Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper describes the results of a second year Expo project team of Fontys Engineering, department Mechanical Engineering. During this research the design of a configurable damped spring design has been investigated. A calculation tool has been defined and validated using a Nylon 3D printed spring prototype. Also a theoretical design of a stainless steel spring has been made including stress calculations. Finally characterization tests on damping properties have been performed.
The aim of the present work was to control phytopathogens associated to mango decay by exposure to antifungal thyme oil-starch/agave fructans microcapsules in Nylon sachets. Fusarium pseudocircinatum, Alternaria alternata, Neofusicocum kwambonambiense, Cladosporium pseudocladosporioides, and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides were isolated from mango fruits and its mycelial growth was 100% inhibited with 5 μL of thyme oil. Thyme oil was microencapsulated with modified starch/agave fructans by spray drying. Thymol content, size, and shape of microcapsules were evaluated. Antifungal sachets were prepared by filling Nylon bags (4 × 4 cm) with different doses of thyme oil microcapsules: 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 g. The mycelial growth of all microorganisms was controlled with 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 g of antifungal sachets. The incidence (75 and 65%) and severity (77 and 41%) of C. gloeosporioides were effectively reduced in mango, respectively, using 0.10 and 0.20 g of antifungal sachets.
Op 22 mei 2007 is ir. Ger Brinks bij Saxion in Enschede geïnstalleerd als lector Smart Functional Materials. Als lector richt Ger Brinks zich op de ontwikkeling en vermarkting van hoogwaardig textiel. Zijn lectoraat richt zich ook op onderzoek naar de voorwaarden voor innovaties in functionele materialen. Daarbij werkt het lectoraat intensief samen met vooraanstaande kennisinstellingen. Dit boekje bevat de tekst van de lectorale rede van Ger Brinks. Bedrijven in de textielsector bevinden zich vaak in een spagaat: enerzijds staan ze voor de uitdaging om zich (verder) te richten op hoogwaardige technologie en designs, anderzijds moeten ze kostenbewust opereren, wat vaak leidt tot uitbesteding en inkoop van textiel in ontwikkelingslanden. Textielbedrijven kunnen zich onderscheiden door kennis, innovatie en creativiteit toe te passen in de ontwikkeling van hun producten. Het leggen van de verbinding tussen creativiteit, techniek en businessmodellen is de kern van succesvol en onderscheidend ondernemen, waarbij functionaliteit hét sleutelbegrip is. Deze driehoek is de kern van het onderwijs waarbij textiel niet alleen spannend is, maar ook maakbaar moet zijn en vermarktbaar onder economisch rendabele condities met minimale milieu-impact. Het lectoraat speelt in op de erkenning van het belang van kennis en creativiteit van deze branche voor de Nederlandse economie en het grote belang van materiaaltechnologie.
The textile and clothing sector belongs to the world’s biggest economic activities. Producing textiles is highly energy-, water- and chemical-intensive and consequently the textile industry has a strong impact on environment and is regarded as the second greatest polluter of clean water. The European textile industry has taken significant steps taken in developing sustainable manufacturing processes and materials for example in water treatment and the development of biobased and recycled fibres. However, the large amount of harmful and toxic chemicals necessary, especially the synthetic colourants, i.e. the pigments and dyes used to colour the textile fibres and fabrics remains a serious concern. The limited range of alternative natural colourants that is available often fail the desired intensity and light stability and also are not provided at the affordable cost . The industrial partners and the branch organisations Modint and Contactgroep Textiel are actively searching for sustainable alternatives and have approached Avans to assist in the development of the colourants which led to the project Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project proposal. The objective of the Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project is to develop sustainable, renewable colourants with improved light fastness and colour intensity for colouration of (biobased) man-made textile fibres Avans University of Applied Science, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, Maastricht University and representatives from the textile industry will actively collaborate in the project. Specific approaches have been identified which build on knowledge developed by the knowledge partners in earlier projects. These will now be used for designing sustainable, renewable colourants with the improved quality aspects of light fastness and intensity as required in the textile industry. The selected approaches include refining natural extracts, encapsulation and novel chemical modification of nano-particle surfaces with chromophores.
The textile and clothing sector belongs to the world’s biggest economic activities. Producing textiles is highly energy-, water- and chemical-intensive and consequently the textile industry has a strong impact on environment and is regarded as the second greatest polluter of clean water. The European textile industry has taken significant steps taken in developing sustainable manufacturing processes and materials for example in water treatment and the development of biobased and recycled fibres. However, the large amount of harmful and toxic chemicals necessary, especially the synthetic colourants, i.e. the pigments and dyes used to colour the textile fibres and fabrics remains a serious concern. The limited range of alternative natural colourants that is available often fail the desired intensity and light stability and also are not provided at the affordable cost . The industrial partners and the branch organisations Modint and Contactgroep Textiel are actively searching for sustainable alternatives and have approached Avans to assist in the development of the colourants which led to the project Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project proposal. The objective of the Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project is to develop sustainable, renewable colourants with improved light fastness and colour intensity for colouration of (biobased) man-made textile fibres Avans University of Applied Science, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, Maastricht University and representatives from the textile industry will actively collaborate in the project. Specific approaches have been identified which build on knowledge developed by the knowledge partners in earlier projects. These will now be used for designing sustainable, renewable colourants with the improved quality aspects of light fastness and intensity as required in the textile industry. The selected approaches include refining natural extracts, encapsulation and novel chemical modification of nano-particle surfaces with chromophores.
The textile and clothing sector belongs to the world’s biggest economic activities. Producing textiles is highly energy-, water- and chemical-intensive and consequently the textile industry has a strong impact on environment and is regarded as the second greatest polluter of clean water. The European textile industry has taken significant steps taken in developing sustainable manufacturing processes and materials for example in water treatment and the development of biobased and recycled fibres. However, the large amount of harmful and toxic chemicals necessary, especially the synthetic colourants, i.e. the pigments and dyes used to colour the textile fibres and fabrics remains a serious concern. The limited range of alternative natural colourants that is available often fail the desired intensity and light stability and also are not provided at the affordable cost . The industrial partners and the branch organisations Modint and Contactgroep Textiel are actively searching for sustainable alternatives and have approached Avans to assist in the development of the colourants which led to the project Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project proposal. The objective of the Beauti-Fully Biobased Fibres project is to develop sustainable, renewable colourants with improved light fastness and colour intensity for colouration of (biobased) man-made textile fibres Avans University of Applied Science, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, Maastricht University and representatives from the textile industry will actively collaborate in the project. Specific approaches have been identified which build on knowledge developed by the knowledge partners in earlier projects. These will now be used for designing sustainable, renewable colourants with the improved quality aspects of light fastness and intensity as required in the textile industry. The selected approaches include refining natural extracts, encapsulation and novel chemical modification of nano-particle surfaces with chromophores.