated on the study to replace part of the fossil oil by Algal oils.
Oil extraction from Andean lupin beans (Lupinus mutabilis SWEET) via supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) was studied on both lab scale and pilot scale. On the lab scale, the effect of pressure, solvent-to-feed ratio (S/F), sample particle size and temperature on oil yield were evaluated. The oil quality (fatty acid [FA] composition and tocopherol content) were investigated. Five-hour scCO2 extraction yielded about 86% oil of Soxhlet extraction (using hexane as solvent). The fraction of unsaturated FA rose with extraction pressure at specific time. High tocopherol contents were detected in oils extracted at low pressure. An increase in temperature was unfavorable to oil and tocopherol yield, thereby confirming the validity for preserving oil extract quality under a mild scCO2 extraction condition. Oil quality and yield did not have identical optimum settings, opening up possibilities for producing different qualities of oils. Pilot-scale extraction offered comparable oil yield to lab-scale extraction at similar S/F ratio. Economic evaluation showed that it is promising to implement industrial scale scCO2 process for lupin oil extraction. It was predicted that, at a specific industrial scale of extraction (2 × 1000 L, 550 bar, 40°C and S/F of 24), the manufacturing cost of oils got close to actual commercial production cost.
This project is to investigate Circular Calcium Carbonate (CCC) that is produced by pyrolysis from paper waste in an innovative process developed by the company Alucha Management B.V. (Alucha) located in Arnhem. Although there is a need to use circular materials in rubber formulations it has not yet been proven that the replacement of mined white fillers (e.g. Kaolin, Calcium Carbonate) by CCC in rubber applications is possible without a significant impact on the processing properties and part performance. The scope of this project is to investigate the use of Circular Calcium Carbonate (CCC) in various rubber formulations and articles made thereof.
The SMEs participating in the NUTSHELL-project approached Avans to assist them in evaluating the pyrolytic extraction of valuable oils from Cashew Nut Shell (CNS). CNS is waste generated in the production of edible cashew nut. For the 2017 the predicted cashew nuts crop yield is 3 million tons; resulting to 2 million tons of CNS waste. CNS contains circa 30-35% brown viscous liquid, called Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) , this is a natural resin containing valuable components, for example cardanol, cardol and anacardic acid. CNSL and its derivatives have several industrial uses as biobased additives, polymeric building blocks and biodiesel. Part of the CNSL can be extracted during the roasting process prior to separating the shell and nut kernel. The shell waste still has a relatively high CNSL concentration that can be isolated by solvents or pressing (expeller). Expeller process is simple and not capital-intensive; therefore it is commonly used in a small scale production. The main disadvantages of the method are the relatively high energy consumption and its low oil recovery, the level of oil in the press-cake remains 3 to 5%. The residual oil produces harmful gases in burning hence hindering the use as fuel. Also the resulting cake is too dense to be further processed to charcoal or other useful application; hence forming a significant waste stream. One of the main advantages of the pyrolysis route as envisaged by the SME partners is using the total CNS biomass. The objective of this project is to study a process where in the pyrolytic isolation of CNSL oils is achieved and the remaining cake can be further pyrolysed to form charcoal or biochar.
Aanleiding: De Waddenzee is een van de grootste wetlands op aarde met een uniek landschap en een uitzonderlijk rijke natuur. Veel economische sectoren (visserij, industrie, scheepvaart en toerisme) zijn afhankelijk van een gezonde Waddenzee. Er bestaan verschillende rampenbestrijdingsplannen die moeten helpen voorkomen dat olie de Waddenzee bereikt of moeten zorgen dat de schade beperkt blijft. Het is belangrijk dat bestuurders een goed inzicht hebben in de consequenties, zowel ecologisch als economisch, van die verschillende bestrijdingsacties. Op dit moment is dit inzicht nog niet voldoende. Er is dringend behoefte aan een tool die de ecologische en economische effecten van olie en oliebestrijding in de Waddenzee eenvoudig doorberekent en visualiseert. Doelstelling De vragen die het project stelt, zijn: " Wat zijn de effecten van olieverontreiniging en de bestrijding hiervan op de Waddenzee? " Op welke manier kunnen we dit voor de betrokken professionals objectief inzichtelijk maken? De deelnemers aan het project onderzoeken het effect van olieverontreiniging op het Waddengebied. Ze kijken daarbij naar het effect op zowel de ecologische als de economische waarden. Vervolgens onderzoeken ze welke bestrijdingstechnieken er mogelijk zijn. Met de uitkomsten van het onderzoek realiseren de deelnemers een bestrijdingseffecttool voor scenarioanalyses. Verder ontwikkelen ze een vereenvoudigd verplaatsingsmodel dat voorspelt waar en hoeveel olie aanspoelt onder gegeven omstandigheden. Beoogde resultaten De concrete resultaten van dit project zijn onder andere: " een vereenvoudigd verplaatsingsmodel voor olie op de Waddenzee; " een bestrijdingseffecttool voor studiedoeleinden, waarmee hypothetische ramp- en bestrijdingsscenario's doorgerekend kunnen worden tot een objectieve effectscore. De projectgroep zorgt voor de gebruikelijke communicatie en disseminatie die nodig is in een RAAK-project, door middel van nieuwsbrieven, een website en symposium. Verder is er specifiek aandacht voor het opzetten van een kennisnetwerk. Dit kennisnetwerk biedt mogelijkheden zoals het inroepen van experts voor gastcolleges, het aanbieden van relevante stages of het verzorgen van excursies.